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Presentation to the Labour Portfolio Committee

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1 Presentation to the Labour Portfolio Committee
DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Presentation to the Labour Portfolio Committee 2014/15 Annual Report Achievements and Challenges 22 September 2015 1 1

2 Table of contents Introduction
Service Delivery Outcomes and Department Strategic Goals Legend Overall Performance DOL Programmes: 2014/2015 Annual Performance and Challenges Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement Programme 3: Public Employment Services Programme 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations Conclusion 2 2


Section 9, to ensure equal access to opportunities. Section 10, promotion of labour standards and fundamental rights at work. Section 18, Freedom of association. Section 23, To ensure sound Labour relations. Section 24, To ensure an environment that is not harmful to the health and wellbeing of those in the workplace. Section 27, To provide adequate social security nets to protect vulnerable workers. Section 28, To ensure that children are protected from exploitative labour practices and not required or permitted to perform work or services that are inappropriate for a person of that child’s age or their well‐being, education, physical or mental health or spiritual, moral or social development is placed at risk. Section 34, Access to courts and access to fair and speedy labour justice.

Improved economic efficiency and productivity. Creation of decent employment. Promoting labour standards and fundamental rights at work. Providing adequate social safety nets to protect vulnerable workers Sound labour relations. Eliminating inequality and discrimination in the workplace. Enhancing occupational health and safety awareness and compliance in the workplace. Give value to social dialogue in the formulation of sound and responsive legislation and policies to attain labour market flexibility for competitiveness of enterprises which is balanced with the promotion of decent employment

6 Service Delivery Outcomes and Department Strategic Goals
DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Service Delivery Outcomes and Department Strategic Goals 6

7 SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOMES AND DEPARTMENTAL STRATEGIC GOALS (APP tabled and approved in November 2014) Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 1: (OUTCOME 4) Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Strategic Goals 1. Promote Occupational health services 2. Contribute to decent employment creation 3. Protect vulnerable workers 5. Strengthen occupational safety protection 6. Promote sound labour relations 7. Monitor the impact of legislation 9. Development of the Occupational Health and Safety policies Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 2: (OUTCOME 5) A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path Strategic Goal 2. Contribute to decent employment creation

Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 3: (OUTCOME 11) Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better World Strategic Goal 4. Strengthen multilateral and bilateral relations Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 4: (OUTCOME 12) An efficient, effective and development oriented public service Strategic Goal 8. Strengthen the institutional capacity of the Department Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 5: (OUTCOME 14) Transforming society and uniting the country Strategic Goal 10. Promote Equity in the labour market

9 Overview of the DoL Programmes and Entities
DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Overview of the DoL Programmes and Entities 9

10 Programme 1 : Administration
Ministry and Deputy Ministry: provides oversight to ensure that the Department’s mandate is achieved Office of the Director-General: provides administrative oversight for effective implementation of the Department’s mandate & overall accounting oversight Chief Operations Officer: manages & directs medium term strategic planning processes, performance information reporting, monitoring & evaluation of performance against plans & the service delivery improvement plan Corporate Services: provides support services to the Department in relation to HRM, Internal Audit, Risk Management, ICT, Communication & Legal Services Office of the Chief Financial Officer provides support to the Department on all strategic matters as they relate to financial management, budget management, cost benefit analysis, forecasting financial needs, supply chain management, fleet and accommodation management 10

11 Programme 2 : Inspections and Enforcement (IES)
The purpose of IES is to examine how national labour standards are applied in the workplace through inspection and enforcement of labour legislation and to educate and advise social partners on labour market policies To realise decent work by regulating non-employment and employment conditions through inspections and enforcement in order to achieve compliance with all labour legislation Total of 830 of which 160 are OHS inspectors, 336 Team leaders, 75 Principal Inspectors and 129 vacancies Ration of inspectors in developing countries is 1 inspector for entities whilst in SA 1 inspector is looking after entities resulting in ineffective enforcement of OHS Act provisions 11

