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Arvind Agarwal Professor, Mechanical and Materials Engineering

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1 Boron Nitride Nanotubes Based Composite Materials Research at Florida International University
Arvind Agarwal Professor, Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate Dean for Research College of Engineering and Computing Florida International University Miami, FL 33174

2 About Myself Research Interests Professional Preparation
Nanotube and Graphene based Composites and Coatings Thermal Spray (Plasma Spray, Cold Spray) Spark Plasma Sintering Nanoindentation and Nanomechanics Tribology Near Net Shape Processing and Additive Manufacturing Professional Preparation PhD: University of Tennessee, Knoxville Materials Science & Eng. 1999 BS: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India, 1993 Professional Experience : Materials Scientist, Plasma Processes Inc., Huntsville, AL : Assistant Professor, Mech. & Mater. Eng., FIU : Associate Professor, Mech. & Mater. Eng., FIU 2011-onward: Professor, Mech. & Mater. Eng., FIU 2012-onward: Director, Advanced Materials Engineering Research Institute (AMERI), FIU 2015 onward: Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering and Computing, FIU 2012: Elected Fellow of ASM International (FASM) Research Publication Summary More than 200 Peer-reviewed journal articles 2 Co-authored books and 6 Edited-books Several book chapters and conference proceeding articles 150 Conference presentations

3 About My Project and Relevancy to Navy
Objective: The overall goal is to develop lightweight, high-strength titanium matrix composites reinforced with “long” ( µm) Boron Nitride Nanotubes (BNNTs) using spark plasma sintering. BNNT has excellent mechanical properties Elastic Modulus > 1 TPa Tensile Strength > 60 GPa Excellent thermal stability: Can resist oxidation up to 1000°C Processing Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) to develop lightweight, high-strength Ti-BNNT composites Microstructure engineering to optimize mechanical properties Multi-scale Mechanics of Nanocomposites Multi-scale mechanical investigation to understand interfacial stress-transfer in BNNT-MMC In situ investigation to gain insight into deformation of constituent microstructural phases Naval Relevance Structural materials, Bulk nanostructured materials, Composite materials (ONR 332-Naval Materials) BNNT reinforced Ti composites: high strength and corrosion resistant pump impellers. Lightweight-high toughness armor tiles reinforced with BNNT Polymer-BNNT for nuclear shielding due to high neutron absorption cross-section of Boron and Nitrogen ( a )

4 Why was my proposal successful?
Read white paper and proposal preparation instructions very carefully. Address the feedback provided by the Program officer during white paper review. Address every question which is asked in the proposal solicitation. Address Naval relevance Collaborative nature of work with other ONR funded researchers (e.g. Hampton University in this case). Past research record in the field. Availability of research tools and equipment at my university How will students benefit from the proposed research?

5 Questions and Comments?

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