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Semantic Web Services SWS Tutorials.

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Presentation on theme: "Semantic Web Services SWS Tutorials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semantic Web Services SWS Tutorials

2 What is the aim of SWS tutorials?
The aim of SWS tutorials is to further explore the topics discussed in the Semantic Web Services lectures by answering questions and solving problems directly related to Web services, Semantic Annotations for services, service related tasks, etc. The tutorial follows closely the lecture's material.

3 Tutorial Organization
Tutorial every Wednesday 13:15-15:00 The tutors are: Srdjan Komazec Iker Larizgoitia

4 Web site: Mailing list: Tutorial material
Mailing list:

5 Tutorial organization (I)
Exercise sheets will be handed out each week Students will present their solutions the following week Solutions will be sent by to the tutors Deadline each Wednesday 12:00 or can be handed in printed form at the beginning of the tutorial

6 Tutorial organization (II)
Each tutorial will be normally organized as follows: 1st part: presentation of your result 2nd part: presentation and discussions of exercises for coming tutorial

7 Attendance obligatory
Evaluation Solve exercises individually Normally up to 20 points per week Attendance obligatory max. 2 times missing allowed with reasonable excuse Tutorial and Lecture have separate grades since this is not an integrated course

8 Mark depends on the attendance/presentations/quality of solutions
Evaluation (I) Mark depends on the attendance/presentations/quality of solutions each student need to provide reports on her/his solutions!) Grade is computed as follow: score grade Points > 90% 1 Points > 80% 2 Points > 70% 3 Points > 60% 4 Points < 60% 5

9 Questions? 9

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