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State Governments.

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1 State Governments

2 State governments Each state has an executive branch just like the federal government, this is called a unitary system in which all power resides in a central government In the federal government the president is in charge of the executive branch. In a state government the governor is in charge of the executive branch. Michigan’s Governor is Rick Snyder (Republican)


4 State Governments Governor is the chief executive of the executive branch makes sure laws are enforced In charge of state militia/ national guard Writes state budget Propose bills

5 State Governments Executive power with governor
Governor may veto any bill Governor has the right to an “item Veto” or be able to veto any certain part of a bill A governor has the right to extradite a person from another state who is guilty of a crime Governor can reduce or overturn sentences for people convicted of crimes (pardon- to forgive any crimes committed)

6 State governments Governor must be 25-30 years old Four year terms
Certain states have time limits on how long a governor can serve. (MI- 8 years) Lieutenant governor- second in command of governor

7 State governments Education comities are the single biggest responsibility of the state executive branch They manage everything from the amount of school days, to what is taught in schools

8 States also regulate… States are responsible for public assistance.
Medicare medicaid bridge card WIC Foodstamps Title 8, 9 low income housing

9 States regulate… States regulate public policy
Public policy is any issue that concerns or effects people and how the government deals with it. Public Policy issues are: Gay marriage, legalization of Marijuana, Death penalty

10 States are divided into
States are divided into districts or apportioned by population. Michigan has 14 districts each with a different representative

11 State legislature Initiative- process by which citizens can propose laws This includes all people proposing how something can be changed or petitioned Referendum- is the process by which voters approve or reject something

12 Recall The process to remove an elected official from office
In 2003 California recalled governor Gray Davis, for not doing a good job and elected Arnold Schwarzenegger

13 Ways states make money Revenue – is income, anything you make
States make income through taxes Sales tax- tax on goods or service Excise tax- tax on certain goods like alcohol, gasoline, tobacco (also known as sin tax) Income tax- tax on the earnings of what you make Bonds-certificates people Buy from the government Make sure you pay your taxes by April 15th!

14 State courts The state courts manage things that violate state law and deal with the real issues of people Divorces, making wills, drunk driving, robberies, and murders

15 State courts Three levels of state courts Civil and criminal courts
Appeals courts State supreme court

16 Selection of judges Missouri plan
Judges are pre chosen based on merit, or ability They are then approved or denied by the governor Finally they are then placed on the ballot and voted on by the people

17 Judges Judges vary in terms from 4-15 years
Rhode island term is for life Other states terms are until age 70 Judges in MI are elected by popular vote, and can be replaced every 4 years

18 Differences in courts Shopping mall cases
In California state case for passing out leaflets was upheld in court because their was more protection of free speech in state constitution In Oregon for the same situation the people passing out leaflets were not protected under the 1st amendment because the state laws were not as strict

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