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Review Chapter 13.

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1 Review Chapter 13

2 Elt Frequency 121.5 and 243.0 Battery
1 hour of cumulative use One half the battery useful life Test during 5 minutes after the hour

3 Diverting for Emergencies
Time is of the essence Turn to new course as soon as possible Use rule of thumb computations, estimates and shortcuts

4 Engine Temperature Oil cools the internal portion of the engine
High temperature is often a sign of low oil level

5 Heating System Heating in most aircraft is by exhaust manifold-type
Crack in the system can allow carbon monoxide into the cabin If your aircraft backfires during run up, have it checked

6 Engine Failure(Takeoff)
Lower the nose and maintain a safe airspeed

7 Turbulence Slow to maneuvering speed Maintain a level attitude
Do not chase the pitot static instruments

8 Spatial Disorientation
Rely on instrument indications Ignore body sensations

9 Emergency Descent Reduce the throttle to idle
Roll into a bank angle of approximately degrees Set propeller to low pitch ( High RPM)

10 Emergency Descent Extend landing gear and Flap as recommended by the manufacturer Do not exceed VNE, VLE, VFE, or VA if turbulent

11 Best Glide Speed Gear and Flaps retracted
Propeller to low RPM (High Pitch) Pitch Trim

12 Best Glide Speed Checklist
Any deviation from the best glide speed will reduce the distance you can glide

13 Lost Procedures Climb Communicate Confess Comply Conserve

14 Lost Procedures Radar DF Steer Emergency Frequency 121.5

15 Flotation Gear Readily available for each occupant if being flown for hire when beyond power-off gliding distance from shore

16 Night Emergency Landing
Plan to land in an unlighted portion of an area Select a landing areas close to public access if possible

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