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Published byDustin Shelton Modified over 6 years ago
TAM Training Contents: Login Main TAM Screen Changing Passwords
Student Demographics Academic Progress Student Absences Other Features Overview Reports Setup Options Entering Marks Posting Marks
TAM Login The User ID Is not case sensitive. The password must be at
least 8 characters with 2 non alpha (do not use the numbers at the beginning of the login). The database is: lea140.
TAM If students have been added or withdrawn from your class, this
popup will appear. You need to click Check All then click OK. The popup will go away until a new student is added or withdrawn.
TAM Main Screen
Changing Passwords
(You can also access “My Preferences” through Setup Options.)
Changing Passwords (You can also access “My Preferences” through Setup Options.)
Changing Passwords
Changing Passwords
Changing Passwords
Main TAM Screen TAM automatically defaults to “Today’s Classes”. As a security device, the roster will not populate until you click on the class. If you have classes on alternate days, uncheck to see all classes. Main Points: remind school trainers the LEA140 is the actual database. For training, we will use LEA15TRN.
Student Demographics
Student Demographics One of the major benefits of NC WISE to teachers is access to student information. To access information on an individual, click on the student’s name at the right.
Student Demographics Click on the Basic Demographics button.
Student Demographics This is the basic Demographics screen.
(this data is view-only for teachers, only Data Managers can enter or change data)
Student Demographics The second tab takes you to the Parents / Emergency Contacts screen.
Student Demographics The third tab takes you to any Medical information / alerts for this student.
Student Demographics The fourth tab takes you to the student’s schedule. NOTE: Both semesters are listed.
Student Demographics The fifth tab takes you to Observations Journal. This enables the teacher to maintain a continuous log of progress and observations. This is private unless Shared Access is checked.
Student Demographics To add an observation for a student, first click on the Add button. Date, time and teacher name will automatically be inserted for you.
Student Demographics Click on the drop-down arrow under Type.
Choose either Class or Private.
Student Demographics Click on the Shared Access box if you would like the student’s other teachers to see your observations.
Student Demographics Click inside the Narrative box and type your observation. When finished, click on the Save icon.
Student Demographics The sixth tab gives teachers “view” access to the current teams in which the student participates. The seventh tab is used on a limited basis and the final tab is not used at all.
Student Demographics With this screen, as with all other Demographic screens, click on the Door icon to exit.
Academic Progress Academic Progress shows the individual student’s current grades in your class without displaying other students’ information. Select the student and click on Academic Progress button. Main Points: this is a way of looking up an individual student’s grades without displaying the grades of other students.
Academic Progress When assignments are in the gradebook, they are displayed here. This also provides access to grades earned from a previous NCWise school. You have the option of printing this information by clicking on the Printer icon.
Academic Progress To return to the Main screen, click on the Door icon.
Student Absences Teachers can also view attendance information for individual students. Select the student and click on the Student Absences button.
Student Absences This screen allows the teacher view-only access to attendance information for a student. To return to the Main screen, click on the Door icon.
Other Features Overview
There is additional information available by clicking on the Other Features button. Remember to select a student first.
Other Features Overview
A dialog box appears listing additional information available. The feature you will probably use the most is the Standardized Testing button.
Other Features Overview
All Standardized Tests are listed here. You can access the scores by highlighting the test and looking here for scores.
Reports Many reports are available to teachers.
Click on the Report button to access those available.
Reports This is the Reports menu.
The following slides show some examples of various reports.
Report Examples Class Record
Report Examples Birthday List
Report Examples Medical List
Report Examples Emergency Contacts List
Report Examples Field Trip List
Report Examples Class List with Marks
This report is used at the end of the grading period to verify your grades.
Setup Options
Setup Options There are some options that MUST be completed prior to entering marks. Click on the Setup Options button.
Setup Options The Setup Options dialog box should default to Preferences. Click on the Preferences button.
Setup Options – My Options
Leave at “Total Points” and choose “Report Cycle”. If you check “Use assessment weights”, all assignments count the same. (When you set up assignments you can make them count twice, etc.) Teachers need to set their default order of assignments to ASCENDING. They like to use Descending but there is a bug that causes erroneous marks when selected.
Setup Options – My Options
If you check “Use assessment type weights”, you must make sure that the assessment types add up to 10 or 100 in My Preps. Do not use “Category weights” or “TAVG% ”
Setup Options – My Options
You may want to adjust your Failure Threshold. You may also want to adjust the number of columns to be displayed on your gradebook. (50 is a generous number.)