12 Programme 3: Public Employment Services (PES)
PES provides assistance to employers and work-seekers to adjust to changing labour market conditions. The primary function of the branch is to register unemployed and under employed work seekers, to equip them with employment counselling to access employment, to seek and register opportunities for the absorption of work seekers, to match them with opportunities and to refer them to employers and other institutions for potential placement and to access unemployment benefits. The program derives its mandate from the Skills Development Act, 1998, the Presidential Proclamation No. 56 of 2009 and will in future derive its mandate from the Employment Services Act, No. 4 of 2014 as soon as it is promulgated. 12

13 Programme 3: Public Employment Services (PES)
Employment Services functions are delivered through the 127 Labour Centres, Thusong multi-purpose centres, satellite offices with permanent officers, visiting points, mobile trucks and buses. PES uses the Employment Services South African (ESSA) electronic system on which the work-seekers can register their skills and experience and employers and entities or institutions can also register work and learning opportunities. 13

14 Programme 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations
LP&IR facilitates the establishment of an equitable and sound labour relations environment and the promotion of South Africa’s interests in international labour matters through researching, analysing and evaluating labour policy and providing statistical data on the labour market, including providing support to the institutions that promote social dialogue. 14

15 Public Entities Associated with DOL
Entities established in terms of various legislations to assist DOL to meet its mandate: Compensation Fund (CF) Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) Productivity South Africa (PSA) Protected Employment Enterprises (currently trading as Sheltered Employment Factories) (SEF)


17 LEGEND Performance Indicator is on track or reflects complete implementation. Target achieved 100% and + Complete Performance Indicator behind schedule. Target not achieved 0 – 99% Complete

18 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Overall Performance 18

19 THE DOL 2014/15 QUARTER 1 TO QUARTER 4 COMPARISON: Programme Performance
Financial Year 2014/15 Planned indicators Achieved Indicators Not Achieved % Achieved Quarter 1 49 24 25 48% Quarter 2 54 34 20 62% Quarter 3 46 23 50% Quarter 4 48 28 58% Planning and implementation Trend

THE DOL 2014/15 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT: APR Performance per Strategic Goals STRATEGIC GOALS ACTUAL OUTPUT - VALIDATED Overall Performance Planned Indictors Achieved Not Achieved Promote Occupational health services This strategic goal is covered in terms of indicators that are applicable in strengthen occupational safety protection . Contribute to decent employment creation 9 4 5 44% Protect vulnerable workers 6 1 17% Strengthen multilateral and bilateral relations 100% Strengthen occupational safety protection 3 50% Promote sound labour relations 2 0% Monitor the impact of legislation Strengthen the institutional capacity of the Department 18 8 10 Development of the Occupational Health and Safety policies Promote Equity in the labour market 40% AVERAGE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE 48 20 28 42% PERFORMANCE % 58%

21 THE DOL 2014/15 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE: Programme Performance
Annual Report: Financial Year 2014/15 Planned Achieved Not Achieved % ACHIEVED Administration 18 8 10 44% Inspections and Enforcement Services 14 6 36% Public Employment Services 9 4 5 Labour Policy and Industrial Relations 7 2 43% AVERAGE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE 48 20 28 42% 58%

22 DOL Programmes: 2014/2015 Annual Performance and Challenges
DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR DOL Programmes: 2014/2015 Annual Performance and Challenges 22

