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Proposed Potential Research Areas

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1 Proposed Potential Research Areas

2 No. Area Research Topic Remarks
Proposed Topic No. Area Research Topic Remarks 1- Intake Pumping Station Using Floating Pumps to Transfer Dead Sea Brine to Fixed Pumping Station In average, APC has to Construct a fixed and huge Pumping station to chase the Dead Sea level to pump brine (270 Million m3) to Solar Pans 2- Salt Pans Salt Mushroom Formation at Salt Pans APC adopted mechanical dredging to remove Salts and restore the evaporation area. 3- Pans Area Salt Build Up inside the transfer Pipes and Pumps Huge quantity of Water is used to remove the salt build up. This affects negatively on the pans Concentration 4- Dikes & Pans Area Seepage of Brine Through Dikes it is estimated that 20% of the annual pumped quantity of brine from the sea to the pans is lost through the surrounding dikes.

3 No. Area Research Topic Remarks Proposed Topic 5- Pans & Dikes
Sinkholes Formation A hazard endangering of the Dikes stability 6- Cold Crystallization Plant Increasing Standard Potash from Cold Crystallization Plants. Less than 20% of CCPS is standard 7- Finding New Floating Reagent to Replace used One Cost Issue 8- Plants Enhancement of Water Quality Used at Process & for Equipment Low Quality affects negatively on Equipment Sustainability

4 No. Area Research Topic Remarks Proposed Topic 9- Plants
Enhancement of concrete used at Plants Deterioration of Concrete Basements due to brine Contact. 10- Corrosion Maintenance Cost for pipes and equipment is very huge due to Corrosion 11- Dikes & Pans Area Dissolubility of subsurface salt upon being in contact with normal Sea water Dead-Red Sea project

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