Setup Options – My Options
Unless you have a special grading system, you need to leave the “Numeric Score Default” at 100. Failure Threshold allows you set up a warning system since “failures” are displayed in a different color. It is a good idea to check “Delete assessments at year end”.
Setup Options – My Options
In Other Settings, you need to check the first two and leave the third box unchecked. Always SAVE when you have completed this page.
Setup Options - Preps Click on the My Preps tab
Setting Up Preps Before entering marks, each class must be linked to a Prep. To begin setting up a Prep, click on the ADD button. Important: Do not type in General, etc. under Prep Descriptions. This will populate automatically after you save your prep.
Setting Up Preps Special Note to High Schools and those schools who have Semester classes: At the start of a new year, set up preps only for 1st Semester classes. You will need to return to this at Semester and set up preps for the 2nd Semester.
Setting Up Preps Enter a description for this class.
This will be the name that populates the previous screen when you save it. Type it here. It is a good idea to add a year to the name- General so if it is copied over the next year, you will know which prep to delete.
Setting Up Preps Link your classes by clicking on the Select Classes button. Special Note: You must set up a different prep for year long classes and semester classes. Don’t add both to the same prep.
Setting Up Preps A window with your assigned classes will open.
Special note: Do not check Second Semester Classes until Second Semester. Self-contained classes do not need to be checked either. After checking the appropriate classes, click on OK.
Setting Up Preps After selecting your classes, the Report Cycles will automatically populate. Click on the Add button to enter a Prep Category.
Setting Up Preps After clicking Add, type in the Category name, General works well here, then check the Default box.
Setting Up Preps To enter a Prep Assessment Type, click the Add button.
Setting Up Preps Your Assessment Type choices will pop up.
Scroll down and check the assessment types you will be using. If you want everything to count the same, use General.
Setting Up Preps After making all your choices, click the OK button to close this dialog box.
Setting Up Preps Put a check in the Default Assessment Type box.
If you have chosen more than one assessment, choose the one you will be using the most as the default. Click the SAVE icon to save your choices.
Setting Up Preps Click the Door icon to return to the My Preps screen.
Setting Up Preps Notice the “General” prep description appeared on line one. It is a good idea to label this with a year when you set it up on the previous screen. Click the Save icon to save your Preps.
Setting Up Preps Click on the Door icon to return to the Setup Options screen.
Setting Up Preps Click on the OK button to return to the Main TAM screen.
Entering Marks
Entering Marks To access the gradebook, select the correct class and click on Spreadsheet.
Entering Marks You can confirm or change the class you are working with here. Before you do anything, make sure you have the correct Reporting Period.
Entering Marks-Sequence
Notice the student whose name is in red? This means that the student has been removed from this class. Some teachers are bothered by the name being in the list. This can’t be removed but you can move it to the top and out of the way by…
Entering Marks-Sequence
…returning to the TAM starting page and putting a “1” in the sequence column by all students. Notice that the student who has withdrawn is not on the list here. By placing a “1” by all the others, that leaves the withdrawn student with no number and is placed at the top of the sequence. Be sure to Save Sequence to keep it.
Entering Marks To add an assignment, click on Add Assessment.
Entering Marks The Name can be anything you want to use. The Short Name is what will appear above the column in the spreadsheet so you need to keep it short. In most cases, you will want to leave the Score Type as Numeric Mark and leave the Score Max at 100.
Entering Marks The Assign Date, Due Date, and Create Date will automatically populate with today’s date. It is important that these be filled in but be aware that if you create them on a day that is not a school day, the Assign Date and the Due Date must be changed to a school day within the range of the grading period.
Entering Marks If you checked Use Assessment Weights in My Options when you did Setup, you have an option to make this assignment count more. If you want the grade to count twice, put a two in Weight.
Entering Marks It is very important that you choose the correct Category and Assessment Type. The wrong Category or Assessment Type can affect your averages.
Entering Marks At this point you need to SAVE.
Your options at this time are to Add This Assignment to Other Classes or to start Entering Marks.
Entering Marks When entering marks, be sure to use numeric grades. The system needs the numbers to average. You also have the option to indicate if a student is exempt from the assignment or if the assignment is late.
Entering Marks Another way to enter marks is to use the Condensed Mark Entry.
