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Presentation on theme: "LIFE DURING THE DEPRESSION Sec Pages"— Presentation transcript:

1 LIFE DURING THE DEPRESSION Sec. 25-3 Pages 735-739
Identify: Frances Perkins – Eleanor Roosevelt – Black Cabinet – John Collier – John Steinbeck Explain Dust Bowl – migrant workers – radicals – entertainment and arts in the 1930s

2 General Social Life Families Pulled together
Shared homes with extended family members Survived with less income, food and security Women gave up jobs- worked more at home Women cooked, took on boarders, cleaned, sewed and canned

3 FAMOUS WOMEN Eleanor Roosevelt – “eyes & ears of President
Traveled across country to see conditions

4 Famous Women Frances Perkins Hattie Carraway
Sec. of Labor Sen. Of Arkansas 1st woman cabinet 1st woman Senator

5 DUST BOWL Great Plains area– years of overproduction – drought – strong winds carried loose soil

6 Black Blizzards Huge dust storms that piled up soil around homes, railroad tracks, stopped traffic and damaged land, crops and animal life. Farmers went bankrupt - became migrant workers to harvest crops – Okies -Arkies

7 SUMMARIZE Who traveled across the US as the president’s eyes & ears?
What position in the cabinet did Frances Perkins hold? What name was given to the dry area of the Plains? What were the violent dust storms that piled up dirt miles from the Plains? What two groups were known as the migrant farm workers? SUMMARIZE

8 MINORITIES African Americans lost jobs in South to whites
Black Cabinet – FDR’s informal advisors who were appointed to gov’t jobs – help with prejudice and help African Americans gain jobs. Hispanic Americans – lived mostly in Calif. – Southwest – worked as farmers, migrant workers, laborers. Americans began to demand they return to Mexico

9 Native Americans Poorest ethnic group in US –earned slightly over $50/year John Collier- head of Bureau of Indian Affairs – stopped the sale of reservation land – gov’t will help build schools (PWA) – 77,000 got jobs in CCC Congress passed Indian Reorganization Act – restored traditional tribal gov’t – provided money for land purchases to enlarge some reservations

10 SUMMARIZE Name for African American advisers to FDR.
Americans demanded that Hispanics return to which country? Minority group who was the poorest in the 1930s. Person who headed Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Organization Act restored lands back to whom? SUMMARIZE

11 Radical Political Movements
Socialists and Communists saw the Depression as the death of a failing system. Attracted workers, minority-rights activists to end economic and racial injustice Fascism begins in Germany and Italy – political philosophy that holds the individual second to the nation and advocates government by dictatorship

12 ENTERTAINMENT & ARTS Escapism – help people forget problems –
Movies with happy endings Social criticism –show injustices -suffering of the Depression to force change Art showed people enduring hardships of Depression life. Radio- dramas – Lone Ranger- Superman – Dick Tracy- comedies- variety shows Movies – J.Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath Gone with the Wind –Margaret Mitchell – story of South during/after Civil War

13 Grant Wood Margaret Bourke -White


15 Famous Movie – Book of 1930s Gone with the Wind – The Grapes of Wrath

16 SUMMARIZE Two groups who saw capitalism failing due to the Depression.
Political philosophy that advocates government by dictatorship and holds individual rights second to national interests. What countries began this form of gov’t? Movie concept used to forget problems. Famous movie of 1930s that showed South during/after Civil War. SUMMARIZE


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