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Dr Sonja Robnik Gender sensitive legislation vs gender unbalanced division of domestic and care work Dr Sonja Robnik

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1 Dr Sonja Robnik
Gender sensitive legislation vs gender unbalanced division of domestic and care work Dr Sonja Robnik

2 Talking points Legislative framework of the reconciliation of work and private life in Slovenia + some figures Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunites as an employer Pilot project of harmonized and coherent local community approach to the issue of reconciliation of work and family life with the emphasis on active fatherhood

3 Reconciliation legislation
Employment Relationship Act Less favourable treatment of workers in connection with pregnancy or parental leave is discriminatory. Parents of school children: the right to take at least one week of their annual leave during school holidays. Overtime or night work: only prior a written consent of the worker – parent: - if a child is under the age of three - if a child is under the age of seven or a child who is severely ill or a child who is in need of special care + it is one parent family Breastfeeding break (minimum one hour/day): for a child under the age of 18 months and the worker – mother works full time. Parental Protection and Family Benefits Act The right to work part-time: when having two (or more) children until the younger child finishes first year of primary school. Leaves: - maternity leave - parental leave - paternity leave (when the baby is born and the mother is on maternity leave) + 25 paid days in (after the end of parental year – 1 year)

4 1976 2003 2013 105 days mother 260 days can be shared Paternal leave
( days by 2006) 2013 Maternity leave: 105 days Each parent: 130 days: => mother can transfer 100 days => father can transfer 130 days Paternal leave: => 25 paid + 25 with social security contribution days from 2017

5 When reality strikes … "... If I can't, he steps in; if we're both there, we both do, of course. But I think, that I am still the first one in line to get her to bed, to wash her." Mother of a baby girl in a survey entitled Perspektive novega očetovstva v Sloveniji (Perspectives of new fatherhood in Slovenia), 2005.

6 Gender Equality Index – EIGE (2015)

7 Employment rate, 20 – 64 y.o. Source: Eurostat

8 Part-time employment (share in total employment)
Vir: Eurostat

9 Employed women Employed men Number of hours/week Housekeeping tasks 14
10 Care for children 25 15 Eurofond, 2012 10 h/week 520h/year = 22 days = 65 working days (8h/day)

10 Absence from work due to care for an ill family member (2013):
M: days (18 %) W: days (82 %) (Part) of 260 days of parental leave (2011): M: 1.538 Paternity (dady’s) leave (2013): Up to 15 days: fathers Remained 75 days: fathers

11 Presence of fathers at birth by statistical regions
SLOVENIJA Pomurska Podravska Koroška Savinjska Zasavska Spodnjeposavska Jugovzhodna Slovenija Osrednjeslovenska Gorenjska Notranjsko - kraška Goriška Obalno - kraška 2002 60,7 41,8 51,7 32,1 54,3 65,8 41,3 44,3 77,4 68 60,8 73,1 64,9 2013 76,8 52,9 59,3 63,3 74,9 89,8 69,5 64,1 87,5 84,6 88,9 87,1 83,0 Source: NIJZ

12 „He sort of helps me…" – Gender equality and reconciliation of work and family life
Şource: Google Pictures

13 Yes, I have already changed my job due to better reconciliation of work and family life

14 Yes, family conditions were already an obstacle for me not to change my job eventhough I wanted to do it.

15 Yea, I have already gave up promotion due to family responsibilities.

16 Men: how often were you ALONE with your child until he/she was 1 year old?

17 I rather do my own clothes as they are washed better.

18 I rather do the house cleaning by myself as it is done better.


20 Ministry as an employer

21 Measures These measures (very) much affect
Flexible working hours (from 6.30) Team for the reconciliation Teleworking Communication with employees Opinion research among employees PR & brochure Trainings of the management Reconciliation questions included in the annual employee development dialogue Re-integration after long-term absence Minister‘s greeting card to new-borns Assessment of heads/directors Trainings/lectures for parents/partners Children in the organisation

22 From theory to practice

23 Opinion & needs identification
Workshops/ trainings Guidelines/ handbooks Documentary Promotional spots Role models Activities in schools Activities in childcare Activities for policy makers


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