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PROJECT STABILIZATION AGREEMENT (PSA) Padilla & associates, Inc. Wednesday, august 28, 2013

2 SGUSD Measure A and its PSA
The SGUSD PSA was entered into effect on November 11, 2010 by and between the Governing Board of the SGUSD, the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, and the signatory Craft Unions. This Agreement establishes the Labor Relations Policies and Procedures on a select list of SGUSD Measure A construction projects.

3 How does the PSA Apply? The PSA applies to all new construction, rehabilitation and capital improvement work, performed by those contractor(s) of whatever tier that have contracts awarded for such work, and are funded in whole or in part by Measure A. Washington Elementary School New Media Center New Kindergarten Modernize Admin/Office Modernize Parking/Drop-Off Modernize Site Work McKinley Elementary School New Classrooms Modernize Drop-off Modernize Lunch Shelter Jefferson Middle School #1 New Fitness Building New Tennis Courts New Track & Field Jefferson Middle School #2 New Admin/Office Modernize Staff Building Modernize Music/Cafeteria Modernize Lunch Shelter Gabrielino High School New Music & Classrooms New Concession Modernize Wrestling Building

4 Principal Components of the PSA
Signing of Letter of Assent Dispute Resolution (Defined Grievance Process) Single Set of Employment Standards Uniform Application of Wages Dispatch of Skilled Labor (Craft Request Form) Allow Equal Access to Union and Non-Union Contractors Utilization of Core Employees Establishment of Subscription Agreement with applicable Trade Union Trust Fund Joint Labor/Management Apprenticeship Programs (DOL & DAS Certifications) No-Strike/No-Lock Out

5 PSA Local Hire Requirements
The PSA promotes the identification and retention of skilled labor and employment of District Residents and establishes a minimum of 30% Local Hire Goal for Project Craft Work. The District has identified the Local Hire zip codes and determined a four level priority for the dispatch of the Project craft workers, as follows: First Priority- San Gabriel Unified School District Boundary Residents. Second Priority- Surrounding District (Alhambra, Arcadia, El Monte, Monrovia, Rosemead, San Marino, South El Monte, South San Gabriel and Temple City) Residents. Third Priority- San Gabriel Valley Residents. Fourth Priority- Los Angeles County Residents. Local Hire attainment is tracked and reported on a monthly basis to the District and shall be considered a compliance component of the contract.

6 Prevailing Wage Requirements

7 PSA Core Employee What is a “Core Employee” in accordance with the PSA? An employee that has been on the active payroll for at least fifty (50) out of the last one-hundred (100) days prior to the award; Possesses any license required by state or federal law for the Project Work to be performed; Has the ability to safely perform the basic function of the applicable trade; and Is a resident of the District or from the designated zip codes on the effective date of this agreement, or have been resident of the District for the one-hundred (100) working days prior to the award of the Project Work to the contractor. The Prime Contractor may utilize its Core Employee workforce as needed. However, any member of the workforce that does not meet the core employee criteria may NOT be utilized; all additional workforce requested must be obtained using the Union referral procedure.

8 PSA Required Submittals Letter of Assent

9 Referral and Jurisdictional Assignment
The Prime Contractor in coordination with its subcontractor, shall complete and finalize the Referral and Jurisdictional Assignments Form, prior to the commencement of work. Referral procedures will be in accordance with Article 3 of the PSA. Unions are to have the referral procedures posted at their hiring halls in order to be in full compliance with the law. The contractor(s) shall make all assignment permanent. Any craft that has a disagreement with the final assignment(s) may file a jurisdictional dispute consistent with Article 8 of the PSA.

10 PSA Required Submittals Core Employee List

11 PSA Required Submittals Certified Payroll Records
Weekly Certified Payroll Records (CPRs) for the Prime, Subcontractors and Owner Operators performing work on the Project are to be maintained and submitted weekly by the Prime Contractor to the PSA Administrator via “Drop Box.” Proper completion of forms: All payroll documents must be properly and completely filled out per California Labor Code 1776. A Statement of Compliance must be completed and submitted with each CPR no matter what form of weekly payroll is submitted. CERTIFIED PAYROLL NAME OF CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR ADDRESS CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE #/SPECIALTY LICENSE # WORKERS COMPENSATION POLICY # PAYROLL NO. FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CONTRACT NO. (1) (2) (3) OT (4) Day and Date (5) (6) (7) Gross Amount Earned NAME, ADDRESS, AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEE No. of W/H Exmptn Work Classification or Hour Pay This Project All Projects Federal Tax FICA State Tax SDI VAC Other Total Deduction (9) Net Wages Paid for Week Check No. Total Rate ST Hours Worked Daily

12 Padilla & Associates, Inc. PSA Administrator
Veronica Martinez 714) Karina Alvarez

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