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Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Brown.

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1 Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Brown.
Newsletter Reception Class 24th March 2017 Literacy This week we have been writing about our experiences associated with Islam. We have also been reading lots of non-fiction books about this special Faith and have been recording and sharing the different information that we have learnt. Next week we will be looking at the Easter celebration and Christian story of Easter. This week has been Multi-Faith week and we have really enjoyed learning about the Muslim faith of Islam. We have had the opportunity to look closely at Islam artefacts such as the Qur’an, prayer mats and Muslim clothing. We have also looked at the fasting season of Ramadan and the special celebration of 'Eid. We had a special 'Eid celebration in our classroom on Friday afternoon. Phonics This week we have been revising all Phase 3 sounds and tricky words. Please can you keep revising these sounds with your child in their sound book and the tricky words in your learning together books. Maths This week we have been focusing on measuring and comparing length. Next week we will be focusing on number problems. Notices . Well done to everyone in Reception for completing a fabulous worship assembly on Wednesday morning. Thank you to everyone who came and supported us. Homework: Please can everyone complete the activity in their Learning Together books. Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Brown.

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