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Good Morning  Please be sure to take care of your belongings.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning  Please be sure to take care of your belongings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning  Please be sure to take care of your belongings.
Turn around and face the back ready for announcements. If you come in late, just have a seat. You may sign the tardy log and take care of your belongings AFTER announcements.

2 AOT, BSA 1, & BSA 2 5/18 & 19/17 Essential Question: How can obtaining a certification help you not only with your education, but also in your career search? Bell Work: Work on your current assignments. I will: use Gmetrix to prepare for certification in my area of study. Use the test prep booklet to practice for certification. use MSOffice Suite to create documents for my LEOC project

3 AOT, BSA 1, & BSA 2 5/18 & 19/17 BSA 1 Standards: BSA 2 Standards:
AOT Standards: 18.0 – Demonstrate knowledge, skill, and application of information systems to accomplish job objectives and enhance workplace of performance. Apply ergonomic principles applicable to the configuration of computer workstations. 20.0 – Demonstrate mathematics knowledge and skills. 21.0 – Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing and interpreting information and ideas. 22.0 – Solve problems using critical thinking skills, creativity and innovation. 24.0 – Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communications in order to accomplish job objectives and enhance workplace performance. Practice quality performance in the learning environment and the workplace. Perform administrative office functions and responsibilities to accomplish job objectives and enhance workplace performance. Participate in work-based learning experiences. BSA 1 Standards: 36.0 – Use technology to increase administrative office support productivity and workplace performance. 37.0 – Use information technology tools.. 38.0 – Participate in administrative work-based learning experiences. BSA 2 Standards: Use technology to increase administrative office support productivity and enhance workplace performance. 57.0 – Participate in administrative support work-based learning experiences. 61.0 – Demonstrate personal money-management concepts, procedures, and strategies.

4 AOT, BSA 1, & BSA 2 5/18 & 19/17 AOT PowerPoint
Test Prep Booklet to prepare for certification Target test day: Thursday, May 18 BSA 1 & 2 Outlook in Microsoft Office 2013 Test Prep Practice through Gmetrix – one score each week!!!! Word Expert: MOS 2013 Study Guide Practice through Gmetrix - one score each week!!!! Exit Activity In what ways do you see one of your LEOC projects connected to everyday life?

5 Digital Information Technology 5/18 & 19/17
Essential Question: How can I improve my job marketability for today’s workplace? Bell Work: If you did not get your bell work signed yesterday, see me within the next 5 minutes. If you did get it signed, please work on your project. I will: Create a PP related to change and the “cheese book”

6 Digital Information Technology 5/18 & 19/17
Standards: 11.01 Analyze personal skills and aptitudes in comparison with various business related job and career options. 11.02 Use career resources to develop an information base that reflects local and global business related occupations and opportunities for continuing education and workplace experience. 11.03 Demonstrate job-seeking skills required for entry-level employment, including resume, cover letter, thank you letter, online/hard copy application, mock interview, and follow-up call. 11.04 Design, initiate, refine and implement a plan to facilitate growth and skill development related to anticipated job requirements and career expectations. 11.05 Demonstrate an awareness of specific job requirements and career paths (e.g., requirements, characteristics needed) in business environments. 11.06 Demonstrate an awareness of the potential impact of local and global trends on career plans and life goals. 11.07 Describe the importance of building community and mentor relationships in a variety of professional and workplace situations. 11.08 Simulate work-based projects in an information technology environment. 12.01 Demonstrate awareness of the following workplace essentials: quality customer service; business ethics; confidentiality of information; copyright violations; accepted workplace rules, regulations, policies, procedures, processes, and workplace safety, and appropriate attire and grooming. 12.02 Demonstrate ways of accepting constructive criticism on team projects within the workplace. 12.03 Apply appropriate strategies to manage and resolve conflicts in work situations. 12.04 Demonstrate human relations, personal and interpersonal skills appropriate for the workplace, including: responsibility, dependability, punctuality, integrity, positive attitude, initiative, respect for self and others, and professional dress. 17.01 (ongoing) Read and comprehend technical and non-technical reading assignments related to course content, including manuals, books, magazines and electronic sources. 17.02 (ongoing) Use listening, speaking, telecommunication and nonverbal skills and strategies to communicate effectively with supervisors, co-workers, and customers.

7 Digital Information Technology Essential Questions: How can I improve my job marketability for today’s workplace?? /18 & 19/17 Review project instructions Create your PP for your project Exit Activity: What connection did you make this week that made you say, “AHA, I get it!”? I will create a PP related to change and the “cheese book.”

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