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Foundation - Term 4, Day 39 Learn to Read
Today is ________________.
Block 1: Opening Daily Review You will need to type the date each day in the PowerPoint or write it on the board. As the program progresses, consider having students write or contribute to the daily message. Topic Suggestions: Teacher says; students repeat. Weather: “It is hot today.” Activities taught yesterday: “We learned the letter ____ yesterday.” Activities for today: “Today, we will write our names.” Teacher Note Use "Frere Jacques“ melody to sing: Today is _______. Today is _______. All day long, all day long. Yesterday was ______. Tomorrow will be _______. Oh what fun! Oh what fun! Activity: Daily Message Chant Today is ________________. Students, this is our daily message. It tells us the date. Please follow along as I read the sentence. “Today is ____________ (day of the week, day of the month, month of the year and year.)” Message What is today’s date? “Today is _______________.” Tell your partner the date. Checking for Understanding
Block 1: Opening Click here to hear the letter sounds. Daily Review
Students have learned all the letters and their sounds of the alphabet. Using the alphabet, teacher selects five or more letters to review. Review the letter name and sound. Alternate the pattern of letter name, sound and word between teacher and student. Review letter patterns and vowel patterns with students. Refer to term 4 posters: Short and Long Vowels & Digraphs Select the letter patterns or letters to review based on student needs and time. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
soon away saw ran so this now there but not at be has new
Block 1: Opening Daily Review High-Frequency Words soon away saw ran so this now there but not at be has new Teacher selects five or more high-frequency words to review. Select the words based on student needs and time. Consider creating a word wall with all the high-frequency words taught up to term 3. Teacher first reads a High-Frequency Word. Students chorally read the High-Frequency Word. CFU options: 1. Teacher asks for non-volunteers to read the word he is pointing to aloud. 2. Teacher asks students to put their finger on the word ________. 3. Teacher asks students to whisper the word he is pointing to. 4. Teacher asks students to read the word she is pointing to in a squeaky voice. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
We will make new words. Make a new word. -all
Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Make new words.) Learning Objective To make new words, change the beginning sound. Remember the Concept We will make new words. Skill Development & Guided Practice Make a new word. -all b/all t/all w/all c/all Students are practising making a new word by changing beginning sounds. Say the word (ball). Teacher and students alternate five times. Teacher separates the sounds by onset and rime: b/all. Teacher and students alternate five times. Teacher will say, “Now, we will change the /b/ in ball to /t/. Now say t/all (onset/rime).” Teacher and students alternate five times. Say the new word t/all=tall. Continue to change sounds to make new words such as /t/ in tall to /w/ in make new word wall and /w/ in wall to /k/ to make the new word call. Effective Feedback: If students answer incorrectly, or do not have a response, de-escalate by repeating the beginning sound and by segmenting by onsets and rimes. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
We will make new words. Make a new word. cla-
Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Make new words.) Learning Objective To make new words, change the ending sound. Remember the Concept We will make new words. Skill Development & Guided Practice Make a new word. cla- cla p cla n cla sh cla m Students are practising making a new word by changing ending sounds. Explain to students that a clash is a loud sound made by metal and clan is a group of people that share something in common. Say the word (class). Teacher and students alternate five times. Teacher separates the sounds: cla p. Teacher and students alternate five times. Teacher will say, “Now, we will change the /p/ sound to /n/ make new word. Now say cla n.” Teacher and students alternate five times. Say the new word cla n = clan. Continue to change sounds to make new word such as changing /n/ in clan to /sh/ to make the new word clash and change /sh/ in clash to /m/ to make new word clam. Effective Feedback: If students answer incorrectly, or do not have a response, de-escalate by repeating the ending sound and by segmenting. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
We will recognise rhyming words.
Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Recognise rhyming words.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective What will we do with words? We will ________. Declare the Objective We will recognise rhyming words. Guided Practice Rhyming words have the same ending sound. Concept Listen to the set of words. Do the words rhyme? yes or no How do you know? 1 eel peel 2 ate bait 3 smash splash 4 book broom boom 5 wheel weep sweet 6 dice rice mice yes yes yes Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? no no yes
Wheel of FUN WOF# 2042 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4
Brain Break Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note Wheel of FUN Activity 1 Find it Fast! Call out a colour or other trait (something around the room). Students must find the object in the room that fits that trait and get to it quickly. Activity 2 Act Like A Pro Have students act out various sport moves for 5-10 seconds. For example, have students act out scoring a soccer goal. Other ideas: shoot a basket, swing a bat, serve a tennis ball, ski down a hill, spike a volleyball, throw a football, shoot an arrow, swim in a pool and box with gloves. Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches) Activity 4 Teacher’s Choice Activity 5 Mirror-Mirror Have students pair up and mirror the actions of their partner. Students take turns. Activity 6 Wiggles Have students stand and do the following wiggle activities: First wiggle fingers; Then fingers and wrists; The fingers, wrists and forearms; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, head. Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question?
