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WRITING A PARAGRAPH Elizabeth Celeste Coiman-Lopez, BAT, MS.

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1 WRITING A PARAGRAPH Elizabeth Celeste Coiman-Lopez, BAT, MS.
6/2/2018 WRITING A PARAGRAPH Elizabeth Celeste Coiman-Lopez, BAT, MS. Houston Community College, School of Continuing Education

SUPPORTING IDEA #1: Explains the Main Idea. DETAIL 1: Example DETAIL 2: Example T SUPPORTING IDEA #2: Explains the Main Idea. DETAIL 1: Example DETAIL 2: Example SUPPORTING IDEA #3: Explains the Main Idea. DETAIL 1: Example DETAIL 2: Example Concluding Sentence: Summarizes the Main Idea. Similar to, but not exactly as the topic sentence. HAMBURGER STRUCTURE

3 RULES: Think of as many ideas as possible related to your topic. Don’t worry about whether the ideas are good or bad. Write down all the ideas you can think of. TOPIC: My Goals Financial Health Music Entertainment Friends Family BRAINSTORMING

Provides the main idea of the paragraph. OPEN SENTENCE: all 3 ideas are named: SPECIFIC For example: The three most popular pets in the United States are dogs, cats, and fish. WRITE: First, write the sentence about dogs. Then write about cats. Finally, write about fish.  NOTE: You can use an OPEN SENTENCE for the  topic sentence and a CLOSED SENTENCE for the concluding sentence or reverse it. CONCLUDING SENTENCE: Used to end the paragraph. Topic sentence and concluding sentence should include the same information, but not the same exact words. CLOSED SENTENCE: animals are generally mentioned but NOT named: GENERAL For example: These are several animals that Americans prefer as pets at their homes. TOPIC SENTENCES vs CONCLUDING SENTENCES

RULES THREE (3) SUPPORTING IDEAS giving information, descriptions, or reasons about the main idea. TRANSITION WORDS for each idea. TWO (2) DETAILS giving examples and explaining each idea. Write one sentence for each supporting idea and each detail. TRANSITION WORDS First, Next, Last, First, Second, Third, Generally, Furthermore, Finally, In the first place, Also, Lastly, To be sure, Additionally, Finally, In conclusion,…(concluding sentence) SUPPORTING IDEAS AND DETAILS

6 Life Goals WEB ORGANIZER 1. Financial 2. Health 3. Music 1. Debts
WEB GRAPHIC ORGANIZER TITLE: ________________________ NAME: _________________________ 1. Debts 2. Travel 1. Exercise 2. Healthy eating 1. Financial 2. Health Life Goals 3. Music 2. Favorite 1. Instrument WEB ORGANIZER

7 Use COMPLETE SENTENCES with Topic Sentence, Supporting Idea, and Concluding Sentences.
DO NOT use contractions when you write academically. TITLE Goals TOPIC SENTENCE    There are three important goals in life that can help you be happier, like having stable finances, good health, and enjoying music. SUPPORTING IDEA #1 First, having financial security will help you to appreciate life. DETAIL #1 DETAIL #2 Debts Travel SUPPORTING IDEA #2 Next, being healthy is very important so you can feel well and be happy. Exercise Healthy eating SUPPORTING IDEA #3 Last, enjoying music is an important factor to keep up with life’s problems. Instrument Favorite CONCLUDING SENTENCE In conclusion, working hard toward these goals will help you to be happier and to enjoy life to the fullest. OUTLINE

8 Life Goals (Title in the center)
Heading ___________________ (Your Name) Mrs. Coiman-Lopez (Your Instructor’s Name) HCC – Writing (Subject) April 10, (Date) First Draft (Draft #) Life Goals (Title in the center) Indent There are three important goals in life that can help you be happier, like having stable finances, good health, and enjoying music.  First, having financial security will help you to appreciate life. Paying all debts is important in order to have extra money for other things you want to do. You can travel anywhere you want to go, and you can meet new people while you visit your family. Next, being healthy is very important so you can feel well and be happy. Eating healthy is an important step toward feeling well. Exercising regularly can keep the body in shape and improve your life. Last, enjoying music is an important factor to keep up with life’s problems. Practicing a musical instrument or learning to play a new one, will help you have a sense of accomplishment. At the same time, singing or listening to a favorite music can transport you far away from any problem you might have. In conclusion, working hard toward these goals will help you to be happier and to enjoy life to the fullest. SAMPLE PARAGRAPH

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