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Chapter 13: Professional Visual Aids

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1 Chapter 13: Professional Visual Aids

2 Benefits of Using Visual Aids
Improve listener memory Speed comprehension “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Add to speaker credibility

3 Types of Visual Aids Audiovisual Aids
Video, music Electronic/Multimedia Presentations See tips on page 344 Flip Chats and Posters Markers and Chalkboards Objects, Models, and Handouts

4 Selecting and Designing Your Visual Aids
Avoid major mistakes (page 347) Choosing text or graphic visuals Deciding how many visuals to use Length of speech/2 +1= maximum number of visuals Using the appropriate type size and type face

5 Graphic Visuals Organization charts and flowcharts
Diagrams and schematics Maps Graphs

6 General Design Principles
Contrast Avoid elements on page that are similar Repetition Repeat visual elements throughout the piece Alignment Every element should have some visual connection with another element Proximity Related items should be grouped together

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