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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO GREAT HORWOOD ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 2013"— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda Welcome Apologies for absence. Approval of the minutes of the 2012 APM held on 2nd April 2012 Chairman’s Report Reports/Presentations from other organisations Open Forum – for residents to raise and debate current issues affecting the village.

3 Welcome – External Organisations
Trish Cawte and Sue Marchant- Winslow and District Community Bus Anne Mills - Medical Detection Dogs PCSO Alex Trivino – Thames valley Police Paul Adams – Great Horwood C of E Combined School Simon Garwood – Bucks CC

4 Welcome - To village organisations
Karen Wilkinson and others from the W.I. Dean White – Focus Great Horwood Silver Band – Roy and Beryl Lack Great Horwood Village Hall – Jeannie Marshall Great Horwood and Singleborough Youth Club – Monica Gilbey Footpaths – Robert Deuchar Horwode Pece Management Committee – Liz Nicholls The “Post Office” - Liz Nicholls Jokers Wild – Margaret Michalski Andrew Fuggle – Great Horwood Scouts and Cubs Steve Bennett -Football Club PTA Cricket Club

5 Chairman’s Report

6 Your Parish Council Team
Karen Francis - Clerk to the Council Councillors Angela Mayne Valerie Porritt John Scholtens Marc Bennett-Coles Russell Margerrison Ian Lamberton John Gilbey

7 As I reported last year we had successfully registered The Green in the ownership of the Parish Council but We are still working on the registration of the Recreation Ground i.e. the Cricket Ground.

8 Following are a few improvements that we have made in the village over the past year.

9 The Second New Bus Shelter – installed May 2012

10 New wooden poles installed on The Green

11 Angela’s Path – The Green

12 Whitehall’s Walk – Nash Road

13 The Big Event of 2012

14 Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

15 The Rt. Hon. John Bercow MP was there

16 The Committee

17 D Jack Smith – our benefactor

18 Tree donated by AVDC for Diamond Jubilee

19 During 2012 AVDC carried out a review of the 2 Conservation Areas in the Parish and each of them was considerably extended

20 Changes to the Great Horwood Village Conservation Area

21 Changes to the Singleborough Conservation Area

22 Play Around the Parish 30th July Play Around the Parish (pm)
14th August Play Around the Parish (am) 30th August Play Around the Parish (pm) Great Horwood Feast 6th/7th August

23 Planning Committee Cllrs. Mayne, Scholtens, Lamberton, Margerrison, Gilbey 36 Planning Applications considered in the year. 9 Objected to of which 3 were subsequently approved by AVDC. A new policy has recently been introduced by AVDC which requires the Parish Council to be represented at the Development Control Committee in Aylesbury when we we take an opposite view form the officers on a planning application.

24 Horwode Pece Recreation Ground
Cllrs. Mayne and Porritt continued as the nominated Parish Council Trustees on the Great Horwood and Singleborough Recreation Trust. The Council continue to allocate around £3,500 each year to maintain, improve and insure it. Village Hall Cllrs Porritt and Lamberton are the Parish Council representatives on the Village Hall Committee.

25 Donations made during 2012/13
During the year the Council made the following donations to local organisations:- Great Horwood Silver Band £250 Winslow and District Community Bus £250 Focus £200 Village Hall £250 Great Horwood and Singleborough Youth Club £250 St James Church for Grass Cutting £250 Medical Detection Dogs £250

26 Donations budgeted for 2013/14
The Council’s agreed budget for 2013/14 includes the following budgeted donations:- Great Horwood Silver Band £250 Winslow and District Community Bus £250 Focus £250 Village Hall £250 Great Horwood and Singleborough Youth Club £250 St James Church for Grass Cutting £250. Medical Detection Dogs £250

27 Youth Club £1850 + min £1000 to come
Funding Received from Bucks County Council through the Winslow and District Local Area Forum Bus Shelter £4,500 2 Salt/Grit Bins £900 Footway in Nash Road £8,600 MVAS 90% Youth Club £ min £1000 to come

28 Footpaths Robert Deuchar has continued to monitor and look after all of the footpaths in the Parish and provide a report to every Parish Council Meeting. 5 New gates have been installed during the past year So a big thank you to Robert on behalf of all the walkers in the parish and to those who donated a new gate.

29 Organisations We have continued to be active members of a number of organisations in order to ensure that the voice of Great Horwood is heard across North Bucks. These organisations are:- BCC Winslow and District Local Area Forum NBPPC (North Bucks Parish Planning Consortium) Winslow and District NAG (Neighbourhood Action Group) – BALC (Bucks Association of Local Councils) AVALC (Aylesbury Vale Association of Local Councils) AVDC Local Council Planning Liaison Group

30 Plans for 2013/14 Complete refurbishment of the Sun Dial which was sited on The Green as a memorial to the Diamond Jubilee as well as the Golden Jubilee and present to the village school Develop and finalise the Neighbourhood Plan in cooperation with the Neighbourhood Plan Team. Complete the registration of the “Cricket Ground”. Install and manage the Movable Vehicle Activated Sign (MVAS) Provide planters at the 4 main entrances to the Parish. We have budgeted £1,000 to try to provide a memorial to the villagers who gave their lives for us during the Second World War.

31 Great Horwood Neighbourhood Plan
A date for your diary Saturday 18th May 10am to 12 noon in the Village Hall – Consultation on the Great Horwood Neighbourhood Plan

32 A few thankyous The W.I.

33 Parish Council website
Don’t forget to use our website at



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