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(OGF NSI-WG co-chairs)

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1 (OGF NSI-WG co-chairs)
Network Services Interface An open standard for dynamic circuit service interoperability Tomohiro Kudoh (AIST) Guy Roberts (DANTE) Inder Monga (ESnet) (OGF NSI-WG co-chairs)

2 OGF Network Services Interface
Dynamic circuit services have been recently introduced by many R&E networks. The Open Grid Forum Network Services Interfaces working group (OGF NSI-WG) has been working to define an open interface standard to make such services interoperable among networks. Currently, the NSI-WG is working to finalize a Connection Service document that describes both a service architecture and a protocol for end-to-end circuit provisioning. Additional services, such as a Topology Service, are being proposed as extensions to the NSI interface.

3 Example: G-lambda project
G-lambda project has been defining an interface Joint project of KDDI R&D labs., NTT, NICT and AIST, started in The goal of this project is to define a web services interface (GNS-WSI) to request heterogeneous resources (network, computers, storages etc.)

4 Why NSI is required? Demand for high bandwidth stable end-to-end network circuits is increasing. Applications will include e-science and high definition video transfer. Some R&E and commercial networks are rolling out bandwidth-on-demand services, but there is no open standard interface which makes them interoperable. Networks are starting to be recognized as manageable resources of cloud infrastructure. Dynamic network provisioning will support composition of data-intensive inter-cloud services.

5 Overview of NSI (1) NSI models a one-to-one relationship between a service provider’s network and a Network Service Agent (NSA). The NSI is a service interface between NSAs. Each NSA can play the role of a requester, a provider, or both. Multiple NSAs forms a recursive framework of requesters and providers. NSI defines representation of service topology which is an abstraction of multi-layer physical network topology.

6 Overview of NSI (2) NSI service will be composed of multiple services including a connection service (CS) which is currently being defined. CS supports advance reservation of end-to-end circuits. A reserved circuit with properties such as VLANid and/or designated guaranteed bandwidth is dynamically provisioned. Circuit provisioning is done either automatically at the designated start-time (auto start), or when explicitly triggered during the reservation period (manual start).

7 NSI architecture and connection service

8 Provisioning Sequences
Manual Provisioning Automatic Provisioning Requester Provider Requester Provider reserve.rq provision.rq release.rq terminate.rq reserve.rq Start time provision.rq Start time In service release.rq In service Reserved Reserved provision.rq In service terminate.rq In service

9 Initial NSI state machine Auto Provision >rsv.rq (reservation) (start_time) (provision) >prov.rq Provisioning (provision_cf) < Reserving (reservation_cf) < Reserved >prov.rq (provision) (provision_fl) <prov.fl (start_time) (reservation_fl) <rsv.fl <rsv.fl, >term.rq (terminate) Scheduled Provisioned >prov.rq < Cleaning >rel.rq (release) (release_fl) <rel.fl (release_cf) < (forced_end) <fcd_end <fcd_end, >term.rq (release) (terminate) >rel.rq (release) Releasing (terminate_cf) < (end_time) (release) (terminate) Terminated (terminate_cf) < Terminating >term.rq (release)(terminate) Any State* *: excluding “Initial”, “Cleaning”, “ Terminating” and “Terminated” states (terminate_fl) <term.fl (reservation_cf) < (provision_cf) < (release_cf) < (terminate_cf) < >prov.rq <prov.fl >rel.rq <rel.fl >term.rq <term.fl (reservation_fl) <rsv.fl (reservation_fl) <prov.fl (release_fl) <rel.fl

10 STP and TF: topology abstraction
Data plane topology is abstracted by STP (Service Termination Point) and TF (Transfer Function) STP is a logical label of a point at the edge of a network STP is used in a connection request to designate a termination point of intra-network connection. TF represents each network’s capability to dynamically connect two STPs of the network

