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Introduction to photography

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1 Introduction to photography
EQ: What is photography and how did it evolve into what we know today?

2 What do you know about Photography?
Activity KWL Chart On the left rule up a small KWL Chart and write down what you know about Photography and what you want to know. We will come back to this chart at the end of the lesson to complete the what I have learned column

3 What does Photography mean?
The word photography is a combination of two Greek words. Photo – meaning light Graphy- meaning to draw Together we get drawing with light. Left Hand Activity: Working in pairs find the online dictionary meaning of the word photography and write it into your I.N.

4 What styles of photography are there?
Art Using photographs to express the artists feelings, ideas or message. Documentary Capturing the environment or human or animal subject in their natural state. Without influence by the photographer, reporting on the situation. Commercial Photographers are paid to capture images for advertising or paying for the photographers time such as photographing a wedding.

5 Brief History of Photography
The History of Photography in 5 minutes Watch the clip and take note of some of the milestones in the development of the camera. In your notebook draw a timeline based on the information you have learnt. Interesting fact- The “Camera Obscura” or “Pinhole Camera” is found to be mentioned in Chinese literature as far back as 500BC!


7 How does a camera capture the photograph?
The camera is a box that captures light through the lense and exposes that light onto the film. Now lets see what happens inside the camera as it takes the picture.

8 What about you? Quick Write Write about the following statements.
Think about what style of photography you like. What type of Photographer would you like to become? What types of things do you like to photograph? Why do you enjoy taking photographs? Weddings and Portraits Landscapes Fashion Commercial Artists Sport Travel Wildlife Quick Write Write about the following statements.

9 Summary of Learning Activity KWL Chart
Complete the what I have learned column of your chart Summary Fill in the summary section of your cornel notes based around you response to your Learned column of your chart.

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