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The Life Of Christ Lesson Four – The Beginning Of Christ’s Ministry

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1 The Life Of Christ Lesson Four – The Beginning Of Christ’s Ministry
Jesus’ First Disciples – John 1:35-51 Jesus’ First Miracle – John 2:1-11 Jesus Cleanses the Temple – John 2:13-25 Jesus and Nicodemus – John 3:1-21 John’s Second Testimony – John 3:22-36

2 Jesus’ First Disciples – John 1:35-51
John’s disciples begin to follow Jesus – John 1:35-42 John’s declaration “behold the Lamb of God.” What would such a reference call to mind for a Jew of that day? What did He look like to the human eye? Just a man. John wants us to understand He was much more than a man. Acts 8:32 The One to be the sacrifice for our sins. 1 Peter 1:19 LAMB OF GOD These themes probably included the sin offering (Lev 4), the trespass offering (Lev 5), the sacrifice on the Day of Atonement (Lev 16), and the Passover sacrifice (Ex 12). (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Copyright © 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

3 Jesus’ First Disciples – John 1:35-51
John’s declaration “behold the Lamb of God.” Revelation 5, who is worthy to “open the seals”? The slain Lamb who is worthy of our worship, praise, blessing, honor, glory, and dominion. Revelation 7:9-17, will we be clothed in white robes which were washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are we interested in serving Him day and night? Will we allow Him to be our shepherd and guide? Revelation 12:11, our only hope in victory is through the blood of the Lamb. Revelation 14:1-5, all the saved of all time owe their lives to the Lamb. What we owe the Lamb is our purity and to follow wherever He goes. Revelation 17:14, the Lamb will overcome and those with him are the chosen and faithful. Revelation19:7-9, the marriage of the bride to the Lamb; will we accept the invitation to the marriage feast? LAMB OF GOD These themes probably included the sin offering (Lev 4), the trespass offering (Lev 5), the sacrifice on the Day of Atonement (Lev 16), and the Passover sacrifice (Ex 12). (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Copyright © 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

4 Jesus’ First Disciples – John 1:35-51
John’s disciples begin to follow Jesus – John 1:35-42 “They followed Jesus” - Two disciples then left John to follow after Jesus. Andrew and likely John. Our goal in teaching and preaching: to get others to follow the Messiah. 1 Corinthians 1:12ff. John understood his role. John 3:30, “He must increase but I must decrease.” Remember, John considered himself unworthy or unfit to be even the lowliest of servants to Jesus. Luke 3:16 LAMB OF GOD These themes probably included the sin offering (Lev 4), the trespass offering (Lev 5), the sacrifice on the Day of Atonement (Lev 16), and the Passover sacrifice (Ex 12). (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Copyright © 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

5 Jesus’ First Disciples – John 1:35-51
John’s disciples follow Jesus – John 1:35-42 “They followed Jesus” Any excuses? Have we left all to follow Him? Matthew 19:27-30 What must have taken place? Were they just curious? Or, as disciples of John, had there been some teaching about “the Lamb of God,” that He is the One he came to prepare the way for? LAMB OF GOD These themes probably included the sin offering (Lev 4), the trespass offering (Lev 5), the sacrifice on the Day of Atonement (Lev 16), and the Passover sacrifice (Ex 12). (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Copyright © 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

6 Jesus’ First Disciples – John 1:35-51
John’s disciples follow Jesus – John 1:35-42 Jesus: “What do you seek?” What were they looking for? What were their expectations? Physical or spiritual? “What do you want Me to do for you?” Mark 10:36-45 Tie that question into one of the disciples’ exclamation in verse 41 regarding what they had “found.”

7 Jesus’ First Disciples – John 1:35-51
John’s disciples follow Jesus – John 1:35-42 Disciples: “Rabbi where are You staying?” “Rabbi” – Great one, teacher or master in Jewish schools. See Matthew 23:8 Showing a desire to be with Jesus Christ – to learn from Him. How can we show ours? Their response indicated their desire was more than a moment could satisfy. Did they fully know what they sought?

8 Jesus’ First Disciples – John 1:35-51
John’s disciples follow Jesus – John 1:35-42 Disciples: “Rabbi where are You staying?” “Come and you will see …” – is there more than one way to take that statement? (John 9:39) “They stayed with Him that day” – if they understood Jesus to be the Messiah (see verse 41), the Lamb of God, what would they have been doing during that day? They understood the opportunity before them. Jesus used fleshly things to teach spiritual lessons. Spiritual birth to fleshly birth – John 3:3-8 Spiritual water to fleshly water – John 4:7-14 Spiritual bread to fleshly bread – John 6:30-51

9 Jesus’ First Disciples – John 1:35-51
John’s disciples follow Jesus – John 1:35-42 Andrew: “He found first his own brother Simon …” ‘We have found the Messiah’ … … he brought him to Jesus.” “First” – whichever way you take it, there was a sense of urgency. Start at home! Acts 10:24 Example – sale of fishing tackle vs. sale of women’s shoes. When we start with our family, will they listen? Do they respect us?

10 Jesus’ First Disciples – John 1:35-51
John’s disciples follow Jesus – John 1:35-42 Andrew had great news to share. Step #1 – be convinced yourself. Step #2 – have an intense interest. Step #3 – talk. Why don’t I find it easier like talking about a ball game, concert, restaurant, etc. Example – sale of fishing tackle vs. sale of women’s shoes.

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