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Conflict of Interest No conflicts of interest to declare.

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1 Conflict of Interest No conflicts of interest to declare

2 Clinical Retrovirology Section, HIV DRP, NCI, NIH
Accumulation and Persistence of Deleted HIV Proviruses Following Prolonged ART Elizabeth M. Anderson Clinical Retrovirology Section, HIV DRP, NCI, NIH

3 HIV Persists Despite Suppressive ART
cART 1e5 HIV DNA (cps/1e6 CD4) 1e3 1e4 1e5 1e4 HIV RNA (cps/mL Plasma) 1e3 50 LOD Mechanisms that maintain the reservoir from which viremia rebounds and is the target for elimination efforts Time Upon treatment initiation HIV decays: VL ~4-logs, HIV DNA declines ~20-fold Low level plasma viremia persists in most patients, HIV DNA is stable Mechanisms that maintain the reservoir are not well understood Besson et al. & Mellors CID Palmer et al. & King PNAS 2008

4 Long Lived HIV Infected cells – A Major Barrier Towards Cure and Contributor to Pathogenesis
Potential mechanisms of reservoir maintenance Homeostatic proliferation Clonal expansion Time on cART Replication competent proviruses can clonally expand Only a fraction of cells in the clone give rise to persistent viremia Wagner et al. & Frenkel Science Maldarelli et al. & Hughes Science Josefsson et al. & Palmer 2013 Cohn et al. & Nussenzweig Cell Simonetti et al. & Maldarelli PNAS Symons et al. & Lewin IAS2017 Lee et al.& Palmer IAS Musick et al. & Kearney IAS 2017

5 Proviral landscape after prolonged cART
Long Lived HIV Infected cells – A Major Barrier Towards Cure and Contributor to Pathogenesis Proviral landscape after prolonged cART The majority of proviruses (>95%) are defective or deleted Some may still produce protein Could contribute to persistent immune activation Bruner et al. & Siliciano Nat Med Imamichi et al. & Lane PNAS Pollack et al. & Ho Cell 2017 Imamichi IAS2017

6 How does the Proviral Landscape Change during cART?
Composition of HIV infected cells pretherapy Proviral landscape after prolonged cART Increased Ratio of LTR:gag Years on cART Approximately 2:1 Ratio of LTR:gag What are the kinetics of this shift?

7 Quantifying HIV DNA to Resolve HIV Population Structure
ddPCR approaches for HIV DNA quantification Multiplexed primer sets that span the HIV genome Simultaneous quantification of LTR and internal HIV DNA Accurate and able to resolve small (<2-fold) changes Compared to qPCR

8 Participant Demographics
HIV-1 infected, therapy naïve individuals initiated cART (N=11) Clinical trial starting regimen: AZT, 3TC, NVP, IDV PID Age at Entry Baseline HIV RNA (Log10 cps/mL) Baseline CD4 (cells/μl) Longterm CD4 (cells/μl) Days to Suppression Years on ART 1 51 5.58 23 584 82 6.1 2 32 5.86 479 713 167 16.4 3 33 4.84 282 501 14.4 4 37 4.74 687 1206 62 9.8 5 25 4.31 258 488 6.0 6 34 4.53 373 478 26 15.5 7 29 4.43 440 484 111 13.0 8 50 4.88 572 385 14.1 9 39 5.10 283 278 280 16.1 10 4.78 379 895 140 15.9 11 5.38  321 267  62 15.7 Median Integration Sites1 Relatively young with substaintial viral load RNA, One participant had AIDS and for this particular individual we have extensive Integration Site analysis data from which I will discuss more in the second part of my talk, On the other hand 3 participants were enrolled during relativly early infection within a year shown in blue, Participants responded to therapy showed typical decay patterns and were treated for a median of 14years. The early infections were within a year- They were Feibig 5 when they were 1st sampled but were diagnosed within the year – time from diagnosis to sampling can be long due to enrollment procedures PID 11 – had prostate cancer and was irradiated, during radiation CD4 dropped in half, the CD4% remained stable as previously reported. 1Maldarelli et al. & Hughes Science 2014

9 Sampling Strategy // // // I I I Pre-therapy
cART 1e5 1e5 RNA 1e4 1e4 HIV RNA cps/mL Plasma HIV DNA cps/1e6 CD4+ DNA 1e3 1e3 // 50 // I I // I Pre-therapy During 1st and 2nd phase viral decay After Prolonged cART (Median: 14y, Range: 6y-16y)

10 HIV DNA and VL Decrease upon cART Initiation LTR:gag Ratio Increases after Prolonged cART

11 HIV LTR:gag DNA Ratio Increases after Prolonged cART in MOST but not ALL Patients
PID 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 6.1y 16.4y 14.4y 9.8y 6.0y 15.5y 13.0y 14.1y 16.1y 15.9y 15.7y 6.6 5.6 5.2 5.7 2.0 3.4 4.4 9.7 4.2 10.3 2.8 Pre-Therapy Viral Decay Prolonged cART Paired T-test ** p<0.01

12 Alteration of the Proviral Landscape Revealed by cART Why does the LTR:gag Ratio Increase?
Full Length Deleted Elimination of expressed proviruses (gag decreases) Clonal expansion of deleted proviruses (LTRs Increase)

13 Highly Expanded Defective Clone Identified in PID001
ISA: highly expanded cell clone with and integrant in HORMAD2 Present at 20% after 6y on cART Characterized as a solo LTR Maldarelli et al. & Hughes Science 2014 Integration sites identified once Forward Primer Overlapping HIV/Host Junction at the HORMAD2 Integration Site U3 R U5 HORMAD2 HIV LTR Specific Reverse and Probe Simonetti Unpublished Data

14 Clonal Expansion of Deleted Proviruses can Contribute to a Shift in the Proviral Landscape
At 6 months HORMAD2 integrant is detectable and comprises around 8% of all integrants at 1 year on therapy the hormad 2 integrant doubles and by 2 years the integrant quadruples and now comprises of 30% of all integrants Expansion of the integrant in HORMAD2 cannot be contributed to redistribution of CD4 alone, alternatively the cells that harbor the HORMAD2 integrant may be responding to an antigen. The fact that the integrant in HORMAD2 is then maintained for years on cART suggests that they are responding to a common antigen.

15 Summary HIV LTR:internal DNA ratio increases in most patients after years on therapy indicating the accumulation of deleted proviruses gag & tat/rev exon1&2 Specific deleted integrants (Solo LTR in HORMAD2) can undergo rapid clonal expansion and contribute to the shift in proviral landscape Defective expanded clones can be maintained for years on therapy

16 Patient Participants Acknowledgments Clinical Retrovirology Section
Frank Maldarelli Shawn Hill Camille Lange Monica Gouzoulis Junko Hattori Sarah Watters Giorgio Bozzi Francesco Simonetti Jennifer Bell Zehava Grossman Translational Research Unit Mary Kearney Wei Shao Valerie Boltz Ann Wiegand Jon Spindler HMMC Rob Gorelick Mike Piatak Tufts University John Coffin Catholic University of America Venigalla Rao John Choy Ann Corsi University of Pittsburgh John Mellors Patient Participants

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