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Cycles of Matter - Biogeochemical Cycles

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1 Cycles of Matter - Biogeochemical Cycles
Objective: 12E - Describe the flow of matter through the carbon & nitrogen cycles & explain the consequences of disrupting these cycles

2 All matter cycles…it is neither created nor destroyed; it is just transformed
Unlike the one-way flow of energy, matter is recycled within & between ecosystems. Elements pass from one organism to another and among parts of the biosphere through closed loops called biogeochemical cycles, which are powered by the flow of energy.

3 What is Carbon? Carbon (C) is an element that is in all living things.
Molecules containing C linked to H are called Organic. H = Hydrogen

4 Carbon Cycle Talk about Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration The movement of carbon from the environment into living things and then back again.

5 Carbon Cycle Keep in mind all living things have carbon in them, so when they die, decomposers help return that carbon to the environment and soil.

6 What is Nitrogen? Nitrogen is an element used to build proteins and nucleic acids. It is found in living things like plants & animals and non-living things like the air above and the dirt below.

7 Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen atoms do not stay in one place. They move slowly between living things, dead things, the air, soil and water.

8 Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen fixation is when lightning or bacteria in the soil change nitrogen gas into a form that can be taken up by plant roots.

9 Nitrogen Cycle Other bacteria obtain energy by converting the nitrogen in the soil back into a gas to be released into the air in a process called denitrification.

10 Ecological Succession
Objective: 11D - Describe how events & processes that occur during ecological succession can change populations & species diversity

11 Ecological Succession is…
series of predictable changes that occurs in a community over time Succession occurs in all natural environments. There are 2 different types: Primary & Secondary

12 Primary Succession succession that occurs on the surface where no soil exists Example: new lava or rock from a volcano that makes a new island Pioneer Species – first species to populate an area during primary succession

13 Primary Succession 6/5/03 M-DCC / PCB 2340C

14 Secondary Succession succession following a disturbance that destroys a community without destroying the soil

15 Climax Community A mature, stable community that is the final stage of ecological succession.

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