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Vascular Seed Plants Pg 572.

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1 Vascular Seed Plants Pg 572

2 Mobile Reproduction Seeds
Tough outer covering with a nutrient supply for embryo germination 2 main groups of seed-bearing vascular plants; Gymnosperms are characterized by naked seeds and no flowers. cones Angiosperms have flowers and seeds enclosed by a fruit.

3 Phylum Cycadophyta Cycads are gymnosperms of the phylum Cycadophyta.
Although cycads flourished during the age of the dinosaurs, only about 100 species survive today.

4 Phylum Ginkgophyta Like cycads, ginkgoes flourished during the time of the dinosaurs. The only species existing today is Ginkgo biloba, which is native to China.

5 Phylum Coniferophyta The conifers include; pine, cedar, redwood, fir, spruce, juniper, cypress, and bald cypress trees. They are important sources of wood, paper, turpentine, ornamental plants, and Christmas trees.

6 Phylum Gnetophyta Gnetophytes, an odd group of cone-bearing gymnosperms, have vascular systems that more closely resemble those of angiosperms.

7 Phylum Anthophyta Anthophyta, the largest phylum of plants, includes over 240,000 species of flowering plants. Angiosperms, or the flowering plants, are seed plants characterized by the presence of a flower and fruit.

8 Evolution of Angiosperms
Angiosperms have been successful for many reasons, including the production of fruit that protects seeds, quick germination, and an efficient vascular system.

9 Familiar Families of Angiosperms

10 Dicots are distinguished from monocots on the basis of several characteristics: cotyledon number, leaf venation, arrangement of stem vascular tissue, and number of flower parts.

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