23 Programme 1: Corporate Services
Strengthen the institutional capacity of the department: Outcome 12

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions Strategic Plan 2015/20 and APP 2015/16 were tabled in Parliament in March 2015 Achieved: None None Four (4) Strategic risk reviews and monitoring reports submitted and approved by the Accounting Officer within 30 days of each quarter 62% (39 of the 63) of fraud cases received or detected were finalised by the year end against a target of 92% Not Achieved: Challenges regarding human resources including the expertise and effort offered by the employees. There is on-going training of Provincial Investigators By the 31st March 2015: 41.23% (47 of the 114 SMS filled posts) was women. This was against 50% Annual target. 31.91% (2 494 of the 7815 filled posts) youth were appointed in the department. This was against 36% Annual target. 2.65% (207 of the 7815 filled posts) People with Disabilities were appointed in the department. The Annual target was 3%. Not Achieved: The filling of vacancies were suspended due to financial constraints The suspension was reviewed during the Financial Year 2015/16. Critical posts to be identified and filled 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 10.67% (Of the total 8 748 funded posts, 933) were vacant. The Annual target was less than 10%. Not Achieved: This was as the results of the suspension of the filling of vacancies due to financial constraints The suspension to be reviewed during the Financial Year 2015/16. 85.3% (4 446 of the planned 5 214) staff was trained against a target of 87% Not Achieved: The decentralisation of the training budget None 86% of misconduct cases were resolved in 90 days against a target of 100%. A total of 546 cases received and 472 resolved throughout this financial period. Not Achieved: Reason for cases not resolved: Postponements due to sick leave, annual leave and unavailability of union representatives On-going training of Provincial Investigators  Service of a forensic Investigating firm procured and assumed duties end of Q4.  They will provide transfer of skills as they will be working with internal staff. 98% (93 Litigation cases were received for the financial year 2014/ out of the 93 cases were attended within the 10 days of receipt and only one (1) was attended outside the 10 day period). The target was 90% Achieved: Litigation matters are dealt with as a matter of urgency as serious repercussions will ensue. Department to deal with litigations urgently 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions The annual ICT action plan was approved. 60% implementation of the ICT activities in the annual action plan was achieved. Achieved: None None Final 2015 Estimates of National Expenditure submitted to NT by 11 January 2015 91.23% ( of the ) invoices were paid within 30 days of receipt Not Achieved: System errors when processing payments (this is for various payment) Supplier did not have verified banking details. OCFO to address the matter An increase of 17% in irregular expenditure was realised from 2013/14 to 2014/15  (The total cases for 2013/14 were 46 with the total irregular expenditure amount of R685  The total case for 2014/15 was 37 with the total irregular expenditure amount of R798  ) Not Achieved: There was an increase in terms of amount but a decrease in number of cases. Retraining of delegated officials in Head Office and Provinces. Disciplinary action against officials who cause irregular expenditure 2 June 2018

