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The Next Generation : Heroes or Hopeless Annimac / Anni Macbeth

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Presentation on theme: "The Next Generation : Heroes or Hopeless Annimac / Anni Macbeth"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Next Generation : Heroes or Hopeless Annimac / Anni Macbeth
WA DPAW Parks & Visitors Services Division 2017 Workshop Keynote 27 April 2017 Perth W Australia The Next Generation : Heroes or Hopeless Annimac / Anni Macbeth Futurist & Trend Forecaster

2 Exponential change Augmented Reality Political Chaos Quantum energy
Climate Change Bionic Bodies Population vs Resources Smart machines 97% of water on Earth is undrinkable Peak Oil : in 2000 ©2017annimac

3 Our Four Generation Workforce
b yo yo yo yo ©2017annimac

4 Generation Z Fifth Gen b 1995 - 2010 2 billion globally
Maclean’s July 2014 Canadian biz mag ©2017annimac

5 Revitalise training & professional development in PVS
GENERATION Z & the PVS TRAINING STRATEGY 2016 ( From Combined Snapshots – PVS website ) A Strategy to : Revitalise training & professional development in PVS Improve knowledge & understanding of PVS Acknowledge existing expertise and skills Develop a culture of shared values Working in a team willing to explore innovations Pass on corporate knowledge Develop collaborative working relationships ©2017annimac

6 2 billion into workforce 2015
Gen Z age “ The Influencers “ Digital in their DNA 2 billion into workforce 2015 largest cohort group hyperconnected self motivated for usefulness sling shotting technologies Augmented Reality VR biotech live intelligent cities Digital Integrators 2017annimac

7 “ The Influencers ” v conservative v serious v ambitious v principled
ignore normal obstacles live mobile interconnectivity network people personalised messaging reject idea of fixed place expect robotics / androids 2017annimac

8 Generational Characteristics Now
Gen Z Gen Y Gen X B Boomer is diverse celebrates diversity accepts diversity assumes diversity realist optimistic/ pragmatic/ practical idealist Self driven Self inventive Self involved Self expansive no rules re write rules desire rules reject rules uses/ignores institutions irrelevance of institutions mistrusts institutions topples institutions self made kids nurtured kids latchkey kids laissez faire kids highest expectation high expectation no link between hard work & success freedom to seek to achieve making the future future is open future is closing future is now egoless personalisation & customisation labels (as security) categorisation (mass) 2017annimac

9 2017annimac

10 Gen Z in Oz 2017annimac

11 Key to thriving Relationships people to people people to networks
people to social media people to technologies 2017annimac

12 Key to thriving Attitudes & Values Honesty no spin
Integrity walk the talk Respect peoples + planet Responsibility personal + professional 2017annimac

13 Thank you contact me

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