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Practical Investigation - Experiment

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1 Practical Investigation - Experiment
Cognitive Psychology

2 Aim : to investigate the influence of acoustic similarity on short-term memory

3 Conventions of report writing – Please stick to this and complete it as you go!
Abstract: Summary – background theory/research, aims, hypotheses, method, results and conclusion. Introduction: Overview of related theories and research in the topic area. This provides a rationale for the current investigation that links prior research to the study aims and hypotheses Method: Detailed account of participants, sampling method, apparatus, procedure, controls and ethical issues. Results: Detailed account of the data gathered and its analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics Discussion: conclusions drawn from the results analysis (accept or reject experimental hypothesis?), reference to prior research, strengths and weaknesses and possible improvements for future research

4 Conventions of report writing – Please stick to this and complete it as you go!
Abstract: Summary – background theory/research, aims, hypotheses, method, results and conclusion. Introduction: Overview of related theories and research in the topic area. This provides a rationale for the current investigation that links prior research to the study aims and hypotheses Method: Detailed account of participants, sampling method, apparatus, procedure, controls and ethical issues. Results: Detailed account of the data gathered and its analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics Discussion: conclusions drawn from the results analysis (accept or reject experimental hypothesis?), reference to prior research, strengths and weaknesses and possible improvements for future research

5 A Sophie, Maya, Kiah, Lizzie (Alex H, Lily, Sara, Sofia)
B Imi M ( Susie, Bella) F Aneet, Rebecca (Imi H, Ella) N Alex, Flora (Frankie Bea Caitlin) T Holly, Sophie, Danielle M – Izzy (Tara, Elisa, Lizzie, Kia, Lottie M) P Emilie (Lottie J, Amber, Megan, Kathy, Murti) R Lizzie (Fran, Tanvi, Maddie) V Jess and Maiya

6 Lesson 1- responsibilities
Consent form Debrief form Standardised instructions to be read out Aim, IV, DV - background Schedule of procedure to be completed (where, when, how controls etc.) Materials: Word lists to be completed – They need to be read out. Video? Timing? Volume? Where are the words going to be presented? Where are the answers going to be recorded? Table to collect data. Share with your group – so that a pilot can be tested on Monday Collecting data from form group and adding to the data table in the word doc. On Tuesday. Conduct a pilot x 2 people make sure the words are visible and that the timing is accurate.

7 Consent and debrief templates
People in green! These need to be completed and checked by me before you conduct the study

8 Independent groups Acoustically similar - list A B F N
Acoustically dissimilar list T M P R

9 Baddeley’s words Acoustically Similar Words
Acoustically dissimilar Words Man Cab Can Cad Cap Mad Mat Map Max Cat Pit Few Cow Pen Sup Bar Day Not Rig Bun

10 When writing out the report:
Independent groups Group 1 – acoustically similar – 20 participants Group 2 – acoustically dissimilar – 20 participants

11 Acoustic similarity and short term memory
1. Consider the research you are going to use in your introduction. This is your rationale for the current investigation that links prior research to the study aims and hypotheses. Aim? To investigate the effect of acoustic similarity on short term memory Hypotheses IV and DV need to be defined and clearly operationalised Experimental (one tailed or two tailed) One tailed due to previous research Null Hypothesis

12 Experimental design – consider strengths and weaknesses
Justify your decision Independent groups – individual differences? Would this be a problem in your study? Repeated measures – order effects? What can you do about this problem? Matched pairs Sampling Select a sampling method Justify you decision Controls – Consider and explain how variables will be controlled. Why must they be controlled? Situational variables Participant variables Experimenter variables

13 Developing your procedure – similar to he first half of Baddeley’s experiment?
Schedule of what happens, where, when and how. Write out standardised instructions (appendix) How are you preventing demand characteristics? How are you minimising experiment effects? Apparatus/materials Detailed account of your apparatus. Just listing ‘word list’ is not detailed enough. Which type of words are you going to use and why? Ethical issues Consider ethical implications how are you going to ensure that your follow ethical guidelines? Refer to BPS guidelines Consent, right to withdraw, risk (harm), debrief

14 Between lesson 1 and 2 Checking procedure and controls
Checking materials Pilot to be conducted? Concrete plan of how you are going to conduct the study Complete the experiment Add your data to the word document Start writing up the report!

15 Now to write up your report!
Lesson 3 Analysing results Raw data table – in appendices Summary table: measures of central tendency and dispersion – in results section Bar graph – in results section Inferential test of significance and statistical statement – Wilcoxon or Mann Whitney? Statement in results section. Working out in appendices. Discussion Summary of findings & conclusions – what does this mean in regards to your hypothesis? How do these relate to previous research? Critical evaluation Suggestions for improvement Now to write up your report!

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