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Annual General Meeting Thursday 17th March 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Annual General Meeting Thursday 17th March 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual General Meeting Thursday 17th March 2016

2 Voting on agenda item 9 Does the British Hip Society support the introduction of a new elected position to the Executive (Registry Representative)? Yes No Abstain 1

3 Voting on agenda item 9 Does the British Hip Society support the introduction of remote voting in Elections to the BHS Executive? Yes No Abstain 1

4 NAHR Motion to Society No Abstain
"The British Hip Society believes that all UK surgeons and hospitals (public and private sector) undertaking open or arthroscopic non-arthroplasty surgery of the hip must enter details of treatment onto the Non Arthroplasty Hip Registry (NAHR)” Yes No Abstain 1

5 Increasing BHS Income - Vote
Increase membership fee Industry sponsorship remote from annual meeting (fellowships etc) Non-attendant industry sponsorship of annual meeting (adverts in programme, leaflets etc) Attendant industry sponsorship (may be limited or completely unrestricted) 10

6 Voting A - Increase membership fee
Yes No Abstain 1

7 Voting B - Industry sponsorship remote from annual meeting (fellowships etc)
Yes No Abstain 1

8 Voting C - Non-attendant industry sponsorship of annual meeting (adverts in programme, leaflets etc)
Yes No Abstain 1

9 Voting D - Attendant industry sponsorship (may be limited or completely unrestricted)
Yes No Abstain 1

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