We will read the story. Read the words: mask found star yes lost chip
Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation – We will read the story Is This Your Mask? Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective What will we read? We will read________. Declare the Objective We will read the story. Activate Prior Knowledge Read the words: Students get a separate handout of the story. This will need to be printed. Students will read a story that is comprised of the letter-sounds, letter patterns and high-frequency words taught throughout the year. Throughout the story, there are sidebar notes. Please refer to these notes as you read the story. The table provides examples of the letter-sounds, letter-patterns and high-frequency words (grey column) that will be seen throughout the story. Story word count: 138 words Teacher Note mask found star yes lost chip swam no jump play look Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question?
Mask by Mike Jones Solving Math Problems
Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation – We will read the story Mask Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Mask by Mike Jones Throughout the story, there are phonics (green box), comprehension (red box) questions and definitions (purple box). Some words are colour-coded. The green words are words the teacher will pre-read with the students. These words are letter patterns and sounds that need to be reviewed or have not been taught. Purple words are words that will need to be defined. Please refer to the purple sidebar for definitions. Note: Assist students in reading words with the letter ‘s’ in the end. Students have not been taught sometimes the letter sound ‘s’ changes at the end of a word. Teacher Note What is the title of the story? Who is the author? Comprehension Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question?
Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation – We will read the story Mask
Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Assist students in reading the words friend. Students have not been exposed to this high-frequency word. Ask five students to read the sentence, “Shred the shark found a mask.” Select five individual students to blend and segment the word Shred. What is the beginning sound of the word? What is the ending sound of the word? Point to a high-frequency word on the page. Phonics Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Shred the shark found a mask. He will ask his friends if they lost a mask. Who is the character? What is Shred? What is Shred going to ask? Comprehension
Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation – We will read the story Mask
Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Consider having students pretend to swim like Chip the fish. Teacher Note Assist students in reading the word your. Students have not been exposed to this high-frequency word. Ask five students to read the sentence, “Shred sees Chip the fish.” Teacher says, “Point to a word that ends with the /m/ sound and read it to your partner. Then get ready to read it to me.” Choose up to five students to read the word. Phonics Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Shred sees Chip the fish. “Is this your mask?” asks Shred. “No, it is not. Look at me swim!” said Chip. Who is Chip? What did Shred ask Chip? Does the image give information that Shred asked Chip something? Do the words give information that Chip has stripes? Comprehension
Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation – We will read the story Mask
Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Consider having students jump like Flounder the fish. Teacher Note Assist students in reading the words your and Flounder. Students have not been exposed to the high-frequency your. Also, students will need help reading multisyllable words. Teacher says, “Point to a high-frequency word jump on the page and read it to your partner. Then, get ready to read it to me.” Choose up to five students to read a high-frequency word. Phonics Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Shred sees Flounder the fish. “Is this your mask?” asks Shred. “No, it is not. Look at me jump!” said Flounder. Who is Flounder? What does Flounder want Shred to see? Was that Flounder’s mask? Comprehension
Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation – We will read the story Mask
Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Assist students in reading the words says and your. Students have not been exposed to these high-frequency word. Ask five students to read the sentence, “Shred sees Blub and Gulp the fish.” Select five individual students to blend and segment the word Blub. What is the beginning sound of the word? What is the ending sound of the word? Teacher says point to the high-frequency word play. Choose up to five students to read the word using difference voices such as a silly voice. Phonics Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Shred sees Blub and Gulp the fish. “Is this your mask?” asks Shred. “No, it is not. Look at us play,” says Blub and Gulp. Do the words give information that Blub and Gulp are fish? How do you know? What does Shred ask Blub and Gulp? Comprehension
Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation – We will read the story Mask
Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Consider having students do star jumps like Trish the starfish. Teacher Note Explain to the students that although they are called starfish they are not fish. Also explain to the students it is better to refer them to sea stars. Definition Assist students in reading the words starfish and your. Students have not been taught compound words. Also students have not be exposed to this high-frequency word your. Ask five students to read the words star and jump. Read a high-frequency word on the page. Read the word using difference voices such as a silly voice. Phonics Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Shred sees Trish the starfish. “Is this your mask?” asks Shred. “No, it is not. Look at me do star jumps,” said Trish. Who does Shred see? Is it Trish’s mask? What does Trish ask Shred to look at? Comprehension
Shred sees a man! “Is this your mask?” asks Shred.
Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation – We will read the story Mask Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Assist students in reading the word your. Students have not been exposed to this high-frequency word. Ask students to read the sentence, “Shred sees a man!” and say it in the most surprising voice. Teacher says, “Point to the high-frequency word this on the page and read it to your partner. Then, get ready to read it to me in a silly voice.” Choose up to five students to read the word. Phonics Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Shred sees a man! “Is this your mask?” asks Shred. Who does Shred see? What does Shred ask? Comprehension
Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation – We will read the story Mask
Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Assist students in reading the word happy. Students have not been taught that the letter y can make the long e sound. Ask five students to read the sentence, “ He put it on and swims away.” Select five individual students to blend and segment the word shark. What is the beginning sound of the word? What is the ending sound of the word? Name a high-frequency word on the page. Phonics Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? “Yes it is!” said the man. He puts it on and swims away. Shred the shark is happy to help. Why is Shred the shark happy? What did Shred the shark do in the story? Tell me what the story was about. Comprehension
We will write sentences.
Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation (Write sentences.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective We will write sentences. What will we write? We will write _______. Declare the Objective Skill Development & Guided Practice Write sentences. 1 Trace the sentences. 2 Write the sentences on your own. 1 How did I/you trace the sentence? 2 How did I/you write the sentence? Checking for Understanding Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Handwriting Workbook p. 167
Wheel of FUN WOF# 1866 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4
Brain Break Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note Wheel of FUN Activity 1 Find it Fast! Call out a colour or other trait (something around the room). Students must find the object in the room that fits that trait and get to it quickly. Activity 2 Act Like A Pro Have students act out various sport moves for 5-10 seconds. For example, have students act out scoring a soccer goal. Other ideas: shoot a basket, swing a bat, serve a tennis ball, ski down a hill, spike a volleyball, throw a football, shoot an arrow, swim in a pool and box with gloves. Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches) Activity 4 Teacher’s Choice Activity 5 Mirror-Mirror Have students pair up and mirror the actions of their partner. Students take turns. Activity 6 Wiggles Have students stand and do the following wiggle activities: First wiggle fingers; Then fingers and wrists; The fingers, wrists and forearms; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, head. Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question?
soon He will be back soon. It will soon stop raining.
Block 4: High-Frequency Words & Voc. Development Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will read high-frequency words. What will we read? We will read _______. Skill Development & Guided Practice soon He will be back soon. It will soon stop raining. A high-frequency word is used more than other words. Remember the Concept Teacher points to a word and says: Read this word ____. Point to a sentence and say: Read this sentence. Checking for Understanding Teacher and students read the high-frequency word, alternating between each other five times. Please feel free to orally add more sentences to emphasise the meaning of a high-frequency word. Teacher Note
We will read descriptive words.
Block 4: High-Frequency Words & Voc. Development Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will read descriptive words. What will we read? We will read _______. Concept Development Consider bringing in items that are new and old to show the students. The purpose of this activity is for students to learn about their environment, not to read the words. Teacher reads the vocabulary word first. Then, read the word, alternating between teacher and students five times. Teacher Note A descriptive word tells about something or someone. We can tell about how they look or how they act. new New is to have something that is not old. old Old is to have something for a very long time. Point to a vocabulary word and ask: What is new? New is________. What is old? Old is________. Checking for Understanding Skill Development & Guided Practice Have five students respond to the statement: Point to new and ask, “What is new?” Point to old and ask, “What is old?”(Pair-Share and call on non-volunteers) Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
Teacher Guided: Phonics Rotational Activity 2
Block 5: Performance & Rotational Activities Rotational Activity 1 Teacher Guided: Phonics Rotational Activity 2 Rotational Activity 3 Read and write high-frequency words Rotational Activity 4 Teacher Guided: Write a story. Click the to go directly to the activity. Teacher gives directions for each rotational activity. Teacher Note Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil to each student. Directions: Ask the students to look at the first picture. Say the name of the picture. Say the name of the second picture. What sound changed to make the new word? Circle the letter or letters that make that sound. Then, write the new word on the line. Words: cat, cat; king, ring; boat, goat; nest, chest; jeep, sheep; pool, tool; jam, ham; mug, rug Materials: Print out this slide and give each student a pencil. Directions: Ask the students to read the words in the word bank. Then, have students look at the pictures. Students will draw a line to the matching rhyming picture and then write the rhyming words on the lines. Materials: Print out the slide and give each student a pencil. Directions: Have the students read the word, write the word and use it in a sentence. Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil and crayons to each student. Tell students they will write a story about Shred the shark. Consider brainstorming ideas before writing. Directions: Ask the students to look at the picture and write a story about Shred the shark. Make sure that they are using an upper case letter at the beginning, finger space between words and punctuation marks at the end. Allow students to stretch out the words to spell. Prior to the activity, create an example for the students.
