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Supported Parenting: Bridging the gap between guidance and practice

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Presentation on theme: "Supported Parenting: Bridging the gap between guidance and practice"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supported Parenting: Bridging the gap between guidance and practice

2 Who we are Scottish Commission for Learning Disability

3 SCLD is an independent charitable organisation
SCLD is an independent charitable organisation. We are an intermediary organisation for the learning disability sector. Our work focuses on: building an evidence base to support the development and implementation of policy sharing good practice and encouraging innovation engaging with people with learning disabilities and the learning disability delivery sector

4 We are a strategic partner to our principal funders, the Scottish Government. We work with them to support the delivery of Scotland’s learning disability strategy, The keys to life.

5 People with learning disabilities Carers
SCLD collaborates with a wide range of stakeholders including: Commissioners Service providers Researchers Advocates People with learning disabilities Carers

6 We can support you in lots of ways. We:
Provide evidence to support informed decisions and effective service delivery Share guidance and examples of good practice to help you implement policy Facilitate conversations between key players in the delivery sector to foster innovation

7 Act as a link between the sector and the Scottish Government, sharing views and gathering evidence about what needs to change Promote events, resources and innovative practice on our website, through social media and ‘The keys to life’ communication channels

8 The Working Together with Parents Network

9 The Working Together with Parents Network is a UK- wide network of professionals working to support parents with learning disabilities

10 By joining the Working Together with Parents Network members will
Contribute to the development of working across disciplines Share and receive good practice examples and updates on resources, policy and research of relevance Attend network meetings and local events Join the member’s only board which is a practice and resource sharing tool

11 Follow us @wtpn_bris

12 Scottish Good Practice Guidelines for Supporting Parents with Learning Disabilities

13 What is Supported Parenting?
Attitude not rules – it’s OK to parent ‘with support’ Holistic, flexible approach Parents are a resource Not a new approach Support based on an understanding and acceptance of the characteristics, life circumstances, needs, and desires of persons with learning difficulties

14 Five key features of good practice in working with parents with learning disabilities
Accessible information and communication Clear and co-ordinated referral and assessment processes, eligibility criteria and care pathways Support designed to meet the needs of parents based on assessments of their needs and strengths Long-term support where necessary Access to independent advocacy

15 Accessible information and communication

16 2) Clear and co-ordinated referral and assessment processes, eligibility criteria and care pathways

17 3) Support designed to meet the needs of parents based on assessments of their needs and strengths

18 4) Long-term support where necessary

19 5) Access to independent advocacy

20 Today’s presentations and workshops will look at the five key features of supported parenting
The 5 key features in practice Aberlour Supported Family Service South Ayrshire Speak Out Advocacy

21 Central Advocacy Partners
Workshop 1 Equal Say Support designed to meet the needs of parents based on assessments of their needs and strengths Access to independent advocacy Workshop 2 Central Advocacy Partners Clear and co-ordinated referral and assessment processes, eligibility criteria and care pathways Long-term support where necessary Workshop 3 People First and Morag Innes Accessible information and communication

22 If you have not yet picked a workshop please do so during the break Thank you

23 @SCLDNews Suite 5.2, 5th Floor Stock Exchange Court 77 Nelson Mandela Place Glasgow G1 1QY

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