11 NSI architecture and connection service

12 Sample configuration Network Boundary network A and B are
Connected using one GbE (green) and one 10GbE (red) VLAN 1-8 on the green cable, no VLAN on the red cable Network Boundary Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 GbE, VLAN 1-8 can be used Switch 1 Switch 1 Port 8 Port 2 10GbE, No VLAN Port 13 Switch 2 Port 7 Network A Network B 12

13 Logical transport view and internal mappings
Logical view (topology) Network A internal mapping: Switch 1/Port8 : X1 Switch1/Port8/VLAN1: : X1/1 Switch 1/Port8/VLAN8 : X1/8 Switch 2/Port13 : X2 Network B internal mapping: Switch 1/Slot1/Port2 : YI Switch 1/Slot1/Port2 /VLAN1 : Ya Switch 1/Slot1/Port2 /VLAN8: Yh Switch 1/Slot2/Port7 : YJ STP: X1/1 STP: Ya STP: X1/2 STP: Yb STP: X1 STP: YI STP: X1/8 STP: Yh STP: X2 STP: YJ Network A Network B STP:X1, YI : GbE STP X1/1 – X1/8, Ya-Yh : VLAN on GbE STP X2, YJ: 10GbE Note: STP names are just symbols (labels) and do not necessarily correspond to physical implementation such as VLANs.

14 Another example The paired STPs, (a2, b1) is an SDP By requesting
Network A Network B a1 TF a2 b1 TF b2 SDP The paired STPs, (a2, b1) is an SDP By requesting connect(a1, a2) to network A connect(b1, b2) to network B a1-b2 is connected. NetworkA advertises: I have a1 and a2. a2 is connected to b1 of networkB TF: I can connect a1 and a2 NetworkB advertises: I have b1 and b2. b1 is connected to a2 of networkA TF: I can connect b1 and b2 By gathering these information from networks, topology information sufficient for discovery can be constructed. 14

15 Current status - plugfest of NSI -
CS protocol v1.0draft, which enables provisioning of simple inter-provider connection, has been defined. At GLIF2011, a “plugfest” (protocol interoperability testing) took place with seven organizations participating from all over the world. Rio de Janeiro, Sep.13 We had 7 implementations: OpenNSA (NORUnet) AutoBAHN (GEANT) DRAC (SURFnet) G-LAMBDA (AIST) G-LAMBDA (KDDI Labs) OSCARS (ESnet) DynamicKL (KISTI)

16 Plugfest Topology For the initial NSI protocol testing that is Rio Plugfest, we elected to use an artificial topology: This is the “Rio” ring topology. Each NSA is allowed to define their internal topology as they see fit as long as it is consistent with this inter-domain view. A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 D1 D2 D3 D4 J2 J3 J4 J1 Jamaica Aruba Bonaire Martinique Grenada Dominica M1 M2 M3 M4 G2 G4 G3 G1 OpenNSA DRAC AutoBAHN OSCARS G-LAMBDA/AIST G-LAMBDA/KDDIL DynamicKL Curacao Courtesy of Jerry Sobieski (NORDUnet)

17 Interoperation test matrix

18 NSI documents GFD.173 Network Services Framework
The NSF is a framework to support Network Services Supports many services – initial service is Connection Service Possible future services, e.g.: Network Topology Exchange Service Status – NSF v1.0 has been published GFD.XXX Connection Service Protocol Allows an application or network provider to request and automatically reserve and provision circuits from other network providers Designed to support circuits that transit multiple service providers Status – protocol freeze this week to support NSI plugfest Sept 2011

19 Summary and future plan of NSI
NSI is an open interface request connectivity R&E networks around world rolling out dynamic services Commitment by providers to become NSI compliant Including JGN-X According to the lessons learned at the plugfest, the protocol has been improved for the SC11 demonstration, and v1.0 will be officially released after SC11. Issues including topology service, security (authentication and authorization), service definitions, and fault processing are being discussed for v2.0 specification which is to be released in early 2012.

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