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Karl Heinz Rosenbrock Director General, ETSI

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1 Karl Heinz Rosenbrock Director General, ETSI
“SOS Interop” II Sophia Antipolis, September 2005 Standards, open standards & Interoperability the “SOS Interop” initiative Why and how? Karl Heinz Rosenbrock Director General, ETSI

2 We spotted a set of inter-related issues
Why are we here today? We spotted a set of inter-related issues that may/will impact our common future: What is the impact of market evolution on the stakes and ways to achieve interoperability? What is the impact of ICT market evolution on intellectual property in standards making? What is an open standard? Is there a way to build consensus on a definition?

3 As a major player in the standards arena ETSI took the initiative to take a pro-active approach
Discuss with and consult stakeholders: industry, policy makers, regulators, administrations, trade associations, users Understand the stakes/analyze implications Try to elaborate common solutions “It’s not peace we’re seeking, it’s meaning”

4 SOS Interop I Very good response and feedback from stakeholders, both speakers and audience A variety of positions and viewpoints expressing a diversity of approaches A consensus that topics and timing were key to the ICT industry and that ETSI should continue its efforts Handover to Members Discussions have been ongoing since then (web forum) Increasing number of stakeholders in the discussion

5 SOS Interop II Global participation
A day and a half event to allow for more debate (and more networking) Additional views will be presented in the plenary sessions Three break out sessions - moderated by Members - which aim at taking the discussions on each track further

6 Overall Objective Ensure standardization addresses those issues
that are unanimously recognized as critical to ICT industry Ensure ETSI plays a role in this endeavour Provide a platform for discussion Help find time-to-market solutions If relevant and agreed upon by stakeholders, adapt ETSI's ways and means to meet the challenges

7 Track 1: Interoperability
Specific Objectives Track 1: Interoperability Further explore/discuss the stakes/goals of ‘Interoperability’ and common (SDO) ways to achieve them Moderator: Hans van der Veer, ETSI Board Interoperability evangelist Track 2: Open standards Create a new dynamic on ‘open standards’ that meets all ICT players needs and gets their support Moderator: Jean Pierre Henninot, French Ministry of Industry Track 3: IPRs in standards Agree on a problem definition of the IPR issues and propose ways forward Co-moderators: Markus Muenkler, Vodafone and Karl Heinz Rosenbrock, ETSI Director-General

8 The temptation can be strong to
Why do it in ETSI? The temptation can be strong to Seek solutions in ad-hoc groups catering for the specific needs of a category of players Set up new organizations ETSI is in a position to best help its Members Global industrial membership > market recognition Connected to policy makers, regulators and administrations > institutional recognition A global player in standardization

9 Before we get started We thank you for the support we've received for this initiative which touches upon complex and sensitive issues We believe the SOS Interop initiative is a great opportunity to progress together We also believe that participation of all stakeholders is key to ensure balanced discussions Whilst aiming at taking all necessary measures to remain a premier SDO worldwide, ETSI is committed to ensure this balance and representation of all viewpoints

10 Thank you

11 Logistics Plenary session will be in Amphi Athena on both days.
Presentations 20 minutes/Q&As 10 minutes after each slot Time keeping will be draconian! Break out sessions: 20th from 14:30 to 16:30. Separate rooms (Athena, Amphi Iris and Iris 6), all with WiFi, computer projection and paper boards. We asked at registration who wanted to attend which breakout session in order to allocate rooms. Members and non Members have different colour badges Lunches at France Telecom Restaurant (across the road) Dinner in Opio on Tuesday evening > bus leaves at 18:45 in front of main lobby, and will bring us back to ETSI afterwards.

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