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Can you write your name on your books?

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Presentation on theme: "Can you write your name on your books?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you write your name on your books?

2 How to make Mr Porter happy?

3 How to make Mr Porter happy?

4 How to make Mr Porter happy
Always underline your date and title using a ruler (and a red pen if possible) How to make a nuclear bomb 11/09/17 The long straight thing with numbers on in your pencil case is a ruler

5 How to make Mr Porter happy
Use a pencil and ruler for diagrams and results tables Distance (cm) Time (s) Speed (cm/s)

6 How to make Mr Porter happy
Look at the “Do now” as you enter. Then do it! You look miserable, why the long face? I’ve got French next

7 How to make Mr Porter happy
Ask good questions Use the question wall (when Mr Porter puts it up)

8 How to make Mr Porter happy
Trim and stick ALL loose sheets into your book.

9 How to make Mr Porter happy
Taking time and care over your work

10 How to make Mr Porter happy
Remembering that Nottingham is the home of good football

11 What makes Mr Porter unhappy

12 What makes Mr Porter unhappy?
People talking when Mr Porter is talking

13 What makes Mr Porter unhappy?
Not thinking

14 Lesson Powerpoints ALL lesson PowerPoints are on Mr Porter’s website

15 Text books

16 Safety

17 Mr Porter

18 Mind-map

19 Who is Mr Porter? Mr Porter

20 likes places family Mr Porter dislikes

21 Kirsten Dunst football teaching newspapers steak tea likes music places family Mr Porter dislikes

22 Kirsten Dunst football teaching newspapers steak tea likes music places family Mr Porter dislikes shopping dogs banks Mr Bean rudeness dogs

23 Kirsten Dunst football teaching newspapers steak tea likes music 3 kids places family Mr Porter wife dislikes shopping dogs banks Mr Bean rudeness dogs

24 Kirsten Dunst football teaching newspapers steak Poland tea likes music Peru 3 kids places family Mr Porter England wife PNG Norway dislikes USA shopping dogs banks Mr Bean rudeness dogs

25 Independent Nottingham Forest Spiderman trumpet Times Kirsten Dunst football teaching physics Guardian newspapers Steak RED! Poland Tetley tea likes rock music Milk, no sugar classical Peru 3 kids places family Mr Porter England wife PNG Norway dislikes USA shopping dogs banks Mr Bean rudeness dogs

26 Independent Nottingham Forest Spiderman trumpet Times Kirsten Dunst football teaching physics Guardian newspapers steak RED! Poland Tetley tea likes rock music Milk, no sugar Alice classical Peru 3 kids George places family Mr Porter Louis England wife PNG Norway dislikes Alison USA shopping dogs banks Mr Bean rudeness dogs

27 Independent Nottingham Forest Spiderman trumpet Times Kirsten Dunst football teaching physics Guardian newspapers steak RED! Poland Tetley tea likes rock music Milk, no sugar Alice classical Peru 3 kids George places family Mr Porter Louis England wife PNG Norway dislikes Alison USA shopping dogs clothes banks Mr Bean Poo! rudeness Natwest dogs Poo! Blackadder queuing

28 Independent Nottingham Forest Spiderman trumpet Times Kirsten Dunst football teaching physics Guardian newspapers Warsaw steak RED! Poland Tetley tea likes rock music Milk, no sugar Alice classical Peru 3 kids George Lima places family Mr Porter Louis England wife Oslo PNG Norway dislikes Alison Port Moresby shopping dogs clothes banks Mr Bean Poo! rudeness Natwest dogs Poo! USA Blackadder queuing Houston

29 Twice European Champions
Wimbledon CD Independent Nottingham Forest Spiderman Bristol University trumpet Times Kirsten Dunst Not mince!! football teaching physics Guardian newspapers Warsaw steak RED! Rush Poland Tetley tea likes rock music 22 Milk, no sugar Alice classical Bruckner Peru 3 kids George Lima 20 places family Mr Porter Louis England 19 wife Oslo PNG Norway dislikes Alison 30 Port Moresby shopping dogs clothes banks Mr Bean Poo! rudeness Natwest dogs Marks and Spencer Poo! Lik lik hus Blackadder queuing USA Houston Norway!

30 Twice European Champions
Wimbledon CD Independent Nottingham Forest Spiderman Bristol University trumpet Times Kirsten Dunst Not mince! football teaching physics Guardian newspapers Warsaw steak RED! Rush Poland Tetley tea likes rock music 22 Milk, no sugar Alice classical Bruckner Peru 3 kids George Lima 20 places family Mr Porter Louis England 19 wife Oslo PNG Norway dislikes Alison 30 Port Moresby shopping dogs clothes banks Mr Bean Poo! rudeness Natwest dogs Marks and Spencer Poo! Lik lik hus Blackadder queuing Norway!

31 You? Can you now do a mind-map about yourself in the front of your books? Remember to use colours and illustrations.

32 HOMEWORK Complete your mind-map
It needs to include at least 20 pieces of information about you Due Monday 18th September

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