27 Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement Services

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 551 employers reviewed against a target of 523 Achieved: Non- availability of employers resulting in the rescheduling of appointments for inspections Closer Monitoring of labour centres to ensure adherence to action plans. Prov. Target Actual Variance EC 98 125 27 FS 28 43 15 GP 105 111 6 KZN 48 LP 41 14 -27 MP 38 40 2 NC 24 19 -5 NW 37 -3 WC 101 114 13 TOTAL 523 551 +28 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 1 364 designated employers were inspected for compliance with Employment Equity Legislation against the target of 1 837 Not Achieved: Non- availability of employers resulting in the rescheduling of appointments for inspections and resource constraints Closer Monitoring of labour centres to ensure adherence to action plans. Prov. Target Actual Variance EC 318 312 -6 FS 60 67 +7 GP 159 15 -144 KZN 324 493 +169 LP 192 32 -160 MP 216 -149 NC 24 7 -17 NW 274 93 -181 WC 270 278 8 TOTAL 1 837 1 364 -473 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 99% (515 of the 521) non-compliant workplaces were dealt with against a target of 100% Not Achieved: Non-availability of the designated employer to be served with notices resulting in a need to conduct follow-up visits. Closer Monitoring of labour centres to ensure adherence to action plans. Prov. Number of non-compliant workplaces Number of workplaces dealt with % dealt with EC 90 100% FS 13 GP 0% KZN 147 LP 20 15 75% MP 40 NC 6 5 83% NW 28 WC 177 TOTAL 521 515 99% 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 149 847 against a target of (99%) workplaces were inspected, and (82%) complied; and (18%) did not comply Not Achieved: Non- availability of employers resulting in the rescheduling of appointments for inspections Closer Monitoring of labour centres to ensure adherence to action plans. 91% of non-complying workplaces were dealt with against a target of 100%. A total of notices were issued and 394 cases were referred to court. Not Achieved: Non-availability of employer to be served with notices resulting in a need to conduct follow-up visits. Prov. Actual inspected Actual complied % complied No. not complying EC 18 295 14 370 79% 3 925 FS 10 928 10 294 94% 634 GP 38 600 34 353 89% 4 247 KZN 29 339 22 005 75% 7 334 LP 12 199 7 996 66% 4 203 MP 11 163 9 846 88% 1 317 NC 5 611 4 964 647 NW 10 684 9 338 87% 1 346 WC 13 028 9 150 70% 3 878 TOTAL 82% 27 531 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 75% (730 of 968) requested investigations were conducted within 5 days against a target of 90% Not Achieved: Current planning model for inspections for work permits not effective Revise planning model for inspections for work permits. Consider centralising the request for inspections at provincial office level Prov. Number of request Number inspected within 5 days % inspected within 5 days Variance EC 51 100% FS 3 GP 539 333 62% -206 KZN 130 121 93% -9 LP 33 31 94% -2 MP 34 NC NW 4 WC 171 150 88% -21 TOTAL 968 730 75% -238 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions against a target of workplaces were inspected, and (66%) complied; and (34%) did not comply with OHS legislation A total of notices were issued and 112 cases were referred to court Achieved: Though the target was surpassed, there is lack of OHS specific Human Capital Capacity building in OHS specialisation model Blitz Inspections conducted Prov. Total Inspected Actual complied % complied Actual not complying EC 2 487 1 810 73% 677 FS 1 936 1 341 69% 449 GP 4 687 2 866 61% 1 821 KZN 4 268 2 788 65% 1 480 LP 3 936 3 168 80% 768 MP 1 640 1 127 513 NC 1 185 758 64% 427 NW 1 548 868 56% 680 WC 1 991 918 46% 1 073 TOTAL 23 678 15 644 66% 7 888 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 45% (of the 1 305 reported incidents) 589 were investigated within 90 days against a target of 60%. Not Achieved: Limited competency on OHS Enforcement Capacity building in OHS specialisation model and filling of vacancies Prov. Number of reported incidents Number investigated within 90 days % investigated within 90 days Variance EC 94 88 94% -6 FS 40 14 35% -26 GP 113 42 37% -71 KZN 836 246 29% -590 LP 32 31 97% -1 MP 24 8 33% -16 NC 20 7 -13 NW 19 26 137% +7 WC 127 100% TOTAL 1 305 589 45% -723 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 5 378 employer payroll audits were conducted against a target of Not Achieved: Resource constraints Filling of vacancies Prov. Target Actual Variance EC 1 728 856 -872 FS 696 273 -423 GP 2 580 1 030 1 550 KZN 1 200 667 -533 LP 1 488 539 -949 MP 793 522 -271 NC 708 506 -202 NW 1 224 416 -808 WC 3 024 569 -2 455 TOTAL 13 441 5 378 -8 063 2 June 2018

