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End of Vietnam.

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1 End of Vietnam

2 Review 1. Identify the Cold War President with his policy in Vietnam
2. What was Khe Sanh? 3. Explain the causes & effects of the Tet Offensive. 4. Discuss the candidates of the 1968 Presidential Election

3 Vietnamization “Peace with honor” Vietnamization
Nixon & NSA Henry Kissinger plan secret peace negotiations Vietnamization Turn fighting over to S. Vietnamese Gradual withdraw of US troops Secretly expanded war > bombing Cambodia & Laos

4 Protests Nixon policy Kent State Jackson State Public reaction
April 1970 announced troops in Cambodia > protests Kent State May 1970 Students set fire to ROTC 4 killed, 9 injured Jackson State 9 days later 2 killed, 9 injured Public reaction Shocked & horrified


6 My Lai Massacre March 1968 Massacre
Lt William Calley led troops on a search & destroy mission No Vietcong found Massacre US troops killed 450 women, children, elderly men


8 Pentagon Papers NY Times 1971 Daniel Ellsberg
Published secret government documents tracing US military in Vietnam since Truman Revealed government misled public Leak angered & embarrassed Nixon Daniel Ellsberg Leak (Dept. of Defense)

9 Election of 1972 Nixon v. George McGovern McGovern
Outspoken critic of war 26th Amendment ’71 Voting age reduced from 21 to 18

10 End of U.S. Involvement Peace talks stalled Christmas Bombings
Around-the-clock bombing of N. Vietnam cities Called off without major results Settlement Jan ’73 US withdraw troops & agree to help rebuild Vietnam Both sides release POW’s

11 Legacy N. Vietnam 1975 (2 years after US troops left) > N. Vietnam invades S. & captures Saigon US rushed to evacuate Americans working in city April 30, 1975 South Vietnam surrendered Country reunified

12 Khmer Rouge Cambodia 1975 Communist forces (Khmer Rouge) controlled Cambodia Killed 2 million (1/4 population) Border dispute > Vietnam invaded in ’79 Installed puppet gov’t Vietnam occupied until ’89 when UN peace-keeping forces came

13 Effects on Vietnam 185,000 S. Vietnamese soldiers killed
450,000 S. Vietnamese civilians killed 1 million Vietcong troops killed Severe environmental damage

14 Effects in US 58,000 US troops killed $150 billion spent
Survivors exposed to dangers defoliants Not welcomed upon return Trouble readjusting $150 billion spent Increased national debt & inflation War Powers Act 1973 Affirmed Congressional constitutional right to declare war Gave President 60-day limit on committing troops without special authority or declaration of war

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