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FMP Proposal Female Anger

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1 FMP Proposal Female Anger
Meghan Browett

2 Introduction When discussing ideas for my final major project I thought of projects and briefs that I had enjoyed in the last year of my degree and realized that my work on the female nude and life drawing classes was areas where my work was the most successful, inventive and exciting. I thought this would be a good starting point for the development of my FMP ideas.

3 Female Nude Drawings

4 Contextual positions on the female nude
Martha Rosler Eating disorders Egon Scheile In Art Mental Health Body Image Tracey Emin Sexuality Campaigning feminism The Female Nude In Media Music Videos

5 Female Anger When looking at contextual positions with the female nude I realized that a lot of emphasis had already been put on equality, body image, sexuality but not on what causes women to have these ‘issues’… anger. It seems that behind every rally, campaign or protest their was an incenticve to make a change because these issues have made these people angry. This I realised was not an idea that was spoken about as readily as the other issues concerning women. This idea of the female anger intrigued me and has lead to the decision for me to explore it for my FMP.

6 Research When thinking of a starting point for female anger I wanted to explore different areas of the creative arts that have already delved into some aspects of female anger. I tried to compile as much research and information as possible from different avenues, including film and TV, literature and the art world.

7 Female Anger in Art Martha Rosler-Semiotics of the Kitchen (1975)
Martha Rosler-Semiotics of the Kitchen (1975) This video installation and performance piece, explores female anger and stereotypes of women. Rosler is seen reciting the alphabet with objects in the kitchen (A is for Apron etc) as the piece goes on she gets progressively agitated and ultimately starts slicing through the air with a kitchen knife. This performance is a revolt to the stereotypical roles of women and a refreshing display of women being angered by these stereotypes. She is quite simply angry at the patriarchal and misogynistic society that surrounds her and I feel, is trying to show the strength and frustration that women couldn’t or can’t usually express. Tracey Emin- Quilt pieces, particularly, Hate and Power can be a terrible thing (2004) Tracey Emin is an obvious advocate of female expression and anger in art, and I particularly want to focus on her quilt series. The notion of creating quilts with aggressive and almost undignified memories and opinions is an inspiring take on female anger. She has taken the traditional, womanly task of quilt making and has completely defiled it. She is fighting back against the ‘normal’ roles in society and showing that women too, have a right to voice their opinions on topics concerning money, war, sexuality and politics. It is a brave collection of art that is relatable to many women on many levels, she is showing the world that women are also people and they shouldn’t be afraid to speak up about topics that are otherwise deemed ‘inappropriate’ for them.

8 Tracey Emin

9 My Ideas going forward Looking at the research I have compiled I want to do something on a large scale like Tracey Emin’s quilt pieces, as they have an overpowering and forceful nature about them and this is what I want my work to show. I want my pieces to provoke these emotions in the audience that make them think about the concept and the idea. I want them to be appreciative of female anger but also show that it is a reality and not just a comical thing.

10 Ideas Jekyll and Hyde Faces I had an idea for a series of portraits that explore the stereotypes of female anger with a Jekyll and Hyde twist. Half and half portraits that show a side of real women and the stereotypes that society sees them as. I envisioned the portraits as large pieces with minimal colour’s in a printed media, possibly linocut or monoprint to give the portraits a minimalist, simple but effective look. Masked Idea I also had the idea of a masked woman, unveiling herself. A women ripping her veil of sanity off and expressing how she really feels underneath. Crowd Idea My last idea was a series of crowd illustrations that depict different women’s groups throughout time that have conquered the odds and used their unity and anger as a powerful force to make a change. I think this is the strongest idea so far as it has longevity and many interesting avenues I could take it, I would research certain women’s groups that have made changes for women’s rights, different medias, colour theory and composition of the crowds.

11 Geoff Mcfetridge Aoki Tetsuo

12 Monica Ramos

13 Women’s Groups Suffragettes Women’s Institute Guerilla Knitters (Souter Stormers)


15 Industry When exploring my FMP I have to be conscious of how my work could progress in the creative industry and where this type of style of work sits within it. When researching I can see a trend and demand for this type of illustration. Drawings of ‘normal’ people in crowd scenes seem to be very popular at the moment as they are full of interesting aspects and concepts, they can hold many different meanings, and influences that individuals can relate too. As for feminist campaigning, we live in a world fortunately where everyone is now free to express themselves on different issues. Feminism is a largely talked about movement in the 21st century so I think these illustration could connect with a lot of people, not just women but everyone who supports women’s movements. Gen

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