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University of Palermo, Italy, May 26, 2016

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1 University of Palermo, Italy, May 26, 2016
Paolo Monella Diplomatic or interpretative? The digital scholarly edition beyond old crossroads Digital Scholarly Editing Theories, Models and Methods. La filologia al bivio? University of Palermo, Italy, May 26, 2016

2 Beyond old crossroads Diplomatic edition NEL Meço delcamin din(ost)ra . uita mi ritrouai p(er) vna selua oscura . 3 che ladiricta uia era ismarrita . Et quanto adire ellera cosa dura esta selua seluaggia aspra (et) forte 6 che nelpensier rinoua lapaura Tante amara che poche piu morte Interpretative edition Nel mezzo del camin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, 3 ché la diritta via era ismarrita. E quanto a dire ell’era cosa dura esta selva selvaggia, aspra e forte 6 che nel pensier rinova la paura! Tant’è amara che poch’è più morte; Angiola Miele,

3 Beyond old crossroads mezzo MS A MS B Meço mezo

4 Beyond old crossroads mezzo Meço mezo Critical edition (Pierazzo)
“Museum” edition (Vanhoutte) MS A MS B Diplomatic edition (Pierazzo) “Archive” edition (Vanhoutte) Meço mezo

5 Beyond old crossroads mezzo Meço mezo Digital diplomatic edition
(Pierazzo) MS A MS B Meço mezo

6 Linguistic sub-system
Beyond old crossroads mezzo Linguistic sub-system Sub-systems (Orlandi) MS A MS B Graphic sub-system Meço mezo

7 Vercelli Book

8 Vercelli Book

9 Vercelli Book

10 Vercelli Book

11 favoremInterpretative
Vercelli Book favoremInterpretative MS A ST B fauorēDiplomatic favoremDiplomatic

12 Menota

13 favor(em)Dipl(omatic)
Menota favoremNorm(alized) favor(em)Dipl(omatic) favoremDipl MS A ST B fauorēFacs(imile) favoremFacs

14 Textual layers

15 Textual layers Parola: [favor, -oris, acc., sing.]
Alfabemi: f a v o r e m Grafemi: f a v o r e m

16 Textual layers

17 Textual layers Word: [favor, - oris, acc. sing.]
Alphabemes: f a u o r e m Graphemes: f a u o r ē

18 Textual layers Post-Gutenberg: 1 graphic system (graphemes set etc.)
1 alphabet (alphabemes set) AAAA ↔ P (spelling) Sequential 1 G ↔1 A Pre-Gutenberg Many graphic systems Many alphabets: u/v, i/j, þ (thorn), Greek H Many spellings Bidimentional: ῳ, 1 G ↮ 1 A

19 [conviva, -ae, gen. sing ]Word
Textual layers [conviva, -ae, gen. sing ]Word conuiueAlphabemes convivaeA MS A MS B c̄uiueGraphemes convivaeG

20 Textual layers Orlandi, T. Informatica testuale. Teoria e prassi, Laterza, 2010 Describing Handwriting, Part IV: Recapitulation and Formal Model, in the blog

21 Textual layers

22 Linguistic sub-system
Oltre un vecchio bivio mezzo Linguistic sub-system Sub-systems (Orlandi) MS A MS B Graphic sub-system Meço mezo

23 Ursus Code conuiueAlphabemes c̄uiueGraphemes [conviva, -ae,
Ursus Beneventanus, De nomine <w ana="11A---B1--1" lemma="conviva" n="conuiuae"> <choice> <expan>con</expan> <abbr type="superscription"> c<am>¯</am> </abbr> </choice> uiue</w> [conviva, -ae, gen. sing ]Word conuiueAlphabemes c̄uiueGraphemes

24 Ursus Innovations from Orlandi
Edition on many semiotic layers (sub-systems) “Table of signs”

25 Ursus Visualization

26 Ursus Visualization

27 Ursus Visualization

28 Ursus Visualization

29 Ursus Visualization

30 Ursus Visualization

31 Ursus Visualization lemma= "conviva" ana="11A---B1--1"
1: nominal (noun or adjective 1: positive (not comparative) B: second declension B1: singular genitive / masculine 1: base form

32 University of Palermo, Italy, May 26, 2016
Paolo Monella Diplomatic or interpretative? The digital scholarly edition beyond old crossroads Digital Scholarly Editing Theories, Models and Methods. La filologia al bivio? University of Palermo, Italy, May 26, 2016

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