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Themes of 2701 Equity Democratic education All children

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1 Themes of 2701 Equity Democratic education All children
Plurality of truths Action research “state of mind” Begins with self

2 Tasks of 2701…relationship to FEAPS
Tests Analysis of Self Field Service design Group research presentation and bid Class participation

3 Tests Tests contribute to the overall course grade but are not the dominant consideration Tests are designed to evaluate students knowledge of and application of the basic theoretical content of the course and address in a cursory FEAPS 2,5, 6, 9,7,11

4 Analysis of self This task asks the student to evaluate their progress in terms of understanding and addressing the basic nature of the course including the FEAPS The student links and uses the field project, the service learning design, the research group project and the field as illustrations and examples of their progress. Analysis of progress in relation to FEAPS 2,5,6,7,9,11 Presentation of analysis of self incorporates FEAPS 12

5 Democratic/intercultural Field experience
Field experiences in 2701 address issues of equity and the education of all children. Students construct an observation checklist that details what “should be” and compare and contrast with what is ( based on FEAPS) Field takes place in an urban inner city setting where the ethnicity is different than that of the university student Daily log and journal Reaction, analysis, summary and synthesis are required. FEAPS 2,5,6,7,9,11

6 Action research “state of mind” service identification and design
Professionals who feel empowered to address the issues of their professional life last longer, do better and progress more rapidly This project asks that students identify and document a service need that addresses the goals of the course…equity fairness opportunity bias, cross cultural communication etc

7 Understanding the service design
This project is a plan to action Highlights the students commitment to social action and to addressing the problems of education of all children in 2001 and beyond. Is evaluated as beginning efforts Each project is different and may address FEAPs 5, 6,7,9,11. FEAPS 12 is addressed in the presentation of the project

8 Group research project
Students select and develop a topic related to the objectives of the course and approved by professor They present the information orally to their classmates(25% of grade) and in a written bid to their professor(75%) goal is to help classmates learn and to stimulate discussion. Students will use a minimum of 5 sources each, prepare a bibliography, develop instructional materials and packets for their classmates and Will evaluate themselves and their group members FEAPS addressed 2,5,6,7,9,11 and 12

9 Class participation Class participation is an opportunity to discuss and explore the topics of the course Provides an opportunity to synthesize and examine our experiences and to begin to relate them to the concepts of FEAPS Provides specific exercises, opportunities and faocus that support and extend our understandings of the sociocultural context of education in 2001 and beyond.

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