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ASA hybrid AGM 11.15am, Wednesday 10 May 2017

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Presentation on theme: "ASA hybrid AGM 11.15am, Wednesday 10 May 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASA hybrid AGM 11.15am, Wednesday 10 May 2017

2 Downloading the app In order to participate at the meeting, you will need to download the Lumi AGM App onto your smartphone device. The app is available in native format (Android and iOS only) and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store™ Market or the Apple® App Store by searching by app name “Lumi AGM”. It is highly recommended that you download the Lumi AGM App in advance of the meeting day

3 Accessing via a web browser
Alternatively, Lumi AGM can be accessed using any web browser, on a PC, tablet or smartphone device. To vote using this method, please go to

4 Registering for the AGM
Once you have downloaded the AGM App, you will be asked to enter a Meeting ID. The Meeting ID is

5 Registering for the AGM
You will then be prompted to enter your username and password

6 Registering for the AGM
Your username is your ASA unique member number, which is in the sent to you on 28 March 2017. Your password is your postcode as recorded in our database.

7 Participating in the AGM
When successfully authenticated, you will be directed to the Home Screen. The Home Screen displays the meeting name, the Meeting ID and your name. Within the home screen, you can select the ‘Q&A’ tab

8 Participating in the AGM
When Q&A is open, you can submit a question to the Chairman of the meeting To submit a question, a member should press the ‘+’ button, compose their question and select the 'send' icon

9 Participating in the AGM
Confirmation that your message has been received will appear You can submit multiple questions while the Q&A is open

10 Voting When the Chairman declares the polls open, the resolutions will be displayed The voting options will also be displayed beneath the resolutions Scroll down to view and vote on all resolutions

11 Voting You can submit your response by selecting the relevant voting choice When selected, your voting choice will be highlighted in blue and your vote is immediately captured in the AGM database.

12 Voting You can change your mind by selecting another choice which will override your previous selection You can change your mind as many times as you wish while the poll is open

13 Voting You can cancel your vote by pressing ‘Cancel’
When a vote has been cancelled, your previous choice will become unselected

14 Voting At the close of a poll, confirmation of your vote will appear briefly on the screen. Votes received from mobile devices will be added to any proxy votes received prior to the meeting to give a final result. A vote from a mobile device will supersede any proxy vote already received.

15 Need help? If you need assistance, please either call the ASA office on 02) or us at

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