Entering Marks With the Condensed Mark Entry, all the student names are displayed so that you do not have to scroll down to access them. Tab takes you horizontally and the down arrow takes you vertically.
End of 9 Weeks Reporting Period and Posting Marks
Entering Marks At the end of a 9 week period, you will need to access the Reporting Term Marks. This is where you check to see if the averages are correct and you can add comments for the report card. You will have a second opportunity after you start the posting process.
Entering Marks If you have maintained the gradebook, you will see the numeric average and the alpha grade. You have the option of manually changing the alpha grade if you need to. To add comments (for progress reports) click on Go to Comments Entry Screen.
Entering Marks Comments from My Comments or School Comments must be entered for each individual student If you wish to copy the same comment to the entire or majority of the class, type the comment on the first line and use the Copy First Comment Down button Exceptions may be entered before or after using the Copy First Comment Down button. These comments will appear on progress reports but not on report cards.
Entering Marks Comments entered for individual students were not replaced with the Copy First Comment Down button. Notice: Patricia, Georgia, Brett and Randy’s comments did not change. Save and Exit out the Door when complete. Remember Save Early, Save Often
Entering Marks Exiting the Comment screen brings you back to this screen. Click on Go to Mark Entry Screen.
Entering Marks This is your Mark Entry screen.
This screen shows you the previous grade and at the end of the reporting period, it will show the averages for the students in this class for the current reporting period. Your choice of comments on this screen will appear on the report card. Save and exit.
Entering Marks Exiting the Mark Entry screen brings you back to this screen. DO NOT CLICK THE CALCULATE FINAL BUTTON UNLESS IT IS THE END OF A SEMESTER COURSE OR YEAR COURSE and the grade is a final grade. Save and Exit out the Door.
Mark Entry If you are not using the gradebook, you need to go to Mark Entry to report your grades. This is used mainly by teachers who give alpha grades or those who teach 9 week classes that culminate in a final grade. Everyone else should be using the full TAM.
Mark Entry This screen shows a list of all classes. Be sure to choose the correct reporting period. Highlight the correct class and click on Students.
Mark Entry Click on the question marks to add comments to the report card. Make sure, when you are finished confirming grades and adding comments, that you click on Mark entry is complete. Save and go out the door.
Mark Entry Special Note:
Some classes only give S, O, U, etc. and it is ok to list those grades here. However, if you are giving grades that will be averaged and you (for some reason) have been given permission to only post the final grade, make sure you record a numeric grade. DO NOT USE ALPHA GRADES…it can’t average accurately.
Posting Marks Exiting the Reporting Period Marks screen brings you back to this screen. Verify that you have the correct Reporting Period displayed. If not, use the down arrow to find the correct Reporting Period.
Posting Marks Click on the Post Marks To Report Card button.
Posting Marks This Warning box prompts you to confirm you want to Post Marks to eSIS. Click on YES to continue.
Posting Marks You are asked if you want to post your Marks with Numeric or Alpha characters. The default is Numeric. YOU MUST CHOOSE BY ALPHA!!!
Posting Marks After you have clicked By Alpha …
…click on the OK button.
Verifying Marks Click on the Printer icon to verify your Marks.
Verifying Marks This is the verification report you will see on your screen (you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed).
Verifying Marks You can either review the report on screen (use scroll bar to scroll to bottom) or you can print a copy by clicking on the printer icon.
Verifying Marks To close this report view, click on the X in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Saving Marks You can make corrections on this screen. Note that changes you make here will be highlighted in a burgundy color. The number in the TA column remains the same and would need to be adjusted in the gradebook to reflect the change in the term average. Once all Marks are correct, click on SAVE.
Mark Entry Screen Click the “Go To Mark Entry Screen”.
Mark Entry Screen These are the grades to be reported on the Report Cards. You can also choose comments from this screen. When finished, be sure to check “Mark entry is complete”. Be sure to SAVE and Exit.
Posting Marks Save. Exit.
Posting Marks (continued)
Click on the Continue button to finish Posting.
Posting Marks (continued)
You will return to this screen. Click on the SAVE icon. Click on the Door to return to the Main TAM screen.
Exiting TAM You will return to this screen.
Click on the Door to exit TAM.
Exiting TAM Click on OK to continue exiting TAM.
Closing Browser Always remember to click on the X to close your Internet browser and free the bandwidth.
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