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Web Services Inter- Operability

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1 Web Services Inter- Operability
CS409 Application Services Even Semester 2007 CS409 Application Services

2 Motivation For two or more application to be involved in the process of data transfer among each other. The merger and collaboration of two or more applications’ data, resources, and business logics, to support an automated process. CS409 Application Services

3 Underlying Reasons Some sample cases:
Application A needs periodic/regular access to application B’s database. Application A needs to borrow some of application B’s business logic for processing a business function. Applications A & B need to share a common repository to avoid storing redundant data. Application A is collecting data that will be stored in application B’s database. etc … CS409 Application Services

4 Types of Integration Extensions to existing application.
When existing system must able to support new or modified features, access logic in another system, but to avoid redevelopment of existing features. Challenge: when the two systems are based on different technology platforms or operating environments. CS409 Application Services

5 Types of Integration (2)
New business processes. When existing system must able to support corporate mergers, organization restructuring, service expansions, but still need the existing features. Challenge: when the new process needs a number of legacy systems to work together, but the legacies were not designed to be integrate-able. CS409 Application Services

6 Integration Level Traditional Integration:
Data level integration. Application level integration. Enterprise Application Integration (EAI): Process integration. CS409 Application Services

7 Fig 1. Fundamental Integration Levels
Process Application EAI traditional integration Data Fig 1. Fundamental Integration Levels CS409 Application Services

8 Integration Level (3) Data-Level Integration:
Data sharing only, not involving logic. Example: application A have direct access to application B’s database, so none of application B’s logic is involved in this process. Data replication from one application’s database to the other. Normally work as one-way data transfer and central database models. CS409 Application Services

9 Integration Level (4) Application-Level Integration:
Exchange of data between applications where each system’s business logics control the flow of data. Often occurred because: Direct data access is not an option (security reason, unparalleled interfaces, etc). Data or logic in the targeted application is protected by layers of business logics. CS409 Application Services

10 Integration Level (5) Process-Level Integration:
Data and/or business logic sharing involves a new business process. The new process is called broker or orchestration process. The new process doesn’t have its own logic nor data, but just combining data and logic from the legacies. CS409 Application Services

11 Role of WS in Integration
Web services do not provide an integration solution by themselves. It is helpful in creating integration layer by exposing legacy systems’ APIs to share data and programming logics via a standardized approach. It establishes a platform-independent inter-operability model across various integration architectures. CS409 Application Services

12 Role of WS in Integration (2)
Web Service Integration Layer Middle ware Data Application A Middle ware Data Web Service Integration Layer Application B Fig 2. Integration Layers by Web Services CS409 Application Services

13 Integration with WS Issue: how to maximize the quality of web services that represent external contact points for legacy systems? Integration endpoint services (IES): an environment that unifies variety of applications through a set of standardized service interfaces. CS409 Application Services

14 Integration with WS (2) Application A Application C Application B
WSDL Service A WSDL Service D Application A Application C WSDL Service B WSDL Service E WSDL Service C Application B Integration endpoint services Fig 3. Integration of Services CS409 Application Services

15 Designing IES Strategies for streamlining IES:
Make more generic interfaces. Legacy systems normally were not designed with interoperability, so you need to make it capable. Consolidate legacy interfaces. Combining execution of multiple legacy functions into one operation call. Consolidate proxy interfaces. Replace proxy service (RPC-style) with business service (represent collection of processes). CS409 Application Services

16 Designing IES (2) … streamlining IES:
Supplement legacy logic with external logic. Only if benefit of quality and performance are high, beware of the amount of cost and effort. Add multiple data output format. Even it is not necessary for current requirements, but prepare for future integration requirements. Alternative interfaces for different clients. Different access points for different types of clients into the same application logic. CS409 Application Services

17 Designing IES (3) Strategies for optimizing IES:
Minimize service intermediaries usage. Keep it as simple as possible. Using service interceptors. Delegate reusable functions to other services. Keep it small, do not put business logic within interceptor. CS409 Application Services

18 Designing IES (4) … optimizing IES:
Delegate data processing activities. Direct input/output data validation process to other component. Cache WSDL from provider. Reduce repetitive processing of WSDL every time the application create a message. Only recommended for integration connections that are expected to remain relatively static. CS409 Application Services

19 Designing IES (5) Strategies for integrating legacy systems:
Partial integration layers. If time is the constraint, partial integration only can be less disruptive than entire integration layer. Be careful! May convoluted the design. In-Memory Database (IMDB) data caching. Cache document-type-definition, XML schema, etc. Improve overall responsiveness since legacy systems normally not designed to accommodate “service-oriented application performance”. CS409 Application Services

