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2011 iLeap Review 2011

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1 2011
iLeap Review 2011

2 SCIENCE AS INQUIRY SCIENTIFIC METHOD: 1. Which one is out of order?
a. State the problem b. Gather information c. Form a hypothesis d. Analyze data e. Perform an experiment f. Draw conclusions 1. Which one is out of order? A B C D E F

3 Elements most often found in living organisms
2. C 3. N 4. H 5. O 6. P 7. S 8. Ca 9. Fe On your test paper, write the letter of the element and the name that it stands for (example: Fe=Iron)

4 10. What does a plant cell have that an animal cell doesn’t?
Cell wall Vacuole Mitochondrian cytoplasm

5 11. _______-protects & gives shape 12
11._______-protects & gives shape 12._______________-regulates balance between cell & the environment 13.___________-constantly moving gel mixture inside cell membrane that contains heredity material 14.___________- controls all the activities of the cell and contains heredity material.(proteins & DNA)

6 15._______________-breaks down lipids & carbohydrates.
16.____________- structure in which cells make their own protein 17._________________moves materials around in a cell. (smooth & rough) 18.________________-package cellular materials and transport them within or out of cell.

7 19. ___________-a type of passive transport that occurs when water diffuses through a cell membrane.
20. __________-a type of transport when molecules move from an area where there are more of them to fewer of them.

8 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Photosynthesis is: CO2 + H20 Sugar + O2 21. What does the arrow represent? a. glucose b. light energy c. soil

9 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Respiration is: Sugar + O2 CO2 +H20 + ????? 22. If Respiration is the opposite of Photosynthesis, then what does the arrow represent? a. glucose b. energy c. soil

10 23.__________ respiration-any organism that uses oxygen for respiration.
24.__________ respiration-an organism that does not use oxygen for respiration.

11 Human Life Cycles Stages after birth: 25. Put them in order #1-5
Infancy Adolescence Older Adulthood Childhood Adulthood

12 Genetics & Reproduction
26. ______ reproduction: one parent organism produces offspring without meiosis or fertilization. 27.______ reproduction:the genetic material from two different cells-a sperm and an egg-combine, producing an offspring.

13 Mitosis-True/Fals3 28. During Mitosis, the nucleus and its contents divide. 29. A cell spends most of its life growing & developing during Interphase. 30. Interphase is the 1st phase of the Cell Cycle and the mitotic phase is the 2nd phase.

14 Meiosis I True or False? 31. The phases in Meiosis I are in this order: Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, and Telophase I 32. The phases in Meiosis II are in this order: Prophase II, Anaphase II, Metaphase II and Telophase II

15 33.The study of heredity started with the work of ____________and his
pea plant garden He was an Austrian Monk that lived in the mid 1800’s.

16 Mendel’s cross between tall pea plants yielded all tall pea plants
Mendel’s cross between tall pea plants yielded all tall pea plants. His cross between small pea plants yielded all small pea plants. X = X = 35. 34. Mendels’ cross between tall pea plants and small pea plants yielded all tall pea plants. 36. x =

17 37. Mendel then crossed these second generation tall pea plants and ended up with 1 out 4 being ________. x =

18 Mendel’s work led him to the understanding that traits such as plant height are carried in pairs of information not by single sets of information. Carrying the information are chromosomes. 38. Chromosomes are made up of sections called ________ Genes are made up of ________.

19 DNA D.N.A. - Deoxyribonucleic Acid Which can be matched?
a. Guanine b. Cytocine c. Thymine d. Adenine On your paper, write The pairs that match… 40. Guanine (a) to ________ 41. _________ to __________

20 Genetics 42. Small sections of DNA are responsible for a ______.
43. These small sections are called ______.

21 T. Trimpe 2008
Punnett Practice #1 T. Trimpe

22 44. Predict the offspring from a cross between a purebred tall pea plant and a hybrid tall plant. Use T for tall and t for short. (a) Give the genotypes Purebred Tall = ____ Hybrid Tall = ____ (b) Create a Punnett square to determine the genotypes for the offspring. (c) What is the probability that a plant would be tall? _______ % (d) What is the probability that a plant would be short? _______ % 45. Predict the offspring from a cross between two hybrid tall pea plants. (a) Give the genotype for a hybrid tall plant. ______ (c) What is the probability that a plant would be tall? _____ % (d) What is the probability that a plant would be short? _____ % (e) If you were to plant 100 seeds from this cross, how many would you expect to be tall?

23 Monocot & Dicot 46.Where is the cotyledon found on the dicot? a a. b.

24 METAMORPHOSIS-write the name of the stage for each.
47. 48. 49. 50.

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