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Pronouns 6th Grade English.

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Presentation on theme: "Pronouns 6th Grade English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pronouns 6th Grade English

2 A pronoun… is a word that takes
the place of a noun (or a group of words that are acting like a noun)

3 Pronouns… are used so we don’t
have to say the same noun over and over again. They make sentences clearer and more interesting!

4 If we only had nouns to use, our sentences might look like:
Anna’s mom took Anna to the store so Anna could buy some poster board for Anna’s science project.

5 Thanks to pronouns, we can write this instead:
Anna’s mom took her to the store so she could buy some poster board for her science project.

6 An antecedent… is the word or group of words that a pronoun replaces or refers to. (For example, Anna)

7 An antecedent can be one word
Marcus opened his birthday present. He had been waiting forever to see what his mom and dad had given him.

8 Or it can be a group of words…
The meaning of life was the topic today in philosophy class. It is a mystery that people have questioned since the beginning of time.

9 Some pronouns don’t have antecedents
Everything is ready for the trip to the Botanical Gardens. Anyone can come and enjoy the music. Something great is going to happen today!

10 Indefinite Pronouns refer to a person,
place, thing or idea that is not specifically named.

11 Sometimes indefinite pronouns can function as the subject of a sentence
Both sisters wanted to dress up as ninjas for Halloween. Both wanted to dress up as ninjas for Halloween.

12 Class work for the next two days:
Monday: WC textbook p. 304 #1-20 Tuesday: WC textbook p. 313 #1-20

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