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2 Tuna Council's Handbook
3 Basic Parts to Building a HACCP Plan Part 1. Product and Process Descriptions Part 2. Hazard Analysis (document recommended) Part 3. HACCP Plan (document mandated) HACCP Plan Tuna Council's Handbook

3 Tuna Council's Handbook
Part 1. PRODUCT Descriptions Product Descriptions should include: • Particular tuna species (market name) and source • Initial product form and size as received • Final product form, type of packaging, and method of distribution • Intended use and/or consumers WHY ? Tuna Council's Handbook

4 Tuna Council's Handbook
Part 1. PROCESS Descriptions Describe each processing step Include a Flow Diagram for all processing steps WHY ? Tuna Council's Handbook

5 Tuna Council's Handbook
Part Hazard Analysis Each processing operation ‘must’ conduct, or have conducted for it, a hazard analysis [FDA HACCP Regulation sec (a)] The Tuna Council strongly recommends maintaining the hazard analysis in written and documented format Tuna Council's Handbook

6 Tuna Council's Handbook
Part Hazard Analysis Inclusive Approach for Hazard Analysis Replaces the traditional method that initially attempted to put the identified hazards in various categories (biological, chemical or physical) Simply list all identified potential hazards at each processing step to determine the necessary controls for all hazards through the entire process. Tuna HACCP Guide p. 5-3 Tuna Council's Handbook

7 Tuna Council's Handbook
Part Hazard Analysis Tuna HACCP Guide p. 5-3 Inclusive listing for all identified hazards at ‘each’ processing step Tuna Council's Handbook

8 Tuna Council's Handbook
Part Hazard Analysis Simply answer the questions to determine the necessary CCP’s Tuna Council's Handbook

9 CCP’s can be ‘here or there’
CCP ‘here’ YES YES CCP ‘there’ Tuna Council's Handbook

10 CCP’s can be across multiple steps
YES + YES Tuna Council's Handbook

11 CCP’s can be across multiple steps
Use of monitoring methods for cumulative time of exposure are recommended and recognized as an appropriate approach as illustrated in the FDA Hazards Guide Chapter 12, page 240, Table 12-6 for unrefrigerated processing of blue crabs. A key function will be maintaining the identity of the group of tuna from time of thawing through all cumulative steps. YES + YES Tuna Council's Handbook

12 Tuna Council's Handbook
Part 3. HACCP Plan Every seafood processing operation or processor must have and implement a ‘written’ HACCP Plan whenever a hazard analysis indicates one or more food safety hazards that are ‘reasonably likely to occur’ [FDA HACCP Reg. sec (b)] Tuna Council strongly recommends maintaining the HACCP Plan in a documented format Tuna Council's Handbook

13 Tuna Council's Handbook
Part 3. HACCP Plan The HACCP Plan must indicate: 1. All potential hazards based on Product and Process descriptions 2. The required Critical Controls Points (CCPs) as determined by the Hazard Analysis 3. The Critical Limits (CL) set for each CCP 4. The Monitoring procedures for each CCP and CL 5. Corrective Actions (CA) 6. Verification procedures to assure the HACCP Plan will work and is working 7. Records from all monitoring and related HACCP procedures Tuna Council's Handbook

14 Tuna Council's Handbook
Hazard Analysis & HACCP Plan FORMS Tuna Handbook - Appendix 10 Tuna Council's Handbook

15 Tuna Council's Handbook
Monitoring FORMS Tuna Guide - Examples in Appendix 13 SPECIAL NOTE FOR MONITORING ! How do you monitor ‘lots’, ‘batches’ and ‘groups’ of fish and products? Tuna Council's Handbook

16 Tuna Council's Handbook
RECORDS Tuna Council recommends RECORDS for Hazard Analysis Tuna Council's Handbook

17 Tuna Council's Handbook
RECORDS content Tuna Council's Handbook

18 REMEMBER ! HACCP Plans must be reviewed and signed at least annually Or whenever changes have occurred in the Hazard Analysis or HACCP Plan Tuna Council's Handbook

19 Tuna Council's Handbook

20 Selected Examples based on most common processing operations
Tuna Council's Handbook

21 Tuna Council's Handbook
3 Parts in each Example Product and Process Descriptions (including Flow Diagrams) Hazard Analysis to determine the Critical Controls Points (CCPs) for all identified hazards through all processing steps (Inclusive Approach) HACCP Plans to determine the controls for each CCP Tuna Council's Handbook

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