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Principles of Communism

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1 Principles of Communism
Karl Marx Principles of Communism

2 Historical (Dialectical) Materialism
Karl Marx replaces Hegel’s concept of opposing ideas with the concept of opposing economic forces, which he called Historical Dialectical Materialism.

3 Historical (Dialectical) Materialism
Feudalism Rise of Merchants and Traders Capitalism Workers or Proletariat Communism

4 Communist Manifesto History of class struggle: Freeman v. slave
patrician v. plebeian lord v. serf guild-master v. journeyman oppressor v. oppressed

5 Read Excerpts from the Communist Manifesto
List the important principles and ideals of communism Be prepared to share your work

6 Bourgeoisie v. Proletariat
Aim of communists is to overthrow the bourgeoisie and give power to the proletariat Abolish private property Change the wage system All production will be in the hands of an association of the whole nation Old bourgeois society is replaced and the proletariat (which represents an association of the nation as a whole) is raised to the position of the ruling class…dictatorship of the proletariat

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