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SCIENCE Vocabulary Part 1.

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1 SCIENCE Vocabulary Part 1

2 The leaf acts as a „food factory” using the energy from sunlight.
PETAL The petal is often brightly coloured and scented to attract pollinating insects Parts of flower LEAF The leaf acts as a „food factory” using the energy from sunlight. ROOT The root carries water and nutrients from the soil to the plant and keeps it anchored in the ground

3 Name the parts of flower

4 Vocabulary Energy – Energy is used whenever work is done. Food gives you chemical Energy, for example. Other forms of Energy include sound, heat, light and electrical Energy. Leaf – a leaf is the food factory where a plant uses sunlight to make Energy. Nutrients – the goodness in food eaten (or in the case of plants, in the soil) is known as nutrients. This would include vitamins and minerals.

5 Vocabulary Petal – a petal is the part of a plant that is brightly coloured and sometimes scented to attract insects to plant. Pollinating – this is the name of a proces carried out by insects or the wind as pollen is carried out by insects or the wind as pollen is carried from one plant to another. Root – the part of a plant that anchors it in the soil.

6 The Internal Parts of Flower
stigma stamen anther ovules ovary

7 Fill in the missing words

8 Vocabulary Ovules – These are the flower’s eggs, located inside the ovary. Upon fertilization by pollen, they will eventually grow into a seed. In fruit plants, pollen will not only spark the growth of a seed, but a surrounding fruit as well. Anther is responsible for the production of pollen, which will hopefully be transported by animals or insects, such as bees.

9 Vocabulary Stigma – The head of the pistil. The stigma receives pollen, which will begin the process of fertilization. Ovary – This organ holds the ovules awaiting fertilization. Stamen – This is the male organ of the flower.

10 Vocabulary Stamen – pręcik Stigma – znamię słupka Ovary – zalążnia
Ovules – zalążki Anther - pylnik Petal – płatek Leaf – liść Root – korzeń

11 Find words Stamen – pręcik Ovary – zalążnia Anther – pylnik
Petal – płatek Leaf – liść Root – korzeń S Q W T Y I K L D G P E A N H R M U O C F V

12 Choose the best word to complete the sentences:
The stigma/petal/root receives pollen, which will begin the process of fertilization. Anther/leaf/petal is responsible for the production of pollen, which will hopefully be transported by animals or insects. Root/petal/leaf is the part of a plant that anchors it in the soil. Root/anther/leaf is the food factory where a plant uses sunlight to make Energy.

13 W prezentacji wykorzystano grafiki pochodzące z następujących witryn internetowych:

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