36 Programme 3: Public Employment Services

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions Draft employment Service Regulations was developed but not published for public comments as planned Not Achieved: The ES Act not yet promulgated to provide the legal basis for regulations Draft Regulations to be discussed by the ES Board once established A total of 18 Provincial and 518 local campaigns were conducted against a target of 18 and 126 Achieved: Additional 392 local advocacy campaigns were conducted. More targeted focus on local communities Provincial campaigns Local campaigns Prov. Target Actual Advocacy campaigns Variance EC 2 FS GP KZN 3 1 LP MP NC -1 NW WC Total 18 Prov. Target Actual Advocacy campaigns Variance EC 16 61 45 FS 12 17 5 GP 25 44 19 KZN 62 46 LP 13 71 58 MP 15 4 NC 6 175 169 NW 11 59 48 WC 10 -2 Total 126 518 392 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions A total of (95% of target) work seekers were registered against a target of Not Achieved: The main reason for the target not being achieved by is due to the change in the target during November 2014 and the removal of old and incomplete records from the database.  To continuously ensure that the baseline is used when setting targets Prov. Target Number registered Variance % Registered EC 71 500 71 566 66 100% FS 52 000 41 521 80% GP 73% KZN -5 609 96% LP 53 766 1 766 103% MP 64 192 12 192 123% NC 19 500 21 989 2 489 113% NW 39 000 28 044 72% WC 84 500 78 995 -5 505 93% On-Line N/A 24 831 TOTAL 618 570 -31 430 95% 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions A total of work seekers were provided with employment counselling against a target of Achieved: Increase in group sessions resulted in more people being counselled None Prov. Target to be counselled Number counselled % counselled Variance EC 29 796 40 210 135% 10 414 FS 18 336 25 552 139% 7 216 GP 43 548 41 682 96% -1 866 KZN 25 212 31 527 125% 6 315 LP 22 920 22 793 99% -127 MP 30 146 120% 4 934 NC 16 012 17 564 110% 1 552 NW 20 628 21 714 105% 1 086 WC 15 556 85% -2 780 TOTAL 112% 26 744 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions A total of (73%) work seekers were placed against a target of 20 000. Not Achieved: There is a mismatch of skills between what the employers require and that which the work seekers possess, resulting in a lower placement rate. Management will introduce an automatic link to the UIF declaration records of employers. Management is also exploring linkages to Public Sector Persal and also developing new tools to track work seekers who may pursue careers in SMMEs or Co-ops after counselling in order to track actual placement rates Prov. Target Actual placed Variance % Placed EC 2 360 2 177 -183 92% FS 1 728 3 047 1 319 176% GP 3 520 2 160 -1 360 61% KZN 1 788 -572 76% LP 2 240 1 071 -1 169 48% MP 2 136 2 351 215 110% NC 1 320 498 -822 38% NW 1 360 1 123 -237 83% WC 2 976 419 -2 557 14% TOTAL 20 000 14 634 -5 366 73% 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions A total of 74 056 employment opportunities were registered against a target of Achieved: Positive responses from different companies due to extensive campaigns conducted by Provincial Offices and Labour Centres None Prov. Target Actual opportunities Variance % of registered opportunities EC 5 900 9 420 3 520 160% FS 4 320 7 653 3 333 177% GP 8 800 11 673 2 873 133% KZN 9 288 3 388 157% LP 5 600 11 694 6 094 209% MP 5 340 4 659 -681 87% NC 3 300 3 435 135 104% NW 3 400 2 148 -1 252 63% WC 7 440 14 086 6 646 189% TOTAL 50 000 74 056 24 056 148% 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions All complete PEA and TES applications processed within 60 days of receipt Not Achieved: The delay was due to stricter conditions being put on the registration of PEA’S. and verification by inspectors of validity of applications. More verification of the validity of the private employment agency is required before registration. Private Employment Agencies Temporary Employment Services  PO Total received during 2014/15 Total Approved and registered Total Rejected Processed within 60 days (including 2013/14) carry overs Processed after 60 days (including 2013/14) carry overs EC 28 24 4 19 5 FS 8  20  0 GP 159 199* 14   111 18  KZN 35  35 LP 15 32 1 MP 21 2 NC NW 17 16  16 O WC 66 59 7  63 TOTAL 354 363 45 320 29  PO Total received Total Approved and registered Total Rejected and registered Processed within 60 days (including 2013/14) Processed after 60 days (including 2013/14) EC FS GP 12 16 1 5 7 KZN LP MP NC NW WC 13 3 10 6 Total 30  30  4 17 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 95 corporate work visas applications received and 53% processed Not Achieved: Applications rejected due to employers unable to validate number of vacancies. Strict immigration regulations from Home Affairs Prov. Applications received No. of workers Positive Recommendation Negative Recommendation Processed within 30 days Processed beyond 30 days EC FS 4 668 166 502 3 1 GP 15 4 229 823 3 406 10 5 KZN 489 472 17 LP 19 4 736 4 306 430 16 MP 34 6 105 5 723 382 28 NC 387 267 120 NW 39 2 WC 12 1 424 945 479 9 TOTAL 95 18 077 12 741 5 336 49 43 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 741 individual work visa applications received and 68% processed Not Achieved: Applications rejected due to employers unable to validate number of vacancies. Strict immigration regulations from Home Affairs Prov. Applications received No. of workers Positive Recommendation Negative Recommendation Processed within 30 days Processed beyond 30 days EC 54 17 37 45 9 FS 12 6 10 2 GP 262 81 181 185 77 KZN 30 155 134 51 LP 14 4 8 MP 20 11 NC 7 3 NW 5 WC 179 55 124 102 TOTAL 741 211 530 502 239 2 June 2018