20 Designing IES (6) … integrating legacy systems:
Adding a queue for scalability demands. Legacy systems normally not designed to accommodate “service-oriented application performance”. Build a queue to manage overflow requests to the legacy system. Adding a mini-hub. Is the third integration layer that is not attached into the legacies. Used to abstract generic functionality for future integration outside the original boundaries. CS409 Application Services

21 Designing IES (7) … integrating legacy systems:
Abstract legacy’s adapter technology. Create utility layer to connect integration layer with legacy’s logic. Remove dependencies between vendor’s adapter and the integration layer (in case vendor upgrades the technology, service layer won’t be affected). Leverage legacy integration architecture. To connect two or more group of applications that are already integrated, preserve the architecture “within” them. Simply append web service integration layers to the group level of the applications. CS409 Application Services

22 Designing IES (8) Designing the interface is separate task from the development of the process logic. Service interface designer: Own the WSDL document  developers only supply the implementation code. In charge of SOAP documents to ensure consistent message format. Defines interface standards and naming conventions. Has a broad outlook for interface extensibility. CS409 Application Services

23 Interoperability Standards
Web Services Interoperability Organization: WS-I Organization, An industry consortium to promote the adoption of web service technologies. Founded by 9 companies (MS, IBM, BEA, SAP, Oracle, HP, et al.), now has more than 150 members. Also has associate members that produce other standards (OASIS, RosettaNet, OMG. OAG, etc). CS409 Application Services

24 Interoperability Standards (2)
Primary WS-I deliverables: Sets of profiles. Sample application based on the profiles. Test tools to verify the conformance of custom-built services to the profiles. CS409 Application Services

25 WS-I Profile References to existing set of web services standards and guidance on how to use them. The first profile is WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 Conformance targets: SOAP message, WSDL document, and UDDI entries. Service provider, service requestor, and service registry roles. Requirements for message sender and message receiver (can be done by both service provider or requestor). CS409 Application Services

26 WS-I Profile (2) Summary of the most important guidelines:
The only binding supported is SOAP/HTTP binding. The only SOAP bindings permitted are document-literal (RPC-encoded binding is not permitted). The part element for a message must reference a complex type definition using type attribute. CS409 Application Services

27 WS-I Profile (3) … most important guidelines:
The only message exchange pattern operation types supported are request-response and one-way. Please read “Building Web Services with Java : Making Sense of XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI (2nd Edition)” by Steve Graham, et al page 611 to 647 for complete information about WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 CS409 Application Services

28 WS-I Sample Application
The purpose is to show how to build inter-operable web services. The usage scenario is based on a SCM application that consists of: retailer system, manufacturing system, and demo system. The sample has been implemented by some companies and tested by WS-I Sample Application Working Group. CS409 Application Services

29 WS-I Sample Application (2)
Demo System Retailer System Manufacturing System Consumer Logging Service Retailer Service Warehouse Service Warehouse Callback Service Manufacturer Service Fig 4. WS-I Sample Application Architecture CS409 Application Services

30 WS-I Sample Application (3)
Architecture document and download the source code: CS409 Application Services

31 WS-I Test Tools Provides an easy way to determine if a web service conforms to the requirements of WS-I Basic Profile. Test tools are implemented in Java and C#. Contains two tools: The monitor. The analyzer. CS409 Application Services

32 The Monitor Provides a way to log web service messages using “man-in-the-middle” approach. Contains 2 primary functions: Message interceptor intercepts messages sent from requestor to provider and vice versa. Message logger formats the intercepted messages into understandable standard formats in message log. CS409 Application Services

33 The Monitor (2) Monitor functions are controlled by a configuration file. Listen to exact ports for incoming messages then forward the messages into specific location of the actual destination web services. The message sender sees the monitor as if it is the destination web service. CS409 Application Services

34 The Analyzer To determine if a set of web services related artifacts conforms to WS-I Basic Profile requirements by processing a set of test assertions. Types of artifacts: messages set of messages logged by the monitor. description the service description (in WSDL document). discovery the UDDI entries for the web service. CS409 Application Services

35 The Analyzer (2) All test assertions are listed in the test assertion document. Input for the analyzer: Location of test assertion document. References to the web service artifacts. Output from the analyzer: Conformance report CS409 Application Services

36 The Analyzer (3) Possible results in conformance reports:
Passed the artifact is passed the stated assertion. Failed an error was detected when processing the test assertion. Warning test failed, but test type is only “recommended”. notApplicable context condition did not exist or prerequisite test was failed. missingInput the data was not specified as input or it did not exist in the particular artifact being tested. CS409 Application Services

37 Thank You Doddy Lukito
Thank you and hope you enjoy our presentations. Doddy Lukito CS409 Application Services

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