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Welcome To: 360 Feedback The P&L for Human Capital

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To: 360 Feedback The P&L for Human Capital"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To: 360 Feedback The P&L for Human Capital
Quantum Services Inc.

2 Tic Tac Toe Introductions Play Three Different People
Name, Years in Current Position Play Three Different People

3 Tic Tac Toe Company Organizational Map Vision Mission Values
Principles Goals Strategies Organizational Map

4 Capital Purchase Capital = Costs of machine
Expense = Lease, Maintenance, Operations. How would a bunch of engineers sell this purchase? Compare Vendors, determine a maint program, specifications

5 Feedback HPU P & L ROI ROA Indirect vs Direct Uptime Customer Surveys

6 Critical Business Indicators
Time Resources Quality How we track success

7 Human Capital Capital = Costs to Hire
Expense = Persons salary x expected years of service. Costs of hiring a person salary x years = capital investment? Costs of machine depreciated over life expectancy?

8 People Purchase What Happens?

9 Feedback Indirect vs Direct Attendance 93% Reviews Only Budget ROA HPU
CBI People Indirect vs Direct Attendance Budget ROA 93% Reviews Only HPU P & L ROI Customer Surveys Uptime

10 Feedback Survey Today’s Date ___________
Last Time I received Feedback for Improvement was? Date _______.

11 Why 360? CBI People

12 Why 360? Capital Human Capital

13 Why 360? Capital Human Capital

14 Performance Model Performers Resources Expectations Consequences
Knowledge Feedback

15 Performance Model Performers Resources Expectations Consequences
Knowledge Feedback

16 Human ROI Defined Responsibilities – My Retirement
Objectives – Obtain 10k in bank this year. Indicators – Measures 401k Behaviors – Act Cheap

17 360’s Measure... Behavior’s Value Driven Principle Driven 360

18 360 Defined

19 360 Defined Org. Map

20 360 Defined Org. Map CBI

21 360 Defined Org. Map Competencies CBI

22 360 Defined Org. Map Competencies CBI Behaviors

23 Organizational Map CBI Time Quality Costs Good Bad Ugly Set Annual
¼ Review Annually No Review Un-controlled Quality Linked to Org Behavior Linked to One Part Un-linked Costs Automated Budgeted Paper Hidden Un-supported

24 Competency Behaviors Good Bad Ugly Validated Educated Guess Stolen
Expectations Validated Educated Guess Stolen Consequences Target Perfect Not Linked Resources Available 20/80 Shotgun 80/20 Knee Jerked

25 Competency Model Tic-Tac-Toe
Review Organizational Map. Name two Competencies that will help achieve a Goal. Define two behaviors for each Competency. Validate the desired target (1 to 5) Assume behavior is below target Identify ways to improve your Gap

26 Situation, Action Result
Process Feedback Good Bad Ugly Communicate Situation, Action Result Results Situation Source 360 180 Boss Improvement Alternative Actions Numbers Only Not Done

27 Barriers Organizational Individual Yours?
Cultural Change, Program of the month, Not tied Individual Trust, Confidential, Fear, Technology, Don’ know how to give feedback, Time, Can’t do 30 to 40 surveys Yours?

28 Tips & Tricks. Switch Mindset by comparing to Capital Purchase
Automate Ask… Does Human Behavior Impact my CBI… If yes how do I measure it? Handouts

29 Summary Human P&L Competencies Behaviors
“Feedback done by a select few is yesterday’s paradigm. In the new paradigm, Feedback becomes the job expectations of everyone.” Fred Brown Human P&L Competencies Behaviors

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