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What made the oxygen in our atmosphere?

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Presentation on theme: "What made the oxygen in our atmosphere?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What made the oxygen in our atmosphere?

2 What evidence tells us what the early atmosphere was like?
O-free minerals/rock followed by O-rich minerals/rocks Amino Acids could not form in an oxygen environment

3 What element makes up ozone?
Oxygen O3

4 What had to form before land life could form on Earth?

5 What process makes oxygen?

6 What are the two major gases in the present atmosphere?
N= 78%; O=21%

7 Where is most of the air located on the planet? Why?
Ground level, due to gravity

8 What is the purpose for this process? What is/are the waste products?
C6H12O6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O + Energy What are the reactants? What are the products? What is the purpose for this process? What is/are the waste products? Gluose & Oxygen CO2/H2O, & Energy To make energy CO2/H2O

9 6 CO2+ 6 H2O + Sun --> C6H12O6 + 6 O2
What is this process? What are the products? What are the waste products? What is the purpose for this process? Photosynthesis Glucose and Oxygen Oxygen To make glucose

10 What is a carbon sink? Any place which can store carbon, such as atmosphere, oceans, rocks, soil, living organisms

11 What is the connection between altitude and air pressure?
As altitude rises, air pressure decreases

12 What determines how air moves?
High and Low pressure systems; air moves from H to L pressure

13 How does temperature change with altitude?
Temp. decrease w/ alt. in the troposphere, rises in the stratosphere due to ozone, drops in the mesosphere because of no ozone, and rises in the thermosphere. Temps. level off at the pauses.

14 In what part of the atmosphere do you find the Exosphere and ionosphere?

15 What do humans do to destroy the ozone?
Create chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

16 Explain how ozone is destroyed.
CFC, takes an O atom from O3; The ClO mole. Is broken by a free O atom to make an O2 mole and frees up a Cl atom to break another O3 mole. UV radiation

17 What are the three ways energy moves in the atmosphere and which if these ways is the primary way?
Conduction, Radiation, and Convections- Convection is the primary way to move energy.

18 What happens to the Sun’s energy as it enters Earth’s atmosphere?
It is reflected by clouds and surface, absorbed by the soil, water, clouds, and eventually radiates back as long wave radiation

19 Does all of the Sun’s energy leave the planet? Explain.
Most leaves, but some stays due to the Greenhouse Effect and keeps the planet warm

20 What is the pressure at approximately 20 km above the surface?
~ 50 mb What is the altitude if the pressure is 200 mb? ~12 km

21 1. What is the coldest part of the atmosphere?
Mesopause What happens to temperature in the Troposphere as elevation increases? Temperatures Drop What are the regions where the temperatures reverse themselves? Pauses

22 Explain the Carbon/O cycle
CO2 is taken in by plants for photosyn. to make food and release O2. The O2 is taken in by animals for cell. resp. and CO2 is released as a waste.

23 Explain the Nitrogen Cycle
Free N2 is taken in by N-fixing bact. And turned into N- compounds. Those N- comp. are used by plants, eaten by animals which then release n-comp. as they produce waste, die and decay. Bact. turn these comp. back into N2.

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