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Unit 13: Rise of Dictators, Great Depression, & World War II Overview

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1 Unit 13: Rise of Dictators, Great Depression, & World War II Overview

2 Unit Summary As a result of World War I, the world saw a severe economic depression. Deep seated animosities festered and led to the rise of political dictators in Europe. The totalitarian governments of Germany, Italy, Japan, and Russia which appeared during this time of economic depression seemed to Europeans to offer security. In reality, these same governments soon ignited world-wide conflict.

3 Big Ideas The aftermath of WWI led to depressions throughout Europe and contributed to the Great Depression in the United States. Weary of war, western democracies allowed dictators to rise to power and eventually plunged the world into a second devastating war. Major medical and technological developments before and during the war radically changed the world.

4 Essential Questions What were the causes and global consequences of the Great Depression? What was the reason for the rise of dictators such as Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Tojo/Hirohito after World War I? What were the causes of World War II? How did the use of sonar, radar, antibiotics, and the atomic bomb affect the outcome of WWII? How did the Allies finally defeat the Axis Powers (include both fronts, the Normandy invasion and the atomic bomb)?

5 World War II Major Causes
The Treaty of Versailles and the Great Depression helps bring about the rise of dictators and totalitarian governments. Appeasement led to the build up of the German, Italian, and Japanese militaries.

6 Political Causes The harsh treatment of Germany by the Treaty of Versailles led to an unstable Weimar Republic and the perception of the Germans by the rest of Europe made it much easier for Hitler to become elected. Appeasement emboldened the Germans and lead to the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. The invasion on Poland lead to Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union declarations of war on Germany.

7 Political Effects Occupation of Germany, Italy and Japan led to Westernization. The atomic bomb leads to an East-West division in the Cold War. The Allied Powers divide Germany in order to avoid another aggressive Germany and another World War. Decolinization occurred around the world. Removal of Jews from Europe at the end of World War II and the creation of Israel.

8 Economic Causes The depression in Italy led to the election of Benito Mussolini in the 1922. The Treaty of Versailles led to an unstable economy in Germany, including the payment of 30 billion dollars in war reparations The Japanese sought to offset the Great Depression by seeking raw materials and markets through imperialistic expansion into China and the Pacific.

9 Economic Effects The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 led to America’s entry into the war, which helps end the Great Depression in America because of the rapid industrialization and mobilization of manpower. At the end of World War II, the development of the Marshall Plan sought to help bring about recovery Europe.

10 Social Causes The treatment of Germany by the Treaty of Versailles led to ill-will among Germans towards the rest of Europe. Japanese nationalism, coupled with their militarism and imperialism helps lead to the push into China and the Pacific.

11 Social Effects The atomic bomb led to people living for the now, the creation of fallout shelters, and fatalism in art and music. Removal of Jews from Europe at the end of World War II and the creation of Israel. Deaths of millions between the fighting of the wars, the Holocaust and Stalin’s purge of political enemies. The increased Westernization despite the decolonization Increase in globalization Men from former colonies get the vote. There is an increase in voting rights worldwide. There is an increase in women’s rights in India, Egypt, China, Soviet Union, Great Britain, France, and the United States. There is an increase in civil rights.

After World War I, the United States emerged as a major creditor and financier of post-war restoration. The Treaty of Versailles gave Germany massive war reparations ( billion dollars). Britain and France needed to rebuild and the US Banks loaned to them; however, when US banks began to fail the US banks stopped loans and asked for their money back. This leads to the global economic downturn.

13 Economic The increase in printing money to pay off reparations leads to severe war inflation. The cost of World War I and the decline in the labor force The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was a billion loss in four days.

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