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CS 3630 Database Design and Implementation

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1 CS 3630 Database Design and Implementation
Dr. Qi Yang 213 Ullrich My Home Page: The Class Page:

2 CS 3630 Database Design and Implementation
Prerequisites: CS 2430 and MATH1630 or MATH 2730 Oracle Programming Not a programming course Basic theory and concepts Required for CS and SE

3 Course Work Assignments 100 Quizzes 100 Tests 120 Project 80 Final 100

4 Grading Grade Total Points Percentage Grade Points A 460 - 500 92% 4.0
B % B % B % C % C % C % D % D % F Below

5 Final Exam Group #10 Thursday, May 18 7:00 – 8:50 PM

6 Notes Attend class Check UWP email Academic misconduct
Class pace could be too slow or too fast to you Check UWP Academic misconduct The right to miss class for religious observances Disability

7 Let me know when you have any issues!
Any Questions? Let me know when you have any issues!

8 What is a computer? Network CPU Output Input MEMORY Storage

9 File Systems Files Users Programs

10 Issues in File Systems Information is stored in separate files
Program-Data Dependence Physical structure is defined in application code Separation and Isolation of Data Information is stored in separate files Duplication of Data and Data Inconsistency The same data may be stored in different departments Incompatible File Formats Files from C++ and COBOL may be different

11 Issues in File Systems Fixed Queries
New queries requires new/modified programs Access Control and Security Who can and cannot access files, fields… Access different portions of a file Recovery

12 Database Systems DBMS: Database Management system D B M Files S Users

13 Advantages of Database
Data Independence Physical structure is unknown to application code Data Relationship Primary key and Foreign key Limited Duplication of Data and Data Consistency Query Processing Access Control Security Recovery

14 Disadvantages of Database
Complexity Cost Performance Higher Impact of Failure

15 Database: Underlying Framework of CIS
Most IS are based on databases Fundamentally changed the way many organizations operate Business without database?

16 Database: One Important Development in Software Engineering
Query Processing Access Control Transactions Distributed computing Networking

17 Roles in Database Environment (People)
DA (Data Administrator) DBA (Database Administrator) Database Designers Application Developers End-Users

18 Database Management Systems
First generation Hierarchical Network Second generation Relational Third generation OODB GIS Fuzzy DB Post-Relational Google’s BigTable Amazon's Dynamo

19 Database Security The mechanisms to protect the database against unauthorized access, either intentional or accidental.

20 Threats to Database Systems
Any event or situation , whether intentional or accidental, that may adversely affect a database system and consequently the organization.

21 Threats to Database Systems
Using another person’s means of access Inadequate policies and procedures that allow a mix of confidential and normal output Giving greater access than normal Inadequate staff training Viewing or disclosing unauthorized data Fire (electrical fault, lighting strike, arson) . . .

22 Database Security: Related Issues
Theft and fraud Loss of confidentiality Loss of privacy Loss of integrity Loss of availability Confidentiality: data critical to organization; loss of competitiveness Privacy: data about individuals; legal actions against organizations

23 Database Security DA DBA

24 Highest Academic Award in Computer Science?
Turing Award Nobel Prize of Computing 1981: Dr. E.F. Codd Relational Database Model

25 What is a computer? Turing Machine Network CPU Output Input MEMORY

26 Chapter 1

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