Wheel of FUN WOF# 2102 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4
Brain Break Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note Wheel of FUN Activity 1 Find it Fast! Call out a colour or other trait (something around the room). Students must find the object in the room that fits that trait and get to it quickly. Activity 2 Act Like A Pro Have students act out various sport moves for 5-10 seconds. For example, have students act out scoring a soccer goal. Other ideas: shoot a basket, swing a bat, serve a tennis ball, ski down a hill, spike a volleyball, throw a football, shoot an arrow, swim in a pool and box with gloves. Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches) Activity 4 Teacher’s Choice Activity 5 Mirror-Mirror Have students pair up and mirror the actions of their partner. Students take turns. Activity 6 Wiggles Have students stand and do the following wiggle activities: First wiggle fingers; Then fingers and wrists; The fingers, wrists and forearms; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, head. Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question?
I like to read. I like to write. I like to learn. I like school.
Block 6: CAP/ Reading Comprehension (Use computer skills.) Learning Objective Students will need access to a computer or computer lab to complete this activity. Consider partnering the students into pairs or groups if computers are limited. Today’s lesson only focuses on the keyboard. Prior to this activity, have students open a word document program for typing and practising scrolling. Remind students what strolling and clicking mean. Teacher Note We will use computer skills. Periodic Review 1 1 Listen to the directions. 2 Use the keyboard to type the information. 3 Use the mouse to scroll or click on things. Use computer skills. A keyboard is used to type letters and numbers. Keyboards have letters and numbers. A mouse is used to find and move things. A mouse is used for scrolling and clicking things. A mouse has buttons and a scroll wheel. Remember the Concept Directions: Type the following information: I like to read. I like to write. I like to learn. I like school. Scroll up and down the page you just typed. Show your partner and teacher. I like to read. I like to write. I like to learn. I like school. Extended Thinking Go to the following websites and practise using the keyboard and mouse.
One day, it was very windy.
Block 6: CAP/ Reading Comprehension (Write about an experience.) Learning Objective An experience is something that happened to you. To write about an experience, write about what happened to you. Remember the Concept We will write about an experience. Periodic Review 4 1 Listen to the given experience. a Tell your partner about your experience. (Pair-Share) 2 Write about the experience. Describe what happened to you. Write about an experience. Word Bank windy hard walk run rain blow scared nice happy Experience: Tell me about a time it was windy One day, it was very windy. It was so windy I had a hard time walking home. It was scary. Extended Thinking Explain why the text below is an experience. The text is an experience because ________. As I was swimming in the ocean, I saw a dolphin! It was very close to where I was swimming. It was exciting.
We will present an experience.
Block 6: CAP/Reading Comprehension Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will present an experience. What will we present? We will present________ Concept Development Use your strong voice. Name one thing you do to present. In your own words, what does present mean? “Present means _____________.” Checking for Understanding To present means to talk in front of people. To present: Tell an experience Stand up Speak clearly Use your strong voice The wind was blowing so hard I could not see. Provide more examples of an experience such as it was so windy, I was cold. Provide oral examples of speaking clearly and not speaking clearly. Refer to the Voice Levels Poster for “Strong Voice.” Use your strong voice and have students practise their strong voice with their partners. Teacher Note Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Skill Development & Guided Practice Teacher reads a text to the class. Make sure to stand up, speak clearly and use your strong voice. Then, have the students practise reading a fact or two from the previous lesson to their partner. Select five students to read their text to the class, if times allows. Remind the students to stand up, speak clearly and use their strong voice. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
Tell me something about the story, Mask.
Block 7: Closing Provide sentence frames, if appropriate. (Example, I learned _______.) Consider asking comprehension questions from the story to review literary concepts such as: Who is the character? Name an event. What is the purpose of the text? Name a fact from the text. What is the main idea? Teacher Note Tell me something about the story, Mask. What is the beginning sound of the character’s name Shred? What is the ending sound? Point to something new. Point to something old. Use the high-frequency word soon in a sentence.
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