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South West Water’s innovative responses

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1 South West Water’s innovative responses
ESKTN & IWA Catchment Management conference Oxford Town Hall, 21 November 2013 South West Water’s innovative responses Martin Ross, Rainstorms Devon Ltd and Chairman, the Rivers Trust

2 Presentation content Why adopt catchment management? Techniques in use
Outcomes and further plans

3 1. Why adopt catchment management?

4 Strategic mains and river transfers
The South West Water supply system is based on three strategic reservoirs which can support each other and supply all parts of our operating area. In addition, significant flows are transferred east to Wessex Water from Exmoor and to address global warming effects, these transfers can be increased at an acceptable cost in future when required. Strategic mains and river transfers

5 Surface waters provide 94% of needs

6 Strategic resources & pumped storage

7 Walkham Head, Dartmoor – peat loss
Immediately downstream of a former peat cutting area, water has started to erode causing a deep gully, losing peat to water. Dry peat exposed to the air will gradually oxidise and be lost as carbon dioxide. Walkham Head, Dartmoor – peat loss

8 Dartmoor colour trend from drying
Global warming and droughts are causing drying out of upland peat and its loss to water and the atmosphere as CO2. Dartmoor colour trend from drying

9 Drought and wildfire risks

10 Some water still comes from here
Some of the water we depend on comes from places like this, so it’s in our customers’ interest to address the cause of the problems. Some water still comes from here

11 Downstream assets need more security

12 2. Techniques in use

13 2009 – Initial work on eroded ditches

14 £4.1m restoration within National Parks

15 Primary schools measuring changes

16 2,000ha to improve 3,000ha SSSI* * Sites of Special Scientific Interest

17 ‘Upstream Thinking’ for farmed land

18 £4m to 2015 to improve 700 farms

19 3. Outcomes and further plans

20 Moss and sphagnum recovery

21 Innovation – radically cheaper surveys

22 Results: rainfall in - top, out - lower

23 Carbon releases down 2012 to 2013

24 Biodiversity and WFD delivery

25 Third sector delivers ‘Upstream Thinking’

26 Slurry storage is key to water protection

27 Overwintering barn; reservoir just below

28 Pesticide detections down in Penwith
Upstream Thinking has led to close engagement with farmers and a good rate of reduction in pesticide detections in a West Cornwall reservoir. Pesticide detections down in Penwith

29 Valuing grazing to control wildfires

30 Valuing best managed water provision

31 Valuing carbon capture and storage

32 Safeguarding our water cycle to the sea

33 Questions and Answers

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