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National Center for Atmospheric Research

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1 National Center for Atmospheric Research
Identification of the Tropopause Transition Layer using the Ozone-Water Vapor Relationship
 Laura Pan National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado USA To be submitted with Co-authors: L. Paulik, L. A. Munchak, J. C. Bian, H. Selkirk, and H. Vömel Laura Pan, October 2012

2 Scientific Issues TTL boundaries – why different definitions and what are the differences in their physical meanings Are the boundaries measurable? Asian monsoon region has been known to behave similarly to the tropical TTL in its very high convectively driven tropopause. How is the transition in this region similar or different from that of equatorial TTL? Laura Pan, October 2012

3 Two TTL Definitions: FFF vs. GF
Folkins, 2002 Folkins 2002; Fu et al., 2007; Fueglistaler et al. 2009 LB: level of zero net radiative heating ( km) UB: level of upwelling mass flux decreased to the B-D (18.7 km or 70 hPa) Gettelman and Forster, 2002 Gettelman and Forster, 2002 ; LB: level of min stability or main convective outflow ( km, ~345K) UB: cold point (16-17 km) Laura Pan, October 2012

4 A Tale of Two TTLs: FFF TTL : “a Tropical Tropopause Layer”
A layer that serves as the boundary for air mass entering the stratosphere Air mass in this layer ENTERS stratosphere GF TTL : “a Tropical Transition Layer” A layer that is transitioning from convective (tropospheric) to radiative (stratospheric) control Not all air mass in this layer enters stratosphere Laura Pan, October 2012

5 A Measurable TTL: If a physical layer, certain properties should change at the boundary What are the measurable changes? T? composition? Are there measurable changes in chemical composition ? Use of tracer correlation to identify the boundaries Tracer correlation has been a successful method in identifying transition layer in the extratropics How well would it work for the TTL identification? Laura Pan, October 2012

6 A Brief Review the use of Tracer-Tracer correlation in characterizing transition layers
Pan et al., 2004, 2007a,b, 2010 Laura Pan, October 2012

7 Tracer-Tracer Correlations
Stratosphere Tropospheric tracer Stratospheric tracer Stratospheric tracer Tropopause or transition lyr Altitude TP Tropospheric tracer Troposphere (Pan et al., 2004) Laura Pan, October 2012

8 START08 Campaign April - June, 2008 operated from Colorado (RAF)
Participated by NCAR, TAMU, Univ. Miami, Univ. Colorado, Harvard U., and NOAA Principal Investigators: Laura Pan, Elliot Atlas (Miami U), Kenneth Bowman (TAMU) Pan et al., 2010 (BAMS) Laura Pan, October 2012

9 START08/PreHIPPO April-June 2008
> 120 hours of measurements > 1000 whole air samples Laura Pan, April 15, 2010

10 Example of ExTL identified using O3-CO tracer-tracer relationship
Stratospheric Primary TP. secondary TP. mixed Trop. Laura Pan, October 2012

11 What can we learn about TTL using tracer correlations?
O3-H2O relationship is analyzed (data from paired ozonesonde and CFH launches) Laura Pan, October 2012

12 Campaigns: TC4 and KunMing (Asian Monsoon)
July-August 2007 Alajuela, Costa Rica (10°N, 84.2°W) 16 profiles Kunming August 2009 KunMing, China (25°N, 102°E ) 11 profiles Laura Pan, October 2012

13 Cryogenic Frost Point Hygrometer (CFH) and ECC ozonesonde data
Upgraded version of NOAA FPH Total uncertainty of the CFH: Tropical: 3%–5% in the lower-to-middle troposphere, 5%–8% in the upper troposphere and in the TTL, and 8%–9.5% in the lower stratosphere up to 28 km altitude Vömel et al., 2007, Fujiwara et al., 2010, Bian et al., 2012 Laura Pan, October 2012

14 O3 and H2O from TC4: Laura Pan, October 2012

15 Kunming Profiles Laura Pan, October 2012

16 Transition Layer in Potential Temperature
“Equatorial TTL” “Asian Monsoon” IUGG Melbourne July 2011

17 Relating the transition layer to the dynamic boundaries:
Cold Point Tropopause and the Level of Neutral/Minimum Stability Laura Pan, October 2012

18 TC4 Temperature Behavior
The cold point tropopause (CPT) Transitional between convective and radiative control “Level of minimum Stability” or “neutral stability” Laura Pan, October 2012

19 Kunming Temperature Behavior
Laura Pan, October 2012

20 Neutral/Minimum Stability Potential Temperature
Cold Point Potential Temperature K K Neutral/Minimum Stability Potential Temperature 345K 355K Laura Pan, October 2012

21 Transition Layer Relative to the CPT and to the Level of Minimum Stability
Alt. Rel. to Level of M.S. (km) Alt. Rel. to CPT (km) IUGG Melbourne July 2011

22 What produced the “tail” – the example of Kunming 2009-08-07
Laura Pan, October 2012

23 The Outlier Profile : – transition layer from an extratropical intrusion process
Laura Pan, October 2012

24 Summary and Conclusions
TTL as a transition layer is measurable: O3-H2O Tracer-Tracer correlation confirms: Upper bound by the cold point tropopause, lower bound by the level of minimum stability (near neutral stability) O3-H2O Tracer-Tracer correlation characterization of TTL: TC4 case depth: ~ K, ~ 4 km mostly below the cold point tropopause The transition layer in the Asian Monsoon region show similarity and differences from the equatorial TTL Smaller depth, higher PT range for both lower and upper boundaries, and with lower C.P. temperatures The T-T relationship may also identify the effect of “in-mixing” Laura Pan, October 2012

25 Determination of the background air – TC4 example
Distribution of Stratospheric water vapor Distribution of Tropospheric ozone Laura Pan, October 2012

26 Kunming Transition Layer
Laura Pan, October 2012

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