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Analyse ways that citizens can participate in politics (20 marks)

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Presentation on theme: "Analyse ways that citizens can participate in politics (20 marks)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyse ways that citizens can participate in politics (20 marks)

2 In your essay, you should detail:
The various methods of participation in politics. The effectiveness of different types of participation.

3 Answers may refer to the various methods of participation in politics:
Voting Joining a party/campaigning Pressure group membership/participation Protest – various forms legal or illegal Participation through interaction with the media Standing for election at various levels

4 Example paragraph-Voting
Mention electoral systems- citizens can participate in politics by voting. This gives citizens the opportunity to have their say in the people who represent them and make decisions that affect them on a daily basis such as healthcare provision and the welfare state. However, the electoral system can be a major factor in how influential their participation can be. Under FPTP citizens can feel that their participation is wasted as the current government were elected in 2015 by only 37% of the electorate meaning that actually 63% of the population who voted for a different population wasted their time participating as their vote meant nothing. However, under a different system such as the Additional Member System there is a greater chance that more people will have representation in politics through their vote as a proportion of the vote should be reflected in the parties with power.

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