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Media Influence in Politics?

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1 Media Influence in Politics?
Myth or Reality? March 23, 2004

2 The Media Do the media distort reality? How? Does it matter?
To what ends is reality distorted? intentional or unintentional? Does this distorted reality shape or mirror public opinion? Do people expect the media to be unbiased? Do people NOT recognize media biases?

3 Chomsky – Manufacturing Consent
Do the media distort reality? How? Does it matter? To what ends is reality distorted? intentional or unintentional? Does this distorted reality shape or mirror public opinion? Do people expect the media to be unbiased? Do people NOT recognize media biases?

4 An Alternative Interpretation...
profitability is key importance of audience to profitability media is biased however, it mirrors (rather than shapes public opinion) media concentration not evidence that media can shape public views evidence that media cannot shape public views

5 Types of Media Bias distorted view which shapes public opinion
what is there is biased distorted view by leaving issues out bias lies in what is not there

6 Is the Media Biased? how would one judge?
depends upon perspective media that mirrors public opinion may seem biased to the observer media concentration and the issue of bias overall media bias seems less likely in a 500-channel, Internet universe counter-arguments? overall media bias seems less serious

7 Media Bias – Another Angle
distorted view which shapes public opinion what is there is biased distorted view by leaving issues out bias lies in what is not there the medium is the message creates passivity (not interactive) atomizing consumerism/commodity fetishism

8 The Media and Democracy
what model of democracy do you think Chomsky’s most closely reflects?

9 The Media and Democracy
participatory democrats press should foster political participation by providing wide range of information, opinion, and opportunity for debate concern that concentration of media undermines the influence of mass participation

10 The Media and Democracy
elite democrats control of media by elites to manufacture consent is fine consensus in society is central to pursuing the general welfare so long as media control does not undermine competition among elites (e.g. allowing one political faction to dominate)

11 The Media and Democracy
liberal democrats most important element is protecting the freedom of the press from government interference/control so long as the press is free and individuals enjoy the right to freedom of speech (e.g. free to start their own press), there are no worries

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