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AD Horn upgrade HV generators

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1 AD Horn upgrade HV generators
TE-ABT-KSC V. Namora

2 Scope baseline: - Upgrade switches (replace ignitrons with mercury)
- Leak trays installation (environmental protection) TE-ABT-KSC V. Namora

3 Parts to be bought with the remaining budget:
- All Mechanic parts necessary to built 20 switches (18 operation + 2 spares) (price inquiry ongoing, estimation of ~70kCHF) Cost Baseline: (150 kCHF – to buy mechanical parts, trigger transformers, diodes and manpower to assemble switches) (60 kCHF – to buy leak trays, polymer laboratory & other accessories) (35 kCHF – mainly manpower to disassemble & assemble cubicles) (15 kCHF - mainly manpower to assemble cubicles in B.195) - Total of ~260kCHF TE-ABT-KSC V. Namora

4 Schedule Baseline: (to assemble the switches, not installed in the cubicles) (disassemble old cubicles, install new switches, leak trays and others small upgrades) (installation of cubicles in B.195) The assembly of the switches during 2017 allows to relieve manpower during the LS2. FSU Needs: 0,5 FTE.years TE-ABT-KSC V. Namora

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