45 Programme 4 Labour Policy and Industrial Relations

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions Code of Good Practice on Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value finalized, but publication in Government Gazette pending. Not Achieved: Code was only finalized and approved by CEE on 31 March 2015. Publication will be done in Q1 of 2015/2016 financial year 18 workshops were conducted with stakeholders in provinces on amended EEA and regulations. Achieved: None None Annual Report developed; and Public Register developed published in Government Gazette No 30 companies assessed on Income Differentials finalised. 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 176 exemptions on the BCEA were processed. 148 processed within 60 days and 28 were not competent Not Achieved: Applications did not comply with legislative requirements Develop a checklist for legislative requirements and distribute with application forms Domestic Workers and Contract Cleaning Workers Sectoral Determination reviewed. Achieved: None None Investigation for Domestic and Farm workers Provident Fund was not done Not Achieved Unavailability of the relevant database for both sectors was a challenge as delays was encountered with the UIF with regards to the Standard Industry Classification Codes. This will be resolved by October 2016 Investigations for possible setting of minimum wages and conditions of employment in two (2) new sectors; thus, Garden Service and Building Construction Sector Achieved: None 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 8 reports on ILO Article 19 and 22 submitted by March reports in terms of Article 22 of the ILO Constitution submitted to the ILO 1 report in terms of Article 19 of the ILO Constitution submitted to the ILO Achieved None None 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 20 collective agreements were extended during the performance period. 4 collective agreements were extended in more than 60 days 16 collective agreements were extended within 60 days Against a target of 17 Not Achieved: 4 collective agreements took longer than 60 days to extend. There are a number of steps between receipt of request to publish an agreement and its final publication that complicate the control of the time frame. Delays occurred in four cases during the performance period None 98% of competent and completed labour organisation applications were processed in 90 days. 147 applications considered and finalized within 90-days of receipt:- 5 approved within 90-days 139 refused within 90-days Not Achieved: 3 applications considered in more than 90 days Corrective measures have been put in place to ensure all days are counted for each application considered. 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions Labour Market Trend Reports Produced: By September 2014, Four (4) annual Labour Market reports were published. These include: Annual Administrative Statistics report 2013, Industrial Action report 2013, Job Opportunity and Unemployment in the SA Labour Market report 2013/14 and Annual Labour Market Bulletin 2013/14. Media statements were also released for all annual reports by September By March 2015, Two (2) Annual reports were finalised and submitted to the Minister for approval. These include: Industrial Action report 2014 and Annual Administrative Statistics for DoL report National Client Satisfaction Survey report 2014 was completed and submitted to the Minister for approval by 31 March 2015. Achieved: None None 2 June 2018

Main Achievements Challenges and/or reasons for over performance Proposed Interventions 4 Final research reports were developed and submitted to the Deputy Director-General DDG for sign off.   Analysing effectiveness of bargaining council exemptions;   Evaluating progress made towards reducing working hours to 40 hours;   Assessing knowledge levels about the work of the DoL and its communication campaigns; and   Work seekers attitude towards job offers in the South African labour market. Achieved: None None 2 June 2018


53 CONCLUSION The Department’s actual annual performance is 42% . The implication is that 58% of the planned work in the APP could not be achieved. The major challenge faced by the Department in the financial year 2014/15 has been shrinking financial resources which had a huge impact on the human resources of the Department as vacant positions were not filled. This has had dire consequences for service delivery as inspector posts, Employment Services Practitioner posts and Client Services Officers were hardest hit by limited funding. The high targets set by the DoL at the onset of the financial year could not be met as human resources got depleted and were not replaced during the past financial year. The filling in of critical posts in 2015/16 will alleviate the performance challenges. Targets have been revised in line with the capacity of the DoL to implement. The newly adopted legends have drastically increased the standards of performance in the DoL. Performance below 100% is regarded as incomplete and this has had a huge impact on the overall performance of DoL.

54 Thank You…

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