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How to build a teacher workshop program in your area

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1 How to build a teacher workshop program in your area

2 Mary Lou-Dunzik Gougar
Assoc. Dean, College of Science and Engineering, Idaho State University Research Scientist, Idaho National Laboratory William G. Wabbersen, Jr. Lean Transformation Manager, SRNS Creator of the American Nuclear Society Isotope Discovery Kit Sama Bilbao y Leon Director VCU Nuclear Engineering Program, Assoc. Prof. VA-ANS STW Lead for many years This presentation was given to the Local Sections Committee to encourage sections to host teacher workshops. The teacher workshop toolkit is available to ANS members in he Member Center -

3 Objective Are you just seeking to educate teachers on nuclear topics?
Why host a teacher workshop? Are you just seeking to educate teachers on nuclear topics? Are you informing the teachers on new methods of teaching nuclear science instruction? Are you focused on the basic science? Addressing a local concern? Why host a teacher workshop? Teacher Workshops are an excellent way to provide educators with experiences that can translate into improved classroom activities that deepen their understanding of nuclear science topics. Teachers appreciate the opportunity to participate in off–site events, and also to have feedback from nuclear professionals who can provide the workforce perspective which will assist teachers in preparing students for their careers. When planning a teacher workshop (or a series of workshops), first clarify your objectives. Have a point and make it clear throughout the day's presentations.

4 Project Planning: Building Relationships
Develop a Team ANS members (local & national) Health Physics Society members Nuclear industry workforce Industry vendors Nuclear medicine health practitioners School teachers University and tech school professors and instructors Local school district leadership Civic groups Local science and technology centers/museums Develop a team - Workshops are best presented by a broad diverse team. 2-3 people for a one time workshop 6-8 to maintain the program in perpetuity. Once the team is developed you can tap into the resources of each person/group. Venue – hosting and marketing Administrative Office of school district Company – venue, lunch

5 Project Planning: Building Relationships
Budget Planning Estimate $100 per participant to attend workshop. Budget items should include: Venue fees/room rental Food/Snacks/Beverage AV equipment rental Tables/Chairs and set up Activity Materials and Supplies Give-a-ways/Door Prizes Registration Fees Promotions/Marketing Administrative Travel for Presenters Establish a budget and registration fees (if not sponsored). ANS estimates that it will cost at least $100 per participant to attend workshop. Many companies already have outreach programs, if you are working with one of them you may be able to get the venue and lunch sponsored. Solicit sponsorship and in-kind donations as needed. By securing funding from additional sources, you can offset the costs, and decrease the registration fees for your participants.

6 Project Planning: Sources of funding
Who can help? ANS Public Information Assistance (PIA) Grants Outreach Materials Request Form NEED Committee George A. Ferguson Motivational Grants (GAFMG) Deadlines: May & October Establish a budget and registration fees (if not sponsored). ANS estimates that it will cost at least $100 per participant to attend workshop. Many companies already have outreach programs, if you are working with one of them you may be able to get the venue and lunch sponsored. Solicit sponsorship and in-kind donations as needed. By securing funding from additional sources, you can offset the costs, and decrease the registration fees for your participants.

7 Project Planning: Marketing
Toolkit Resources: Event invitation-direct mail Event Postcard Ad/Flyer s (Know B4 You Go) Sample Agendas Workshop evaluation form Certificate of Completion Project Planning -

8 Project Planning: Agenda
Typical Activities Rutherford Boards Half-Life and Modeling Decay Chains Cloud Chambers Irradiated Salt Demonstration Radiographs Isotope Discovery Kit Geiger Counters Full-day, half-day and 90 minutes agendas for each workshop can be found in the Teacher Workshop Toolkit: Project Planning - How to do activities -

9 Best Practices Schedule several breaks Knowledge Transfer
Do’s Don’ts Schedule several breaks Knowledge Transfer Know your role Limit your topic Understand Your Audience Be organized Practice! Practice! Practice! Have fun Go over time Be Preachy (less talk, more action) For the 10 workshop rules visit -

10 How did Idaho do it? 2-day workshop
In the ‘90s and ‘00s Currently 2-day workshop One man show Funded by the Local Section Local attendees Teaching Nuclear Topics class as part of iSTEM classes throughout the year and the 3-day summer institute iSTEM is Idaho statewide coordinated effort for K-12 Partners include Idaho National Lab and ID State Dept of Ed In the ‘00s and ‘10s For the 10 workshop rules visit - As part of AP Chemistry and Physics workshop 1-week workshop Funded by DOE National attendees

11 How did Savannah River do It?
We had a burning platform. We needed 10,000 new nuclear workers in the region over a ten year span. “Grow Your Own” philosophy Partnered with local industry, colleges and universities, school boards, and other professional societies Established a small group of “cohort teachers” to help us meet the state school standards for South Carolina and Georgia. The purpose of the workshops were to teach methods for teaching nuclear science. One Rule: Each topic’s session had to include a hands-on activity Expanded by asking teachers in advance about their concerns in a pre-workshop questionnaire. Made sure their individual concerns were addressed.

12 How did Virginia do It? Have been organizing week-long science teachers workshops for decades… Teachers stay at VCU dorms and we provide all meals for a week. We promote personal relationships between teachers and instructors and also among the teachers. We offer 4 Continuing Education Credits (CEU) = 40 contact hours (that all teachers need for requalification) One day = tour of a nearby nuclear power plant One half day = tour of a nearby nuclear medicine program Guest speakers on various topics (typically during dinner) Intertwine lectures and hands-on activities Provide materials in a way the teachers can use them with minimum adaptation work We offer ourselves as a resource to the teachers for the future


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