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Biochemistry Study of chemical composition and reactions occurring in living matter Inorganic Compounds Do not contain carbon Exceptions - CO2, CO, bicarbonates.

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Presentation on theme: "Biochemistry Study of chemical composition and reactions occurring in living matter Inorganic Compounds Do not contain carbon Exceptions - CO2, CO, bicarbonates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biochemistry Study of chemical composition and reactions occurring in living matter Inorganic Compounds Do not contain carbon Exceptions - CO2, CO, bicarbonates Water is the most abundant and important inorganic material, making up 60% - 80% of all cells and 2/3 of body weight Identify the important facts regarding inorganic molecules.

2 Organic Compounds Contain the element carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Carbon is found in things that are or once were living. Carbon atoms share electrons to form covalent bonds. Have students differentiate between organic and inorganic compounds.

3 Organic Compounds Organic compounds are composed of hundreds to thousands of individual molecules. The single molecules in a polymer are called monomers. The images at the bottom are examples of monomers. Explain to the students that fructose is a simple sugar. The string of beads are also an example of monomers. As the beads are all the same in the string.

4 Organic Compounds The long molecules formed by repeating patterns of monomers are called polymers. Compare the structure of the monomers to the polymers. Use the InterWrite tablet to identify the bonds for students.

5 Functional Groups A functional group is a group of atoms that characterize the structure of a family of organic compounds. Functional groups determine many of the properties of organic compounds. 3 Types to Know: Amine (NH2), Carboxyl (COOH), Hydroxyl (OH). Use the interactive links to show the diagrams of each functional group.

6 N-H2 Amine Group Functional Groups
Use InterWrite tablet to a place circle around the functional group. Functional Groups

7 COOH Carboxyl Group Functional Groups
Identify the double bonds, in the carboxyl group. Functional Groups

8 OH Hydroxyl Group Functional Groups
Circle the hydroxyl group in the sugar molecule. Use the InterWrite tablets. Functional Groups

9 Macromolecules 4 Types of Organic Compounds or macromolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Essential to maintaining life processes: cell function, storage, energy, homeostasis and genetic information. Students are to list all of the reasons why macromolecules are essential to life on their Cornell note sheet. Please allow time for this.

10 Carbohydrates Make up sugars and starches
Contain a hydroxyl (OH) group Contain atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The ratio of the atoms is 1 C : 2 H : 1 O Provide energy to the cells. Dissolve in water (hydrophilic) Emphasize the importance of carbohydrates to living things.

11 Types of Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are classified according to size. One sugar is a monosaccharide (monomer). Two sugars make a disaccharide. Many sugar molecules linked together form a polysaccharide (polymer).

12 Monosaccharide Milk Sugar Fruit Sugar Types of Carbs
Use image to discuss the structure of the two simple sugars and their molecular formula C6H12O6. Use the InterWrite tablet to circle the functional group. Types of Carbs

13 Disaccharide Differentiate between the simple sugars and the complex sugar. Again, emphasize the structure and molecular formula C12H22O11. Use the InterWrite tablets to circle the functional group. Maltose is two glucose molecules; forms in digestive tract of humans during starch digestion.   Types of Carbs

14 Starch is straight chain of glucose molecules with few side branches.
Polysaccharide Identify the structure of the polysaccharide. Highlight for students how the long chains of monomers form this polymer. Also, use the InterWrite tablets to circle the functional group. Starch is straight chain of glucose molecules with few side branches. Types of Carbs

15 Lipids The three types of lipids are fats, oils, and waxes.
Contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen Typically contain two monomers – glycerol and fatty acids Glycerol contains the hydroxyl (OH) group. Fatty acids contain the carboxyl (COOH) group. Emphasize the three types of lipids. Click link for glycerol and fatty acids to show a diagram of the two structures. Use InterWrite tablets to circle the functional group.

16 Monomers in Lipids Lipids
Discuss the differences between the glycerol and the fatty acids chain. Lipids

17 Functions of Lipids Lipids store energy for later use by the body.
Lipids also serve as padding and protection for the body. Lipids do not dissolve in water (hydrophobic), but may contain parts that can dissolve in water. The H : O ratio is higher in lipids than it is in carbohydrates. Identify the functions of the lipids. Make sure students have the same information on their Cornell note sheet.

18 Structure of a Lipid Dissolves in water (hydrophilic)
Does not dissolve in water (hydrophobic) Use this slide to discuss the hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends of the lipid molecule. The link will also take you to an image of the phospholipid bilayer.

19 Phospholipid Found in cell membranes Head is the phosphate group.
Hydrophilic Tails are the fatty acids. Hydrophobic Explain to the students how the phosholipid bilayer works.

20 Fatty Acids Long chains of carbon atoms with attached hydrogen atoms (hydrocarbons) Saturated fats contain only single bonds between the carbon atoms. Unsaturated fats contain one or more double or triple bonds between the carbon atoms. Differentiate between saturated and unsaturated fats.

21 Saturated & Unsaturated Fats
Explain the structure.

22 Proteins Proteins are the building materials for the body.
Hair, skin, muscles, and organs are made mostly of proteins. Composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen Contain amine (NH2) and carboxyl (COOH) groups Identify the functions of proteins.

23 Function of Proteins The building blocks of proteins are amino acids (monomers). Serve as enzymes which control rate of reactions and regulate cell processes. Amino acids are connected by a special type of bond called a peptide bond. Amino acid chains are called polypeptides. A protein contains one or more polypeptide chains. Additional functions for review. Use the link to an example of three different types of amino acids and a peptide bond.

24 Amino Acids Function of Proteins
Identify the three amino acids. Explain how they come together to form the peptide bond. Function of Proteins

25 Types of Proteins There are two types of proteins – fibrous and globular. Fibrous protein (found in skin, tendons, bones, and muscles) does not dissolve in water (hydrophobic). Globular protein (found in enzymes, some hormones, and hemoglobin) can dissolve in water (hydrophilic). This slide is optional. Use if you would like your students to have this additional information regarding proteins. It is also linked to examples of each type of protein.

26 Fibrous Proteins Keratins are a family of fibrous structural proteins; tough and insoluble, they form the hard but nonmineralized structures found in reptiles, birds, amphibians and mammals. Optional Types of Proteins

27 Globular Proteins Enzymes are proteins that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) chemical reactions. Almost all processes in a biological cell need enzymes in order to occur at significant rates. Optional Types of Proteins

28 Nucleic Acids Macromolecules that dictate the amino-acid sequence of proteins. Made of simple units Called nucleotides. Nucleotides: 5-carbon Sugar, nitrogren-containing Base, phosphate group.

DNA: contains DEOXYRIBOSE (5-carbon sugar) DNA: genetic (hereditary) information. Double Stranded Helix Bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine.

30 RNA – RIBONUCLEIC ACID RNA: Contains RIBOSE (5-carbon sugar)
- Single Stranded - the nitrogen base URACIL replaces the base THYMINE -RNA aids in the synthesis of proteins

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